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Eponymous Flower: Father Schmidberger Foresees Canonical Recognition of the SSPX


h/t: Eponymous Flower

Just in time for the new year, I came across this blurb on Eponymous Flower.

While it doesn't say anything new, it does indicate that Fr. Schmidberger believes that eventually the SSPX will be regularized - something that I have held for many years.

Pope Francis does not appear to care a great deal for doctrinal differences (understatement of 2015), so he may be willing to try the experiment of tradition and not attempt to force the SSPX to compromise.  Further, he doesn't seem to care what anyone thinks.

Strangely, his apparent modernism / liberalism may enable him to succeed where his predecessor failed. In accepting the SSPX as they are.

If this be the case, God will have proved that once again He works in mysterious ways.

As always:


Father Schmidberger Foresees Canonical Recognition of the SSPX

In the Year of Mercy, Pope Francis has agreed to extend an indult to the Priests of the Society of St. Pius X, to hear confessions. Former Superior, Father Franz Schmidberger forsees canonical recognition of the Society as well as greater cooperation.

In a recent interview,  former superior of the Fraternity talks to La Stampa saying, "I trust that in the near future we can find solutions to recover full communion."

According Schmidberger Pope Francis' gesture will not be complete at the end of the Jubilee. "Indeed" - says Schmidberger - "it is hard to imagine that this is limited to the Holy Year, nor do I think this is the limit of the Pope's idea. Perhaps at first other similar gestures are to follow. No doubt - it seems  - the Pope sees in our Fraternity a force that can be of help to, as many have claimed, the new evangelization. Furthermore, our work corresponds in principle to his invitation to the spirit of poverty. In fact we do not receive state subsidies or the Church-tax, but we live only the generosity and sacrifice of the faithful. "

"If the Pope is really thinking of a canonical structure, it will open many doors even wider for our priests than today." "Especially" - concluded the former collaborator of Lefebvre - "we could work together, according to our vocation, to the formation of a new generation of priests filled with a spirit of faith and apostolic zeal."

Source: La Stampa


Original Italian w/ Google Translation

Concedendo ai lefebvriani le piene facoltà di assolvere qualunque peccato conferite dallo scorso 8 dicembre a tutti i sacerdoti della Chiesa Cattolica, Papa Francesco ha spiazzato tutti, compresi gli stessi membri della Fraternita’ San Pio X. «Senz’altro nelle diocesi si è rimasti di stucco di fronte al fatto che a dei sacerdoti, che per anni ed anni sono stati considerati a torto al di fuori della Chiesa e bollati come fondamentalisti, venga conferita adesso la giurisdizione per le confessioni, e per di più attraverso un atto di autorità del Santo Padre stesso», afferma in un’intervista don Franz Schmidberger, rettore del Seminario «Herz Jesu» ed ex superiore della Fraternità fondata da monsignor Marcel Lefebvre, che fu scomunicato per aver consacrato illecitamente alcuni vescovi poi perdonati da Benedetto XVI. «È dalla stampa - ammette il sacerdote che di monsignor Lefebvre è stato il primo collaboratore - che abbiamo appreso la notizia che Papa Francesco ha concesso ai sacerdoti della Fraternità San Pio X, nel corso dell’Anno Santo, la giurisdizione per confessare senza restrizioni tutti i fedeli».

Secondo Schmidberger il gesto di Papa Francesco non sarà archiviato alla fine del Giubileo. «Effettivamente - spiega Schmidberger - è difficile immaginarsi che questo si limiti all’Anno Santo, né penso che ciò corrisponda all’idea del Papa. Forse seguiranno in un primo tempo altri gesti simili. Ma a lungo termine si arriverà sicuramente ad una regolarizzazione definitiva della Fraternità San Pio X con una struttura canonica».

Il sacerdote lefebvriano commenta infine l’affermazione di Francesco: «Confido che nel prossimo futuro si possano trovare le soluzioni per recuperare la piena comunione con i sacerdoti e i superiori della Fraternità». «Senza dubbio - osserva - il Papa vede nella nostra Fraternità una forza che può essere di aiuto alla, da più parti reclamata, nuova evangelizzazione. Inoltre la nostra opera corrisponde in linea di massima al suo invito allo spirito di povertà: noi infatti non riceviamo imposte ecclesiastiche né sovvenzioni statali, bensì viviamo unicamente della generosità e dei sacrifici dei fedeli».

«Se il Papa pensa realmente ad struttura canonica, ciò aprirebbe molte porte per un’attività ancora più ampia dei nostri sacerdoti rispetto ad oggi. In modo particolare - conclude l’ex collaboratore di Lefebvre - potremmo collaborare, conformemente alla nostra vocazione, alla formazione di una nuova generazione di sacerdoti ricolmi di spirito di fede e di zelo apostolico». 

Google Translation:

Conceding the Lefebvrians floods faculty to absolve any sin conferred by the 8th of December to all the priests of the Catholic Church, Pope Francis has stunned everyone, including the same members of the Fraternity 'St. Pius X. "Of course in the dioceses you got to stucco faced with the fact that the priests, who for years have been considered wrongly outside the Church and branded as fundamentalists, is now conferred jurisdiction for confessions, and more through an act of authority of the Holy Father himself, "he says in an interview with Don Franz Schmidberger, rector of the Seminary" Herz Jesu "and former superior of the Fraternity founded by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, who was excommunicated for having consecrated bishops illicitly then pardoned by Benedict XVI. "It is the press - the priest admits that of Archbishop Lefebvre was the first collaborator - we heard the news that Pope Francis gave to the priests of the Society of St. Pius X, during the Holy Year, the jurisdiction to confess without any restrictions the faithfuls".

According Schmidberger gesture of Pope Francis will not be filed at the end of the Jubilee. "Indeed - says Schmidberger - it is hard to imagine that this is limited to the Holy Year, nor do I think this is in the idea of ​​the Pope. Perhaps at first follow other similar gestures. But long-term it will surely come to a definitive regularization of the Society of St. Pius X with a canonical structure. "

The priest says Lefebvre finally the statement of Francis: "I trust that in the near future we can find solutions to recover full communion with the priests and superiors of the Society." "No doubt - he looks - the Pope sees in our Fraternity a force that can be of help to, by many claimed, the new evangelization. Furthermore, our work corresponds in principle to his invitation to the spirit of poverty: in fact we do not receive state subsidies or church tax, but we live only the generosity and sacrifice of the faithful. "

"If the Pope really thinks to canonical structure, it would open many doors for an even wider of our priests than today. Especially - he concluded the former collaborator of Lefebvre - we could cooperate, in accordance with our vocation, to the formation of a new generation of priests filled with a spirit of faith and apostolic zeal. "


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