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News Roundup: February 2025

 + JMJ  As expected the pace of life has picked up after the slight and I mean very slight, lull after Christmas. Against the continual and persevering crisis of the Catholic Church we have the Death of Bishop Williamson. Suffice to say that, like many others, I knew Bishop Williamson. I have met with him privately to discuss some rumours that I'd heard from former seminarians, attended both retreats and Doctrinal Sessions at Winona, and on one occasion even had the privilege of driving him to the airport. I saw the breach coming in 2009 and started praying for him to not do, frankly, something stupid.  Yes, I was thinking about the time that he was banned from Canada for comments on the Holocaust. Then three years later we had his expulsion.  I've written criticizing Bishop Williamson's positions on numerous topics (see  Collection - Resistance and Resistors     ) and while the 'resistance' is now set in its erroneous ways, now is the time to pr...
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The Three Principles Supporting the Safety of a State

+ JMJ  A long time ago I worked for a Defence Contractor and during that time I took to reading the magazines and journals available at my workplace. It still keep tabs on military developments by reading public domain sources like Defense News, Defense One and other reports. The following statement made by the Polish DPM and Defence Minister caught my eye: “States are safe when three principles are met: the strength of their societies, the strength of their militaries, and the strength of their alliances,” Polish Deputy Prime Minister and National Defence Minister Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz said, as quoted in a statement released by his ministry. Defense News: German Patriot batteries begin guarding Ukraine aid hub in Poland While I'm not certain if the principles are all encompassing, but they do provide a point to ponder.  Rome's fall, according to popular assessment, coincided with its economic, moral and military decay. Looking at these words, I wonder if there is a hierar...

Skojec, Aliens, Critical Thinking and the Loss of Faith

 + JMJ   Introduction I have written my thoughts about Steve Skojec previously in The Curious Case of Steve Skojec (link) . In that article I compared him to others who have fallen in the fight and, to my mind, for the wrong reasons. Before he sold 1P5, I noticed his frustrated ranks on twitter/X. It was like there were two people. Anyway one theme that emerged was the appearance of a theme of UAPs being Alien  ... that is ... of extra-terrestrial origin. My first thought back then was, "I'd love to see incontrovertible evidence." A Little Background A little bit of history. Back in the heady days following 911. To be clear I'm not referring to the TV show but the September 11 attacks - Wikipedia .  A number of friends and even a priest provided 'evidence' on a DVD that actually got me angry. As my spouse has brought to my attention, I have a strong desire to seek the truth. This results in my attention to details and ... when I was younger ... a maddening com...

Prayer for the Conversion of a Loved One

 + JMJ   Prayer for the Conversion of a Loved One O divine and adorable Savior, Thou who art the way, the truth, and the life, I beseech Thee to have mercy upon N., and bring him [or her] to the knowledge and love of Thy truth. Thou, O Lord, knowest all his (her) darkness, his (her) weakness, and his (her) doubts: have pity upon him (her) , O merciful Savior; let the bright beams of Thy eternal truth shine upon his (her) mind; clear away the cloud of error and prejudice from before his (her) eyes, and may he (she) humbly submit to and embrace with his (her) whole heart the teaching of Thy Church.  Oh, let not the soul for whom I pray be shut out from Thy blessed fold! Unite him (her) to Thyself in the sacraments of Thy love, and grant that, partaking of the blessings of Thy grace in this life, he (she) may come at last to the possession of those eternal rewards which Thou hast promised to all those who believe in Thee and who do Thy will. Hear this my petitio...