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Bishop Williamson's Grand Delusion


I was surprise to read that Triumph Communications had resumed its interviewing of Bishop Williamson.

Looking at the advertisement, I'm surprised that Bishop Williamson 'tackled' the hot questions since the answers are for the most part either within the reach of most rational people or probably require him to rely upon knowledge that Bishop Williamson gathered when he was still a member of the SSPX.

Now back in the action, Bishop Williamson tackles the following hot questions with his typical candor and eloquence:
  • Under present circumstances, could an agreement between the Society of St. Pius X and Rome work? What is the critical factor which would make it difficult for an agreement to work? [Tradical: This is hardly rocket science. All that is required is a Pope that will be able to withstand the pressures that would result in providing the SSPX with a no-compromise regularization that meets the six conditions.]
  • What were the circumstances and results of the leak of a private exchange of letters between Bishop Fellay and his two assistants, and bishops Williamson, de Galarreta, and Tissier de Mallerais?[Tradical: This would be interesting. However, I understand that a. the letters were leaked from the UK and b. that the Priest who did the leaking remains within the SSPX.  As far as the 'results of the leak', I would assume that Bishop Williamson will put forth the opinion that it prevented the acceptance of a compromised regularization.  Which is his opinion but no less valid than that of Bishop Fellay's.]
  • In the end, why did negotiations between the Society of St. Pius X and Rome break down?[Tradical: I don't know Bishop Williamson's opinion, but I do know the fact: Bishop Fellay would not compromise and refused to 'sign'.  Next question ...]
  • What were the results of the doctrinal discussions between the Society of S. Pius X and Rome? What do the results of these discussions tell us about today's churchmen in the Vatican?[Tradical: This is a leading question as it makes the assumption that the results of the discussions reflect the 'group' of churchmen in the Vatican as a whole. This is a part to whole fallacy and plays to Bishop Williamson's message that you can't obey the hierarchy because they're all modernists / masons / russians / etc.  ]
  • What is the fatal weakness of the modern Church?[Tradical: I wonder if the 'modern Church' is equated with the Catholic Church?]
  • Is the current leadership of the Society of St. Pius X doing a good job of carrying on Archbishop Lefebvre's prophetic role of condemning the errors of Vatican II and modern churchmen?[Tradical: This is absolutely the strangest question to have in this kind of 'interview'.  I have seen no change in Bishop Williamson's opinions concerning either doctrine or the leadership of the SSPX.  In short the words he wrote in reply to his expulsion from the SSPX,  I believe from Bishop Williamson's point of view , are as applicable today as they were in 2012.]
  • Is the traditional movement going soft? What is an underlying dynamic present in modern civilization that is weakening the resolve of many traditional Catholics?[Tradical: That's an interesting question given the theological errors of the 'resistance' that continue to abound daily.  If being enthralled with conspiracy theories (read: Tradcat Knight) or deviating from Church Teaching (read: heresies of the resistance) is what it takes to be 'strong' - then Houston - we have a problem.]
Bishop Williamson concludes these interviews with a heartfelt message to the leadership of the Society of St. Pius X. Listening to The Grand Illusion Delusion is a key to understanding what is going on in the traditional 'resistance' movement.
Based on my discussions with a number of 'resistors' the 'resistance' is not a 'Traditional Catholic' movement because it has deviated from Catholic Doctrine on two key points:

Maybe I am being too harsh on Bishop Williamson.

Perhaps he is simply suffering from a delusion when he makes the claim that he has not been 'unfaithful' to the heritage of Archbishop Lefebvre ( in response to his expulsion ...). Perhaps, it is just natural that the people who are aligned with his worldview will follow him because he presents a simple black and white view of the crisis of the Church.

However, in their fear the 'resistance' does a great injustice to Archbishop Lefebvre when they use his words to discard like heretics various doctrines of the Church. Of course, this method is not new, the sedevacantists have been doing it for decades.

Pray, I fear it's not going to get any easier and only those with clear heads and a strong spiritual life will be left standing.



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