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The Elimination of Pockets of Resistance


Tolerance is just a buzzword in the Catholic Church.

There is no tolerance for 'crypto-lefebvrists' or those who would stand up for them.  Just ask Cardnial Burke.

Now Rorate has another article about the FFI, which I reproduce here the key point because of its importance.
But what brings them to mind is this small excerpt of Marco Tosatti's latest text on the status of things in Rome and the new phenomenon of De-Ratzingerization. Tosatti, by the way, speaks of the demotion of Cardinal Burke as a fait accompli. Because of the harsh intervention that has brought about the near-destruction of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate, many priests of that institute have tried to find refuge by asking to leave the order and be incardinated as secular priests of regular dioceses. Marco Tosatti, the senior religious correspondent for ancient Italian daily La Stampareports the following:
The transferral of Cañizares to Spain had appeared in the Iberian press – with no small irritation of the interested party – some months before the decision had been made official. And the same thing happens with Burke. It is astonishing because no pope before this one – to my knowledge – has anathematized gossip and rumor-mongering, repeatedly and often, as much as the current one; and yet, clearly, also his close entourage is not without sin.And we hope that the unconfirmed report, according to which the Pope is said to have asked for the list of bishops who incardinate in their dioceses the friars of the Franciscans of the Immaculate who wish to abandon the order after its intervention and compulsory re-education, is not true. But unfortunately, we fear the opposite.If, as Tosatti clearly implies it is, this information is true (which would not be shocking considering the evolution of current events), the situation of the former Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate is even more suffocating as before, on a level never before seen in the Church in recent centuries (for instance, there certainly was no blacklist of dioceses incardinating as secular priests the former Jesuits after the suppression of the order in the 18th century, and in similar cases). These poor priest-friars will simply remain with no way out, other than completely abandoning the priesthood, if even the bishops willing to welcome those who want to leave the modified order are blacklisted by the highest levels in the Vatican. (Of course, if true, the bishops can still incardinate them, but are aware that they may suffer consequences.)
The 'compulsory re-education' is striking and reminds me of the 're-education' that I understand occurred after the Council.  It also reminds me of the manipulation of the Korean POW's.

Cue Fr. Greiger who will probably post some denial of this version of the events.

At this point, "Me thinks he doth protest to much".

So what is the way forward?

Barring some serious Divine Intervention, it looks like things are going to get much worse before they get better.

But it will get better because Our Lord Jesus Christ is God and He said that the Church will stand to the end of time.



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