Advent Series- December 1
The history of the world properly begins with God, our Creator, Who Himself has no beginning.
We have all heard the story of creation; how God created the world out of nothing in 6 days.
It is easy to remember what God created on each day, since the first 3 days and the last 3 days are related:
The Bible says, 'In the beginning, God created heaven and earth, And the earth was void and empty."(Gen 1:1-2)
On the first 3 days, God began by giving a form to His creation.
The next 3 days God spent filling His creation,
On Day 1 God created the light---on Day 4 He created the sun, moon and stars to shine with that light
On Day 2 God created the sky and separated the waters above from the waters below--Day 5 He filled them with the birds and fish
On Day 3 God created the land---Day 6 He filled the land with animals and man
On Day 6 God made the first man and woman; our first parents Adam and Eve.
We are all descendants of Adam and Eve.
God gave Adam and Eve everything to make them happy. His greatest gift
to them was sanctifying grace; His own life in their souls. If they were
faithful to God, God planned that they would have a happy life here on
earth, followed by eternal happiness in Heaven.
God gave only one command for Adam and Eve to obey, and they did not remain faithful.
We all know what happened....the devil tempted Eve and she ate of the forbidden fruit, then she convinced Adam to do the same.
There are many lessons to be learned from the sin of Adam and Eve;
1)We learn the importance of keeping busy and avoiding the occasions of sin
2) We learn the importance of saying no to temptations right away (don't dialogue with the devil!)
3) We learn the importance of not becoming attached to ourselves and the
things of this world- Eve disobeyed because she wanted to become like
God, knowing good and often does the sin of pride lead us
to look at things we should not!
4) The importance of not giving in to the pressure of companions-
Adam gave in to the pleadings of Eve and dragged the whole human race
with him.
During Advent we make sacrifices in order to detach ourselves from the things of this world, so that we can grow closer to God.
By this we show God that we choose Him before ourselves.
We do not make sacrifices in order to be miserable, but rather to
prepare ourselves for the best kind of happiness.....eternal happiness!
After their sin, Adam and Eve lost God's special gifts. They had to
leave the garden of Eden. They had to suffer and eventually they would
The worst thing that happened (even worse than suffering and death) was
that they lost God's life in their souls. The gates of heaven were

This promise that God made is called the "Protoevangelium" or "first message"
In Genesis 3:15, God foretells the coming of Jesus and Mary when he told
the devil, "I will put enmities between thee and the woman and thy seed
and her seed; she shall crush thy head and thou shalt lie in wait for
her heel."
It is interesting to note that when Our Lord spoke to Mary, He called her, "Woman"....because she is "The Woman" foretold in Genesis 3:15.
The whole Old Testament has as its central idea, the coming of the
Savior, Who would restore the old friendship between God and man.
God foretells the Woman and her Seed crushing the head of Satan ....and
we will see in the Old Testament, there is quite alot of head crushing
going on! (and alot of women who do it, too!)
And each time it is a foreshadowing of our Redemption.
Everything in the Old Testament leads up to the sacrifice of Our Lord on the cross.
It is at that very moment we see the Woman and her Seed crushing the
head of Satan on the hill of Golgotha, which means, "Place of the Skull"
We are in for some interesting days ahead!
From the creation of Adam to the coming of Our Lord there is about 4000 years.
The 4 weeks of Advent symbolizes these 4000 years of waiting for the Savior to come.
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