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Meeting Between Cardinal Mueller and Bishop Fellay - Updated


Update: Scroll bottom to see SSPX communique.

Rorate has posted a notice about the meeting here and attached below is the Rorate copy of the Vatican press release, which can be found here.

While it is of no real import that the SSPX goes to Rome when asked, as this has always been their modus operandi, what is of import is the last sentence:

During the meeting, various problems of a doctrinal and canonical nature were examined, and it was decided to proceed gradually and over a reasonable period of time in order to overcome difficulties and with a view to the envisioned full reconciliation.
This is almost the same as the situation from 2001.

2001: Rome approaches the SSPX, SSPX citing the heavy-handed approach to the FSSP, indicates distrust.  The result are the two pre-conditions to discussion (freedom for the Mass, lifting of the excommunications).  It was also resolved to proceed in stages.

2014: What was old is new again. Rome calls the SSPX and the decision is to proceed 'gradually'. I would presume that Bishop Fellay:

  1. Cited the heavy-handed approach to the FFI,
  2. Outlined the 6 conditions which contains some of the doctrinal and canonical issues
  3. Discussed the key doctrinal issues from the point of view of the SSPX.

As a counter, I presume that Cardinal Mueller requested that the SSPX accept the conditions of Rome:
  1. The Second Vatican Council without reservation
  2. The 'conciliar' reforms (New Mass et al)
  3. The 'post-conciliar' Magisterium
This is my supposition since I was not in the room, even as a fly.  I base my guess on that it is the first meeting between the actors, it appears that we are truly back to a new beginning stage, it is likely that positional statements such as those above were made.  

Last thought, with a change in people comes a reforming of the 'team', which will lead to 'storming', 'norming' and then 'performing'. 

Barring a sudden change in principles on either side, I would predict that the gradual progress will extend well into the next Pontificate and hopefully before the next SSPX General Chapter.


For the record the 6 sine qua non and desirable conditions:

The sine qua non conditions are verbatim:
1. “The freedom to preserve, transmit and teach the sound doctrine of the constant Magisterium of the Church and of the unchangeable truth of divine Tradition;  the freedom to prohibit, correct and reprove, even publicly, those who foment the errors or innovations of modernism, liberalism, the Second Vatican Council and their consequences;
2. The freedom to use the 1962 liturgy exclusively. To preserve the sacramental practice that we presently have (including: Holy Orders, Confirmation, Matrimony);
3. A guarantee of at least one bishop.”
Three “desirable conditions” were also mentioned: that the Society should have its own tribunals, that its houses should be independent from the local bishops, and that a Pontifical Commission for Tradition should be instituted “answering directly to the Pope, with the majority of its members and governing board in favor of Tradition.” A procedural rule was established: the superior general and his council will not exercise their own authority to accept a proposed canonical normalization, but will convoke an Extraordinary General Chapter that will have a deliberative vote, with an absolute majority required for acceptance. 

on Meeting of Cardinal Müller and Society of Saint Pius X Superiors

Palace of the Holy Office, Rome

"On the morning of Tuesday 23 September from 11 am to 1 pm, a cordial meeting took place at the premises of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, between Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Muller, prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and Bishop Bernard Fellay, superior general of the Society of St. Pius X. The meeting was also attended by Archbishops Luis Francisco Ladaria Ferrer, S.I., secretary of the same Congregation, Joseph Augustine Di Noia, O.P., adjunct secretary and Guido Pozzo, secretary of the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei, along with two assistants from the Society of St. Pius X, Rev. Niklaus Pfluger and Rev. Alain-Marc Nély.

"During the meeting, various problems of a doctrinal and canonical nature were examined, and it was decided to proceed gradually and over a reasonable period of time in order to overcome difficulties and with a view to the envisioned full reconciliation."

[Original Italian text: Si è svolto oggi, martedì 23 settembre dalle ore 11 alle ore 13 in un clima di cordialità presso la sede della Congregazione per la Dottrina della Fede, l’incontro tra l’ Cardinale Gerhard Ludwig Müller, Prefetto della Congregazione per la Dottrina della Fede e S.E. Mons. Bernard Fellay, Superiore generale della Fraternità Sacerdotale S. Pio X. All’incontro erano presenti gli Ecc.mi: Mons. Luis Francisco Ladaria Ferrer, SI, Segretario della medesima Congregazione, Mons. Joseph Augustine Di Noia, OP, Segretario Aggiunto e Mons. Guido Pozzo, Segretario della Pontificia Commissione Ecclesia Dei, nonché gli assistenti della FSSPX Rev.di Niklaus Pfluger e Alain-Marc Nély. Durante l’incontro si sono esaminati alcuni problemi di ordine dottrinale e canonico e si è inteso di procedere per gradi e in tempi ragionevoli verso il superamento delle difficoltà e l’auspicato raggiungimento della piena riconciliazione.]

[French Translation: Ce matin, le Préfet de la Congrégation pour la doctrine de la foi s'est entretenu pendant deux heures avec Mgr.Bernard Fellay, Supérieur de la Fraternité sacerdotale St.Pie X, accompagné par ses Assistants l'Abbé Nikolaus Pfluger et l'Abbé Alain-Marc Nély. Le Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller était accompagné du Secrétaire et du Secrétaire adjoint du dicastère, les Archevêques Mgr.Luis Francisco Ladaria Ferrer, SJ, et Mgr.Joseph Augustine Di Noia, OP, ainsi que de l’Archevêque Mgr.Guido Pozzo, Secrétaire de la Commission pontificale Ecclesia Dei. Les parties, qui ont examiné certaines questions d'ordre doctrinal et canonique, ont convenu de procéder par paliers mais dans un délai raisonnable vers le dépassement des difficultés. Et ce dans la perspective désirée d'une pleine réconciliation.]

[Spanish Translation: De las 11 a las 13 de esta mañana y en un clima de cordialidad ha tenido lugar en la Congregación para la Doctrina de la Fe el encuentro entre Su Eminencia el cardenal Gerhard Ludwig Müller, Prefecto de la Congregación para la Doctrina de la Fe y Su Excelencia Mons. Bernard Fellay, Superior General de la Fraternidad Sacerdotal San Pío X. En el encuentro estaban presentes los Excelentísimos monseñores Luis Francisco Ladaria Ferrer S.I. Secretario de la misma congregación, Joseph Augustine Di Noia O.P. Secretario adjunto y Guido Pozzo, Secretario de la Pontificia Comisión Ecclesia Dei, además de los asistentes de la FSSPX, los reverendos Niklaus Pfluger y Alain-Marc Nély. Durante el encuentro se han examinado algunos problemas de orden doctrinal y canónico y si ha acordado proceder gradualmente y dentro de un tiempo razonable para superar las dificultades y alcanzar la deseada reconciliación plena.]

[Source for original text and translations: Holy See Press Office]

Update: September 24, 2014

Communiqué from the General House of the Society of Saint Pius X

Filed under From RomeFrom TraditionNews
On Tuesday September 23, 2014 his Excellency Bishop Bernard Fellay, Superior General of the Society of Saint Pius X, met with Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.  With Bishop Fellay were Frs. Niklaus Pfluger and Alain-Marc Nély, First and Second Assistants General of the Society.  Cardinal Müller was accompanied by Monsignor Luis Ladaria Ferrer s.j., Secretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith; Monsignor Joseph Augustin Di Noia o.p., Assistant Secretary; and Monsignor Guido Pozzo, Secretary of the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei.
The meeting took place in the offices of the Congregation for the Docrine of the Faith from 11:00 a.m. until 1 p.m.  The goal of the audience was to allow Cardinal Müller and Bishop Fellay to meet for the first time and to discuss together the status of the relations between the Holy See and the Society of Saint Pius X.  This was their first encounter since the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI and the end of Cardinal William Joseph Levada’s term as Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.
During this cordial meeting, doctrinal and canonical difficulties were discussed, and the current situation of the Church was mentioned. It was decided to continue the discussions in order to clarify the points of contention that remain.
Menzingen, September 23, 2014


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