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Emerging from the Shadow of Traditionis Custodes



 I've seen the online anguish over Pope Francis' decision to restrict the celebration of the Tridentine Mass.  I think this anguish may be a waste of both tears and energy.

We need to look at this from a strategic point of view, otherwise if we go tactical we may win the battle but lose the war.

What It's All About

This war is about Dogma and Doctrine. There isn't a 'war' over the liturgy, only skirmishes within a larger series of doctrinal battles. Some of the battles have been over liberalism, modernism, neo-modernism, the first and second Vatican Councils, Ecumenism, Novus Ordo Missae, Quattuor abhinc annos (1984 indult), Consecration of SSPX Bishops (1988), Summorum Pontificum (2007), Universae Ecclesiae (2011), Rome / SSPX Doctrinal Discussions (2012+), and Traditionis Custodes (2021).

If Traditional Catholics focus on the skirmishes, ignoring the goals for the war, they will lose in the because they won't pick their battles to win the war.

The Mass is important, but it is not paramount in this ware. This war is for the TRUTH, not our truth, it is THE TRUTH and in the context of this war I mean Dogma and Doctrine. 

 No matter how charitably you speak the TRUTH, the enemies of the TRUTH will see it as a threat and react accordingly. Take a look at the uproar over minor changes that Pope B16 made (i.e. "for all" vs "for many") and the Good Friday prayers.

The reason why the Tridentine Mass is attacked is because it embodies and teaches a vast number of Dogmas and Doctrines through its actions.  In short it teaches the TRUTH and that is why it is attacked continually. The TRUTH makes the LIES clear.

Looking at it in the grand scale, it is easy to see that we have no way of knowing if we are at the end of the beginning, the middle or nearing the end of the war.  We just know that we have pick the right hill and keep up the fight for the TRUTH. For the most part, this means doing the grunt work of our duty of state.

We've Been Here Before

 For the Summorum Pontificum Catholics, this is the first time that they've had the Mass ripped from their grasp.  In reality, this is but the latest time that the authorities have done something evil. In the  60's it was the highjacking of V2 (not an act of the Holy Ghost), in the 70's it was the wreckovations and Novus Ordo Missae.

So understand that you are largely on your own if your bishop isn't conservative and have a steel backbone.

This is where the rest of the Trad's have been fighting for decades leading up to Summorum Pontificum (SP).  A victory, as Pope Francis made clear, was won by the SSPX for the benefit of the Church.

What We've Learned

The first thing is that persecution begets strength.  So, I see this trial as an opportunity for the SP Trads to either level up or give up. 

Persecutions make our perception of time elongate ... 

Long harsh persecution carries the danger of bitterness. In my decades as a Trad, I've witnessed a lot of Catholics become bitter, harsh, and judgmental. The greater their ignorance, the greater the risk.

That's why we have to be grateful for what we've received (link)!!!

 To thrive in this persecution we have to have a balanced Catholic Life (Sacraments, Spirituality, Study and Practice). 

The Difference

Pope Benedict XVI did a good act with Summorum Pontificum and no matter how much he tries to persecute the faithful Catholics, Pope Francis doesn't have enough runway left and even if he did, decades of persecution have shown that it doesn't work. 

Hitting the proverbial Traditional Catholic nail on the head, only makes it dig in deeper.

Like it or not, all of this happened because of the SSPX. Over the decades they have matured and I expect that they will continue the drive the changes in the Church.

SP Trads are benefiting from the decades of SSPX battles with Rome and will need to acknowledge that reality.

Next Steps

In my opinion, in this fight there is no room for dead weight, naysayers and the timid.  Nor is there room for the ignorant, imprudent, uncharitable. 

To fight the Catholic way, every Trad needs to study their faith and Catholic principles, develop a deep spiritual life, and be gentlemen / lady warriors.  

It is through prayer and good works that God will work the victory through His people.



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