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Showing posts from August, 2015

The Holy Rosary: Ultimate Liturgy - The Remnant

+ JMJ This is an old, but good article about the Rosary and quite apropos as we wait in the wings of the second half of the Synod of the Family. P^3 Courtesy of The Remnant THE HOLY ROSARY: Ultimate Liturgy  Featured Written by  Solange Hertz The Rosary Is Her Gift To Us...Not Even the Pope Can Change That (Fundamental Reasons Why So Many Faithful Catholics Never Embraced the Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary) There is no mention whatever of the Rosary in the documents of the Second Vatican Council. Not even in the Dogmatic Constitution  Lumen Gentium , whose final chapter deals exclusively with our Lady ’s role in the Church. A vague reference in Article 67 to “practices and exercises of devotion towards her” might be assumed to include it, but according to Bishop Rendeiro of Coïmbra, the Bishops who wished to add to the text “the Rosary with meditation on the Mysteries of the life of Christ and the Blessed Virgin” were voted down....

Lead up to Synod 2015

+ JMJ The reaction to the Synod propaganda is interesting.  The liberals are salivating and the conservatives are cringing while saying the Holy Ghost is in charge (partially correct ... but they better brush up on the doctrine of infallibility) and the Traditionalists are saying: Well, what did you expect? All I'll say at this point is: Pray because the deeper the hole the unworthy Leaders of the Church dig, the more dramatic will be the cave in. P^3 Courtesy of LifeSiteNews

Resistance Round-Up for the Month

+ JMJ I've decided that posting only periodically on the 'Resistance' is a better course instead of jumping on every statement that they make.  The reason is that, since they produce a fair number of statements that contradict or mislead, I would be constantly talking about them.

Michael Voris and a little Satire

+ JMJ Satire: a way of using humor to show that someone or something is foolish, weak, bad, etc. : humor that shows the weaknesses or bad qualities of a person, government, society, etc. The dogmatized positions (principles?) of Michael Voris are nicely exposed in this piece from A-CNN. I think that similarity between Michael's coif and that of a recent political aspirant is a nice touch and a reminder to keep one's sense of humour. P^3 Courtesy of the Remnant

Principles ... Guides to Live By - Just Make Certain They're Good Ones!!! (aka Michael Voris 2010 vs 2015)

+ JMJ I mentioned some time ago that if Michael Voris persisted with his dogmatized opinions (ie Thou Shalt Not Criticize the Pope no matter what he does, SSPX is in schism, etc ...) he would end up painting himself into a corner. Setting aside the schism opinion, there's his attack (for lack of a better word) on the SSPX for stating that Catholics should avoid the New Mass. Well, the Remnant did a little digging and brought to surface the fact that a mere 5 years ago Mr. Voris  held practically the same opinion as the SSPX. Now, the question is who was right? Mr. Voris of 2010 or Mr. Voris of 2015???  I wonder if Mr. Voris will seek to explain the contradiction. The lesson of not being too attached to celebrity Catholics is being repeated. P^3 Courtesy of the Remnant

SSPX vs ... everyone ... or so it seems.

+ JMJ In the battle of the Church vs the World, bet on the SSPX. This is only tongue in cheek so please keep your sense of humour. It would appear the Bishop Schneider's little interview has prompted the 'opponents' of the SSPX into action ... once again. This is very similar to the time when Pope Benedict XVI lifted the excommunications. First we had Mr. Voris' spin of the clarification provided by Bishop Schneider.  Interestingly, how Mr. Voris et al didn't refer to what the SSPX ACTUALLY stated concerning the interview. Instead, they decided to focus on people who don't speak for the SSPX.

The Way Forward - Leading A Virtuous Life - Part 7 Conclusion

+ JMJ At this point, I've now covered the whole Catholic Encyclopedia article on Virtue.  I've already come across some other virtues that I'll add when I have time / inclination - such as Mercy. I will admit that some virtues are explained differently than I had anticipated.  This may be due to the language shift that occurs over a century.  (NB: I have edited some of the following text for brevity, but have run out of time - so the rest is a c&p from the original article.)

The Way Forward - Leading A Virtuous Life - Part 6 Theological Virtues

+ JMJ We have now reached the pinnacle of the virtues - the Theological Virtues. Without the theological virtues, particularly Faith, salvation is impossible.

CMTV's "Clarification" Of Bishop Schneider Part 3 - 1 Peter 5 Commentary / PodCast

+ JMJ One Peter Five has made a podcast that provides some perspective on the whole Rome/SSPX/CMTV debacle. Here's a link to the Podcast page  and below you'll find the transcript. I don't know why CMTV has decided to stand on their soap box and state that the SSPX is schismatic. As I discussed here , they have not presented the positions of the SSPX correctly so, I'm guessing at this point that they're just ignorant and ... want to remain in that state. P^3

CMTV's "Clarification" Of Bishop Schneider Part 2 - Remnant Review

+ JMJ Chris Ferrara has outlined how the clarification of Bishop Schneider does not support CMTV's perspective of the canonical situation of the SSPX. P^3 Courtesy of the Remnant link with additional reference.

CMTV's "Clarification" Of Bishop Schneider Part 1 - Tradicat Review

+ JMJ So, CMTV has now published Bishop Schneider's "clarifications".  What is lacking is the questions that were presented to Bishp Schneider. Unfortunately, CMTV is attempting to spin this by not asking specific questions such as "is the SSPX in formal schism), making assumptions about the SSPX position and the comments provided by various supporters of the SSPX who exerted the energy to comment on CMTV's site. Here's a link to the original interview , my previous post in the topic  and CMTV's immune response to the interpretations of the Bishop Schneider's words. Now what did the SSPX officially state with regards to Bishop Schneider's visits? Auxiliary Bishop Schneider has affirmed the SSPX thinks with the Church's mind. Hence, there should be no serious reason for denying the priestly society full canonical recognition.( ) That seems to be pretty clear and concise.  The rest of the post on is simply a quot...

The Way Forward - Leading A Virtuous Life - Part 5 Moral Virtues ► Fortitude

+ JMJ This is not a reference to intestinal fortitude that is required to read Cardinal Kasper et al's writings. It is a reference to the virtue by which one endures the hardships that God sends us in life and specifically those that accompany this crisis of the Church. These could include the separation from loved ones over Catholic principles (divorce, communion in the hand, priestesses, New Mass, Four V2 Things ), or just trying to live as a Catholic in a Godless world (note this is worse than living in a pagan world ...)

FFI - New Commissar

+ JMJ It`s been a while since I`ve had to opportunity to think / write about the travails of the FFI.  The 'visitation' of the FFI is important because it provides some insights to what could have happened to the SSPX without adequate protections. In short, the seminaries, university, printing facilities etc have been shut down.  More importantly the use of the Tridentine Mass severely limited (I know that the FFI at the shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in La Crosse still have a TLM once a week). All this because of a 'label' accusation of 'crypto-lefebvrism'. It is funny how the use of a label - which doesn't really mean anything specific - can invoke all sorts of images but still say nothing whatsoever about the actual crimes of the accused. Of course, I know what the issue is because the same issue is the reason that the SSPX is still not canonically regular. Specifically, their refusal to accept without distinction the Second Vatican Council a...

The Way Forward - Leading A Virtuous Life - Part 4 Moral Virtues ► Temperance

+ JMJ We last saw that Justice regulates our relations with others, God and our fellow-men (or women as the case may be).  Temperance is focused on regulating our 'relations' with our passions that have been in rebellion since the fall. The following diagram outlines the virtue of temperance in its subordinates and annexed virtues following the Catholic Encyclopedia model.

CMTV's Response to Bishop Schneider

+ JMJ I figured that CMTV would have a 'response' to the responses to Bishop Schneider's interview. Here's what I found on suscipedomine :

The Way Forward - Leading A Virtuous Life - Part 3 Moral Virtues ► Justice

+ JMJ Justice is a concept that I believe many think of in terms of legal systems, but are ignorant of Justice as a moral virtue.  The overarching concept is in every interaction to give everyone (God and man) what they deserve, be it respect, obedience to our duties, being generous.

"Resistors" and the path of Archbishop Lefebvre

+ JMJ As it is rather timely, here's another 'resistance' post. The 'resistance' blog 'tradcatknight' (TCK) has posted an answer to some 'critics' that bears examination as it manifests a number of the 'resistance' assumptions.  While I have discussed some core assumptions in this series , TCK has demonstrated the diversity of opinions within the 'resistance' that would fall into Old Bishop Williamsons 'sedevacantist' category .

Bishop Athanasius Schneider: "there are no weighty reasons in order to deny the clergy and faithful of the SSPX the official canonical recognition" - Rorate Caeli

+ JMJ The timing of this vis-a-vis Bishop Molrino's letter is interesting and still encouraging. While this indicates that at least Bishop Schneider sees no legitimate barriers to accepting the SSPX 'as we are', what remains to be seen is if the six conditions are granted. I noticed that onepeterfive has also picked up on this story with an expanded scope. Mr. Vennari has also picked up on this story on CFNEWS . Last thought, when Father Couture was asked if the October Synod had changed Cardinal Mueller's opinion of the SSPX, the reply was an immediate: "Absolutely". P^3 Source: Rorate-Caeli

Should Catholics Attend the New Mass? Part 2 Episode 15.2

+ JMJ It is fitting that the SSPX has concluded their "Our Catholic Faith Today" series with the final installment on the Mass. Why? Because the Mass (or supposed to be anyway) the expression of the Teachings of the Church.  In organizational culture terms, it is the ultimate cultural artifact. Something not mentioned is the principle of Lex Orandi, Lex Credendi . Which shows that the Church understood psychology far earlier than the recent onslaught of 'psychologists'. P^3 Courtesy of

Father MacDonald on Apples and Oranges

+ JMJ Father MacDonald wrote the following on his blog " Southern orders: Mixing Apples and Oranges " Many Catholics who attend these chapels think they are receiving absolution in "confession" and are validly being "married" but they are not and thus when they go to Holy Communion they are doing so in a state of mortal sin compounded by their illicit civil union which is an invalid sacrament. My comment - which has yet to appear on his blog  - was approximately the following: If the Catholic thought they were receiving absolution, then they were absolved and married because of their error - following Canon Law. As an aside, the SSPX does not claim to have 'ordinary jurisdiction' - although I understand that some dioceses have provided them with faculties (don't know which - just heard on a forum ...).  If they did make that claim, then they would truly be schismatic.   My comment has appeared: Hi Father, If this is true: ...

The Way Forward - Leading A Virtuous Life - Part 2 Intellectual Virtues

+ JMJ In this article I will summarize the Intellectual Virtues and provide my thoughts on how a Catholic should apply them in this age. Intellectual virtues Intellectual virtue may be defined as a habit perfecting the intellect to elicit with readiness acts that are good in reference to their proper object, namely, truth. As the intellect is called speculative or practical according as it confines itself to the sole contemplation of truth or considers truth in reference to action, the intellectual virtues may be classified according to this twofold function of the mental faculty.

A Look Back: Traditionalists, Conservatives and Sedevacantists - Which are the true Catholics? - Bishop Williamson of the 90's

+ JMJ I refer to this pamphlet so often (mostly in discussions with resistors), I thought it deserved its own posting.  I have reproduced the text so that it will be easily cut and pasted.

Bishop Williamson's Grand Delusion

+ JMJ I was surprise to read that Triumph Communications had resumed its interviewing of Bishop Williamson. Looking at the advertisement, I'm surprised that Bishop Williamson 'tackled' the hot questions since the answers are for the most part either within the reach of most rational people or probably require him to rely upon knowledge that Bishop Williamson gathered when he was still a member of the SSPX.

Bishop Robert C. Molrino of Madison and the SSPX - Part 2 Louie Verrecchio

+ JMJ Louie Verrecchio has picked up on Bishop Molrino's article on the SSPX and provided some deeper insights. P^3 Courtesy of Louie Verrecchio

Bishop Robert C. Molrino of Madison and the SSPX

+ JMJ Bishop Molrino of Madison has issued a warning concerning the SSPX ( warning of Bishop Molrino ). The letter is of interest because it provides a perspective on the SSPX that misses some key points. The 50 years since the close of the Second Vatican Council have been tumultuous for the Church. Forces both inside and outside of the Church tried to distort and exploit the council and the post-conciliar liturgical reforms to create a new Church after their own image.

The Way Forward - Leading a Virtuous Life - Part 1

+ JMJ How does one lead a virtuous life in a world bereft of virtue? This is a question that all Catholics worthy (or unworthy) of the name should be asking themselves. I just read the following in the Imitation of Christ: The life of a good religious man ought to be eminent in all virtues, that he may be such interiorly as he appears to men in the exterior. And with good reason ought he to be much more in his interior that he exteriorly appear; because he who beholds us is God, of whom we ought exceedingly to stand in awe, wherever we are, and like angels walk pure in His sight. Imitation of Christ Book 1, Chapter 19

URGENT: Doctors who object to abortion could face disciplinary action under "human rights" codes

+ JMJ There is a growing intent to prevent Doctors from invoking Freedom of Conscience when they refuse certain immoral medical procedures. There is a petition that I recommend you sign here: . You may find it odd that I have added this to the 'crisis of the Church' label.  I did this because I am convinced that if the Church was not in crisis, then the 40% of Canadians who are Catholic would have prevented this 'issue' for ever arising. ... of course Canada has had many more 'Catholic' politicians than the USA ... P^3 Below is an email that I received: Tomorrow, Friday, August 7th is the final day of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Saskatchewan's "public consultation" on a policy of conscientious objection. Here's what you can do: 1. Click here to watch the video update. Please share it on Facebook and Twitter. 2. Encourage your family and friends to sign our p...

A look back: The Church The Priesthood and the Tridentine Indult (SSPX) and Dealing with Grief (Tradical)

+ JMJ The 'steps' in dealing with grief are, I believe, useful in providing some insight to the reaction of Catholics to the changes in the Church since the Second Vatican Council and are symptoms of the crisis.  A quick synopsis is that this process (normally applied to the grief of a loss of a loved one) describes the progress from a denial to acceptance of reality. Denial and Isolation Many Catholics seem to still be in this stage - particularly the conservatives.  From them we have the claims of a 'New Pentecost', 'Springtime' etc of the Church. Some others seek to isolate themselves from the pain of seeing the Church in its current state. Just as the majority of the Apostle's couldn't stand seeing Our Lord Jesus Christ go through His Passion. Anger Those who have known Church Teaching and been imbued with its pre-conciliar culture had an immediate self-defense reaction to the novelties.   I have observed that a number of traditiona...

Should Catholics Attend the New Mass? Part 1 Episode 14.1

+ JMJ Further along the topic of the New Mass, the SSPX has published an FAQ video on this topic of the New Mass. As the New Mass is a banner for all the changes that have happened since the Second Vatican Council, it is natural that it is the most defended 'artifact' of the Council. Some will recognize this as a play on the words of Cardinal Seper: Cardinal Seper came in with these words: “ Holy Father, they make a banner of the old Mass, we can not grant what they ask for like this .”  Source: To my knowledge, every Ecclesia Dei congregation has had to 'accept' the New Mass along with the Council. This is what I call Romes "Mantra" accept the Council and the New Mass.  When the Mantra ceases to be repeated, then I believe real change will be manifested in the relations between Traditional Catholics and the rest of the Church of Christ. P^3 NB: At this link is a list of all the current FAQ videos. Courtesy of

Discussions with Rome - Updated

+ JMJ As most people who follow the SSPX would know, there were some meetings between Cardinal Mueller, Cardinal Brandmueller, and Bishop Schneider at various houses of the SSPX. Aside from that there has been little reported on progress or lack thereof in the media. Cardinal Mueller has given an interview in which he had the following to say ( Source: Rorate Caeli ):

Must Catholics Attend the New Mass? -

+ JMJ Having discussed the licety of the New Mass, the question is are Catholic obliged to attend the New Mass?  After all there is a grave duty to fulfill our Sunday Obligation (even if a number of priests are refusing to inform Catholics of this duty). Ultimately, the question for most Catholics should be: Does attendance at the Novus Ordo Missae present a danger to the faith.  As noted below: ... anyone who “without a real impediment” fails to hear Mass on days of obligation commits a mortal sin; otherwise, “[a]ny moderately grave reason suffices to excuse one from assistance at Holy Mass, such as considerable hardship or corporal or spiritual harm either to oneself or another”(Fr. Heribert Jone, Moral Theology, No. 198). Does participation at Masses where Communion in the hand is practiced constitute a danger to the Faith?  Lex Orandi, Lex Credidi is a Catholic principle and receiving communion in the hand like protestants does have an effect. First, th...

The 'Six Conditions'

+ JMJ Here are the six conditions that the SSPX has laid out for considering a canonical regularization. Sine qua non conditions: The freedom to preserve, transmit and teach the sound doctrine of the constant Magisterium of the Church and of the unchangeable truth of divine Tradition; the freedom to prohibit, correct and reprove, even publicly, those who foment the errors or innovations of modernism, liberalism, the Second Vatican Council and their consequences;  The freedom to use the 1962 liturgy exclusively. To preserve the sacramental practice that we presently have (including: Holy Orders, Confirmation, Matrimony);  A guarantee of at least one bishop. Desirable conditions: Society should have its own tribunals, in the first instance, Exemption of houses of the SSPX from the diocesan bishops, A Pontifical Commission in Rome for Tradition “answering directly to the Pope, with the majority of its members and governing board in favor of Tradition.”  ...

Is the New Mass Legit?

+ JMJ The question of the New Mass is one of the points of contention between Rome and the SSPX.  The SSPX normally refers describes the New Mass as Evil - in this context meaning the 'absence of a due good'. I know that many Catholics who are not 'traditionalist' will find this hard to understand let alone accept. The Mass is supposed to represent, embody and reinforce  the Dogma's and Doctrines of the Catholic Faith. The issue is that, primarily because of what was removed, the Novus Ordo Missae no longer does that - so there is an absence of a due good. I know from personal experience that some Catholics see any discussion on the New Mass as an attack upon them personally.  I simply ask them to take a step back from what they believe to be a perfect expression of Catholic Faith and compare it with the expression of Catholic Faith found in the Tridentine Mass. P^3