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Dozens of Utah Catholics answer call to join ministry: Angel Queen


h/t:  Angelqueen / Tom

Part of the confusion in the Church, from a cultural as well as doctrinal point of view, is the lack of distinction between the Internal Priesthood of the Laity and the External Priesthood of the Ordained.

The following is the clear doctrine of the Church on this matter as noted in the Catechism of the Council of Trent.

Twofold Priesthood But as Sacred Scripture describes a twofold priesthood, one internal and the other external, it will be necessary to have a distinct idea of each to enable pastors to explain the nature of the priesthood now under discussion. 

The Internal Priesthood Regarding the internal priesthood, all the faithful are said to be priests, once they have been washed in the saving waters of Baptism. Especially is this name given to the just who have the Spirit of God, and who, by the help of divine grace, have been made living members of the great High-priest, Jesus Christ; for, enlightened by faith which is inflamed by charity, they offer tip spiritual sacrifices to God on the altar of their hearts. Among such sacrifices must be reckoned every good and virtuous action done for the glory of God.  
Hence we read in the Apocalypse: Christ hath washed us front our sins. in his own blood and hath made us a kingdom, and priests to God and his Father. In like manner was it said by the Prince of the Apostles: Be you also as living stones built up, a spiritual house a holy priesthood offering up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God by Jesus Christ; while the Apostle exhorts us to present our bodies a living sacrifice holy , pleasing unto God your reasonable service. And long before this David had said: A sacrifice to God is an afflicted spirit: a contrite and humble heart O God thou wilt not despise. All this clearly regards the internal priesthood. 

The External Priesthood 
The external priesthood, on the contrary, does not pertain to the faithful at large, but only to certain men who have been ordained and consecrated to God by the lawful imposition of hands and by the solemn ceremonies of holy Church, and who are thereby devoted to a particular sacred ministry.  
This distinction of the priesthood can be seen even in the Old Law. That David spoke of the internal priesthood, we have just shown. On the other hand, everyone knows the many and various precepts given by the Lord to Moses and Aaron regarding the external priesthood. Along with this He appointed the whole tribe of Levi to the ministry of the Temple, and He forbade by law that anyone belonging to another tribe should dare to intrude himself into that function. Hence it was that King Ozias was afflicted with leprosy by the Lord for having usurped the sacerdotal ministry, and had to suffer grave chastisements for his arrogance and sacrilege.  
Now as the same distinction (of a twofold) priesthood may be noted in the New Law, the faithful should be cautioned that what we are now about to say concerns that external priesthood which is conferred on certain special individuals. This alone belongs to the Sacrament of Holy Orders. 
Since the Council this clear distinction, has been lost completely due to usurpation by the Laity of Priestly functions such as:
  1. Reading the scriptures
  2. Distribution of Holy Communion
  3. Giving homilies at Mass
  4.  Lay ecclesial ministers that "cannot celebrate Mass, but they can conduct a Communion service, prepare Catholics for marriage or baptism and manage parishes" (source)
(Rick Egan | The Salt Lake Tribune) Candidates surround the altar to recite their promises of service during the Mass and Blessing of Lay Ecclesial Ministers at the Cathedral of the Madeleine on Saturday. Eighty-five lay Catholics, were commissioned Saturday Aug. 9, 2014, by Bishop John Wester.

The problem is that culture is embedded and carried by people.  These people should be viewed more as victims of the culture change as opposed to perpetrators.

Would they even agree with the doctrine as quoted at the beginning of this post?



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