Courtesy of DICI
Cardinal Müller invites Bishop Fellay to meet with him
5-09-2014Having been invited by Rome, Bishop Bernard Fellay will meet with Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, during the second half of September 2014. This interview was presented to the Superior General of the Society of Saint Pius X as an informal meeting to review the relations between the SSPX and Rome, which were discontinued at the departure of Cardinal William Levada, Cardinal Müller’s predecessor, and the resignation of Benedict XVI. This will in fact be the first meeting between Cardinal Müller and Bishop Fellay.
On September 3, 2014, on his website the Vatican Insider, the Italian journalist Andrea Tornielli announces this meeting and noted that the new District Superior of France, Father Christian Bouchacourt had the opportunity when he was superior of the District of south America, to meet Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, then Archbishop of Buenos Aires. Since then they have had contact on purely administrative matters concerning the District of South America.The Superior General of the Society of Saint Pius X will go to Rome, following the example of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, who always accepted invitations of the Roman authorities. What will be said at this meeting is obviously unknown, yet Bishop Fellay will not have forgotten what Cardinal Müller said about the SSPX, as reported in the Corriere della Sera on December 22, 2013 : « The canonical excommunication of the bishops for their illegal ordinations was revoked, but a de facto sacramental excommunication remains for their schism; they put themselves out of communion with the Church. After that we are not closing the door and never will, but we are inviting them to be reconciled. But they too must change their attitude, accept the conditions of the Catholic Church, and the Supreme Pontiff as the definitive criterion for membership. »And surely the Superior General will have in mind the declaration made with the Society’s other two bishops on June 27, 2013, on the occasion of the twenty-fifth anniversary of their episcopal consecration : « It was love of the Church which guided Archbishop Lefebvre and which guides his sons. It is the same desire to “pass on the Catholic priesthood in all its doctrinal purity and its missionary charity” (Archbishop Lefebvre, Spiritual Journey) which animates the Society of Saint Pius X at the service of the Church, when it asks with insistence for the Roman authorities to regain the treasure of doctrinal, moral and liturgical Tradition. »(Sources : FSSPX/MG/vaticaninsider – DICI du 05/09/14)
Bishop Fellay will be going to Rome to meet with Cardinal Mueller.
This provides us with an occasion to pray for the Will of God to be done - not ours.
In addition Rorate Caeli has posted a short article on how this came to be public knowledge.
Some addition commentary has already and predictably appeared in the mainstream press.
Courtesy of Louie Verrecchio
I just received the following from the Communications Director of the SSPX, Fr. Pierre Duverger, SSPX, concerning the rumored (now verified) meeting between Bishop Fellay and Cardinal Müller.
As a special courtesy, please see the announcement below given to our priests today. This announcement has already been rumored by some blogs in France. Dici will publish a Press Release tomorrow.
The date is kept confidential to avoid any Press pressure. The invitation comes from Rome but will be kept unofficial by Rome.
If you want to publish this info, I would appreciate that you make a reference to the Press Release of Dici when published tomorrow or to the sspx.org website.
Rome: Invited by Rome, the Superior General will in early autumn meet with Cardinal Müller, prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. This will be the first meeting with the successor of Cardinal Levada. The last took place on June 13, 2012. The meeting will be an occasion to review the situation and present, yet again, the Society’s position in line with the General Chapters of 2006 and 2012 and the official declarations (Letters to Friends and Benefactors of April 12, 2013 and April 13, 2014; declaration on the occasion of the 25thanniversary of the episcopal consecrations, June 27, 2013). Everyone is requested to pray for the Superior General, especially given Cardinal Müller’s positions on the Society, which were reiterated recently. According to him, the only path open to the Society is acceptance of the Second Vatican Council, the rejection of which might have grave consequences. (For reference one may read the interview given to the Corriere della Sera on December 22, 2013. Cf. DICI no. 288 January 17, 2014)
Links for:
- Letter to Friends and Benefactors of April 12, 2013:
- Letter to Friends and Benefactors of April 13, 2014:
- Declaration of June 27, 2013:
- Interview of Cardinal Müller, December 22, 2013:
Notes: in the previous publication we wrote Müller as Mueller!
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