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Wars and Rumours of Wars - US vs ISIS


The US Defense Secretary has written an article (Defense News) and I'd like to highlight a few elements that I believe give an indication of where things are heading.

Building on some of the decisions we made early this year, we have significantly accelerated our campaign against ISIL. We have built out new special operations capabilities in Iraq and Syria, stepped up our air campaign and are working with local, capable, motivated ground forces to pressure ISIL strongholds from multiple directions at once. Following the attacks in Paris, NATO allies Germany, the United Kingdom and France have all brought additional capabilities to coalition. I have personally reached out to nearly 40 allies and partners around the world asking them to step up their contributions. Together, ISIL is an evil that we must and will deliver a lasting defeat.

What the US has failed to understand is that they are in a War of Religion and that you can't bomb ideas.  The only solution is a religious one, but with their materialist point of view, the US can't see it that way.

This is simply the latest in a series of 'US Foreign Policy'  failures that really started with World War I and has resulted in the destabilizing of a number of regimes throughout Eastern Europe.  The most notable examples are Iran, Iraq, Syria, Ukraine and the list goes on to include South American countries as well.

The US just can't stop meddling with the self determination of other countries (read: Ukraine where the CIA allegedly assisted in the overthrow of a legitimately elected but Pro-Russian, Government) - they have to interfere.

The result is pain, suffering and bloodshed.

This is how I think the future is going to roll out:

  • The Muslims are going to continue to succeed in their war against Christendom because a strong culture always dominates a weak culture.  In case you haven't noticed, the West's culture is now weak and  self centered.  
  • China will continue to exert its influence in Asia.  Keeping in mind that it has inherited the mantle of the dominant communist world power from Russia.
  • Russia will support those regimes that are close to its borders and traditional allies. One aspect is that it wants to maintain the buffer states to protect its core territories. Morally, believe it or not, Russia is now superior to the West as it is actually acting against the moral diseases of our time.
  • The US, financially and morally exhausted with do what it always does. Compromise
  • An Islamic military force conventional or asymmetric will attack Rome
  • Pope will consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
  • Russia will save the Pope and the Church
  • Muslims will convert to Catholicism en masse.

I recently heard a good conference on Battle Joy by John Vennari. I hope to write an article on this at a later time.



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