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Mary’s battering ram: the rosary -

Mary’s battering ram: the rosary
April 09, 2014 

Is the rosary a supernatural weapon? According to Our Lady it is! Read how the rosary has been used to reform the world for Christ and why the SSPX's Rosary Crusade is so important for our own time.
From the Asia District’s newsletter, Apostle (issue #37), we offer as an extract the editorial of Fr. Daniel Couture (District Superior) concerning the efficaciousness of the rosary, the many calls for rosary crusades throughout the ages of the Church, and the pertinence of the ongoing 5-million Rosary Crusade of the SSPX.

Editorial: Battle for the Church

Dear Friends and Benefactors,
This year marks the 800th anniversary of the heavenly gift of the Holy Rosary to St. Dominic and through him to the whole Church. Why does the Blessed Mother insist so much on the daily recitation of this prayer? There is admirable divine wisdom in it. It is truly a hidden treasure. Let us first recall the exact words of Our Lady in answering St. Dominic’s prayer (words found in the 2nd Rose of St. Louis de Montfort’s Secret of the Rosary), and then make some applications.
The year was 1214; St. Dominic had already founded the Order of Preachers, later called the Dominicans, and he was immediately faced with the Albigensian heresy which was spreading especially through the south of France where St. Dominic was. Our Lady appeared to him after he had been praying seriously and doing severe penance for many days in order to know how to fight the heretics. She said to him:
Dear Dominic, do you know what weapon the Most Holy Trinity wants to use to reform the world?
St. Dominic replied:
O my Lady, you know it much better than I do, because, next to your Son, Jesus Christ, you have always been the instrument of our salvation.
Our Lady continued:
I want you to know that in this kind of warfare the ‘battering ram’ has always been the Angelic Psalter which is the corner stone of the New Testament. So, if you want to reach these hardened souls and win them to God, preach my Psalter!
Our Lady gave a means “to reform the world”. Indeed, the heretics at the time of St. Dominic were not only denying the divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, but were attacking the family and the civil institutions of the state, thus undermining the spiritual and temporal orders of Christendom—this was in 1214 A.D. in France. This expression, “reform the world,” is not different from that of St. Paul “to restore all things in Christ”.
It is not, therefore, surprising to find that popes and kings have requested crusades of rosaries against all kinds of plagues threatening both Church and State—threatening ultimately the salvation of innumerable souls.
St. Dominic did indeed listen to his Queen, and thousands of heretics were converted.
The first Dominican Pope, St. Pius V, used the Rosary in the crusade against the Muslim Turks who were dangerously threatening to invade Europe. And the Rosary won again. It was October 7, 1571. Less than one hundred years later, Louis XIII of France, also heeded Our Lady in a war against the Protestants, and, in thanksgiving for the victory, he built the famous church of Our Lady of Victories, in Paris. The feast of Our Lady of Victories is on October 7th! And the list of the victories of the Rosary is long and continues until our own days. There have been a number of national victories against the ills of communism in the last 100 years (Hungary, Brazil, Austria, Philippines and others) thanks to the Holy Rosary. However, communism as a whole has not yet been defeated.
Whether it is against the Albigensians, the Protestants, the Muslims or the Communists, “in this kind of warfare, our ‘battering ram’”, the Rosary, must always be used.
The Holy Rosary is an eminently Catholic prayer. In it we find our Creed, and all the great mysteries from the Incarnation until “life everlasting.” We proclaim by it the unique prerogatives of the Immaculate Virgin, always “strong as an army in battle array”: her divine Motherhood, her Immaculate Conception, her Co-Redemption, her role as Mediatrix of all graces, her glory in Heaven.
The Rosary has been used to save the family, attacked from all sides, whether by divorce, abortion, contraception, sex education, or by what is now called“the theory of gender”. This latest insanity is presently raging in the entire western world and is aggressively promoted in the schools. This crazy theory states that we are not born men or women, we become men or women by our choice or by our environment and education!
“[We must] reach these hardened souls and win them to God,” said Our Lady. The Rosary is not just a prayer like other devotions; it is concerned with bringing souls into the fold of the only true Church to “win them to God” means to convert them to the true Church, which is exactly what the Rosary has done throughout all its history. It is, therefore, a remedy against the false ecumenism promoted by Vatican II and particularly in the “spirit of Assisi”, i.e., the variousinter-religious meetings such as that of Assisi in 1986.
The Rosary is a means “to reform the world”, thus it is a major “battering ram” against the secularization of states promoted by the perverse religious liberty, and officially preached by Pope John Paul II. He dared to say:
The state cannot claim a direct or indirect competence on the religious convictions of people. It cannot arrogate to itself the right to impose or forbid the public profession and practice of the religion of a person or a community (Dec. 8, 1987, for World Day of Peace).
And again,
We must wish that true religious liberty be granted to all and in all places, and the Church works towards that, especially in countries with a majority of Catholics, where she has a great influence. However, it is not a question of the religion of the majority or of the minority, but truly of an inalienable right of every human person.” (Encyclical Redemptoris Missio, Dec. 7, 1990, n. 39)
Such expressions explicitly express the rejection of the social kingship of Christ. How much is the Rosary needed here too!
Pope Francis has announced the canonization of Popes John XXIII and John Paul II for April 27th. God forbid that such an event take place—it would be in fact the canonization of the errors of Vatican II, nothing less. It would also reduce to nothing all these words of Our Lady about reforming the world and winning souls to God.
For all these reasons, in the District of Asia, we have dedicated this year, 2014, to the Holy Rosary. And at the same time, our Superior General, Bishop Bernard Fellay, has called for another Rosary Crusade that goes from January 1st, to June 5, 2014. Let us therefore use this “battering ram” to reform the world, to win hardened souls to God, and to storm Heaven in order that the announced “canonizations” do not take place.
God bless you all.
Fr. Daniel Couture


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