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Gullible's new concerns- Updated with Gullible's Comments and Tradical's replies


Gullible has, once again, sent me a number of comments on a post, so I'm going to collect them here and then see where it goes.

Hi Tradical
I don't agree with Poem of the Man God, but if you judge Bishop Williamson harshly for recommending that book then read below taken from St.John Bosco website, page 45 . I'll send 46 47 and 48 next. I doubt you will post this, you will see why Fr C took it down so quick when people found out about it. Be careful, might hurt the eyes.
Hi Gullible,  interesting that you bring this up now as it is rather old news.

First of all the "careful, might hurt the eyes" is a bit much as I am not ignorant of the difficulties of operating a private school in the secularized and anti-Christian environment that was (and to a lesser degree still is) permeating Alberta at that time.   This is the reality and dealing in a post-Catholic environment, they have to deal with the laws of the country in which they exist. 

I am familiar with the scrupulous attitude that permeates the 'resistance' such as pool days that happened in Australia.  I mean really, when did Traditional Catholics become the 'Church Lady' from Saturday Night Live?

I know of a few schools that were forced to comply with legislation and simply including the required text doesn't prove anything. Did any students form a 'club' as stipulated within the policy? I suspect that you will provide only the sound of crickets on this one.

The reality is that private schools have to comply with legislation or they will be exposed to litigation.

Anyway, I went through the sections of the manual you provided and compared it with a copy that I found online.  I was originally going to post the policy in its entirety, until I noted that you left out an important part that immediately followed the sections which offended your sensibilities:
Nothing in this policy is to be interpreted so as to limit or be a waiver of the St. John Bosco Private School Board’s rights and powers pursuant the Constitution Act, 1867 and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms to maintain the denominational character of Catholic schools. If any of the provisions in this Policy conflict with the St. John Bosco Private School Board’s rights and powers pursuant to the Constitution Act, 1867 and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms to maintain the denominational character of Catholic schools, the St. John Bosco Private School Board’s rights and powers pursuant the Constitution Act, 1867 and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms to maintain the denominational character of Catholic schools will govern.
So ... what was your point?

Now on to Bishop Williamson.

The poem of the man-god is an openly heretical book that is on the index of forbidden books.

To compare that with, what I understand to be, a government mandated policy, while excluding the caveat included at the end is simply another example of the 'resistance' saying:

Pay no attention to the Bishop Williamson behind the curtain.


Gullible's Comments with my responses interleaved.

I guess I will start where you start.
T-“it is rather old news”
G-so Vatican 2 is no loger an issue either
Tradical: The school is closed and the policy is no longer affecting anyone, so yes this is old news.
T-“I mean really, when did Traditional Catholics become the 'Church Lady' from Saturday Night Live?”
G-I don’t watch Saturday Night Live I am not familiar with church lady, actually looks like a guy dressed up as a woman, funny, is he a transgender?
Tradical: Humour lost on you ... ok. 
T-“The reality is that private schools have to comply with legislation or they will be exposed to litigation.”
G-you have not read the facts of this government legislation, it is not mandatory, if you want the money(which they did) then you sign up for it, if you do not want the money then no obligation.
Tradical: I suggest you go and read the act. You will find that you are wrong about the legislation being optional.  ... thankfully the legislation has now been partially repealed.
G-so if government legislation is offering incense to mother earth we are obliged….hmmm….I guess martyrdom is no more. Many people died in France because of bad government legislation during the revolution, if only they knew what you said they could have lived.
Tradical: You should read my articles on Obedience (link).  Is there anything specifically sinful in the legislation?  Technically speaking no.
T-“until I noted that you left out an important part that immediately followed the sections which offended your sensibilities”
G-so why is everything before that paragraph so positive to the legislation, why don’t they say what a Catholic would say about that?
Tradical: See next response.
G-interesting how Fr C shortens some scripture to seem to accommodate the transgenders.
Tradical: ... I assume you mean this:
(d) provide resources consistent with traditional Catholic teaching on social relationships and to support students who require assistance as a result of their gender identity or gender expression. As St. Paul reminds us, “For in Christ Jesus, you are all children of God, through faith. There is neither Jew nor Greek, neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ.” (Galatians 3:27-28); and (e) outline the Board’s responsibilities under Section 16.1 of the School Act.
I guess you didn't read the whole thing eh?
G-so a Catholic can say they will support Gay Straight alliances and then back down when the time comes?????????
Tradical: What do you mean by 'support Gay Straight alliances'?  Perhaps you should re-read the rationale given in the earlier sections. 

I remember commenting on this a while ago in your blog “do you think Fr C acted alone or with the approval of Menzingen and you stated “the question should be “Did Fr.C. know what he was signing?”
Seems like you also did not agree with the policy back then and pushed the issue to the side by implying that Fr C is incompetent and not a trustworthy superior who will whimsically sign anything for money.

Tradical:I had not read the policy and can't recall my thoughts at that time, the rest are suppositions coloured by your perspective.

But the point is these are facts now:
They immediately took down the policy from public view.
They no longer signed for money for 2019-20 school year.
They can’t manage a school without immoral money. School is shut down.

Tradical: This is a collection of facts, that may or not mean what you imply they do. For example, the funds required them to have certified teachers, no teachers no funding.

Having read the policy and being aware of the situation in Calgary that existed prior to the legislation, I find that your 'facts' are incomplete.  The school was having issues long before the NDP came to power.  It just made it harder.

Your reasoning is consistent with someone who is almost Novus Ordo:
  1. They accept all the new saints since the change of caonization process
  2. They accept New code of CL "can benefit from it's liberalities"
  3. They probably accept the NO Mass as the ordinary??
Tradical: Are you resorting to name calling?  Fundamentally, you can object to the canonization process and the new code of canon law, but to reject them outright is to reject Catholic Doctrine and depart from the path of Archbishop Lefebvre.

Re-reading your comments, I'm wondering if you're simply a sedevacantist and not a 'resistor'.

How far will they go?

Tradical: The answer is simple, as far as obedience will allow them.  After all these years, I am surprised that you didn't know the answer to that question. 

Obedience is one of the fundamental ways that the SSPX differs from the 'resistance', sedevacantists, FSSP et al.

I will pray for you, God Bless


Tradical: Rest assured of my prayers Gullible.


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