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Should Catholics Attend the New Mass? Part 1 Episode 14.1


Further along the topic of the New Mass, the SSPX has published an FAQ video on this topic of the New Mass.

As the New Mass is a banner for all the changes that have happened since the Second Vatican Council, it is natural that it is the most defended 'artifact' of the Council.

Some will recognize this as a play on the words of Cardinal Seper:
Cardinal Seper came in with these words: “Holy Father, they make a banner of the old Mass, we can not grant what they ask for like this.” Source:
To my knowledge, every Ecclesia Dei congregation has had to 'accept' the New Mass along with the Council.

This is what I call Romes "Mantra" accept the Council and the New Mass.  When the Mantra ceases to be repeated, then I believe real change will be manifested in the relations between Traditional Catholics and the rest of the Church of Christ.

A frequent question amongst Catholics today is whether they should attend the New Mass and if this is required to fulfill one's Sunday Obligation. We will examine this topic in Episode 14.1 of our FAQ video series.
This is an important question considering the problems of the Novus Ordo Missae as explained in our previous FAQ video, Episode 7. But to understand the answer, we must first understand the nature of the Sunday Obligation because this is the basis for the inquiry.
Catholics know that one of the Ten Commandments is to "keep holy the Lord's day". The catechism further teaches that the Church's Sunday Precept helps us to fulfill God's commandment by attending Mass on Sunday (and Holy Days) and abstaining from servile work—and she obliges Catholics of these obligations under the pain of mortal sin.
But it must be understood that while the third commandment is a divine law of God, the Sunday Obligation is an ecclesiastical law of the Church. Thus if there are circumstances that make it impractical or impossible to fulfill the obligation of attending Mass on a Sunday or Holy Day, the Church can dispense her members from this rule. Such situations can include ill health, dangerous or even lengthy traveling conditions.
To learn more about the Sunday Precept, watch FAQ video Episode 14.1. There is also sidebar media on the right-hand side of this resource page featuring links about the New Mass.



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