In reality all we are seeing are the horrible fruits of the Second Vatican Council and a hundred years of Catholic Liberalism.
Courtesy of SSPX.ca
An Opening That Turns into a Rupture
October 25, 2019

The following is an opinion piece by Fr. Alain Lorans of the Society of Saint Pius X.
In the large audience—not only on the premises, but also attending through the Internet video broadcast—the question of the possibility of a schism was raised. Professor de Mattei said we must pray for “a real counter-reformation, a counter-revolution, a restoration of the real Christianity,” recalling that though we are waging war against the forces of chaos in the Church, “The division of our enemy is our strength.”
With the synod on the Amazon this month in Rome, and the German “synodal path” next December, the threat of schism cannot be casually evoked. This crucial question is posed in the last issue of Nouvelles de Chrétienté, and it will also be asked during the 15th Congress of Courrier de Rome to be held on January 18, 2020, in Paris.
Will the synod on the Amazon promote a creeping schism, recalling truths, while allowing—in an infrapaginal note and in the name of “pastoral mercy”—objective moral faults, as was the case in the post-synodal exhortation on the family, Amoris lætitia? Will the German “synodal path” nourish a latent schism, by locally authorizing what is universally forbidden, in the name of “unity in plurality” or “identity in synodality”?
These next few weeks will tell us. But there is already a sense of certainty: the opening is inescapably turning into a rupture. The opening of the Amazon synod to eco-ecumenism and bio-syncretism—the ineffable Greta Thunberg was thus cited as an example from the first day of the works—inexorably leads to a rupture with Revelation transmitted 2,000 years ago.
The organizers of the synod seem to be more concerned with shale gas than with the explosion of a schism in the Church. But what will it serve them to gain the world—claiming to save the planet—if they lose their souls? What will they give in exchange for their souls (cf. Mk 6:37)?
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