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CMTV: Trolling the Internet for Trolls - Updated


I have been checking the intergnat to see if Voris and / or Niles would turn up anything relevant. I mean, I repeatedly see Niles' claim that she doesn't have anything against the SSPX ... but the facts (literally) seem to tell a story different from that told by Ms. Niles. 

First, they make a number of claims about how the SSPX handled the Fr. Frédéric Abbet case and made this statement:
The ecclesiastical judge imposed a 10-year-ban on Abbet from being around children, abjuring then-Superior General Bp. Bernard Fellay not to allow Abbet around children under any circumstances for at least a decade. (source CMTV)
I guess they didn't bother getting the letters translated by a professional, for a fuller review of the measures imposed see the Addendum at the end of the article.

I also find it interesting how CMTV made this claim:
Church Militant contacted local authorities in Fully in May to ask why Abbet had never served his prison time, as required by Belgian law, and why a convicted pedophile was allowed to roam freely in their town. Officials did not comment. Source CMTV
On twitter they originally asked for locals to contact the police and declined to do so themselves. I guess they had a change of heart.

Next we had the Gonzales saga. Aside from citing extremely unreliable witnesses, there are inconsistencies in the stories. 

In their desperation, they (Voris et al) latch on to anything and anyone that is aligned with their fantasies about the SSPX (see confirmation bias article).

In the tweet below Niles cites none other than Fr. Cekada who is citing as evidence a bulletin Masthead  and a report from a colleague in France.

When the reliability of the source was pointed out to Nile, she replied:
Well, a half-truth by any other name is still a lie.

Here's part of Fr. Cekada's account:

I immediately prepared a press release based on this information, and promptly drove in to New York City to deliver it to the offices of The New York Times. So, even decades later, whenever the story of the May 1982 assassination attempt pops up in the U.S. press, so does the “fact” that Fr. Fernandez had been expelled from SSPX, and that was no longer affiliated with the organization at the time of the attempt.

As with other witnesses that are relied upon by Voris,Niles et al - something doesn't add up:

GENEVA, May 13 - The traditionalist Roman Catholic movement led by Monsignor Lefebvre today deplored the attack on the Pope and disavowed the man accused of being responsible.

A statement issued in the absence of the monsignor by his seminary at Econe said Father Fernandez, the reported assailant, was ordained there in 1978. But he was expelled from the movement last January because of his opposition to its recognition of the Pope, the statement said. (Source: New York Times)

Did Fr. Cekada really provide a press release? 

Well, at this point the I have found no evidence to support his claim, but I do have evidence that (above) that on May 13th (the day after the attack) the Times contacted the SSPX and they provided the information. So Fr. Cekada's heroic efforts in this event are reduced to zero and in the process it undermines the rest of his account because Fr. Cekada has a vested interest in supporting his 'story' about the SSPX. 

Just like Niles has a vested interest in supporting her fantasy about the SSPX. 

I also find it highly unlikely that the case of Fr. Fenandez would be relevant to Fr. Cekada's lawsuit against the SSPX (FYI: Fr. Fernandez' story is summarized in this wikipedia article).

CMTV needs to hire Christine Niles both a fact checker and a professional translator.


I have updated this post as I was incorrect on some elements of the Fr. Abbet case.

Here's the measures and discussion:

Measure #2 reads: ... sera surveillé sur ses faits et gestes dans ses relations avec les enfants et les adolescents pendent une periode de dix ans a compter d'aujourd'hui. Il s'agit d'une measure de surveillance dépourvue de caractère pénal.

Deepl Translation: ... will be monitored in its dealings with children and adolescents for a period of ten years from today. This is a non-criminal surveillance measure.

Tradical Comment: So he is to be supervised when with children and adolescents. Meaning that he can be in the presence with children.  This is consistent with Fr. Wailliez' account.

Measure #5 reads: ... sera, par mesure de vigilance qui n'a pas de caractére pénal, placé, pendant ladite période de dix ans, dans les postes d'apostolat qui le préserveront de toute promiscuité "cum pueris et adulescentibus" (with children and young people / adolescants), et il lui est interdit de participer de quelque manière que ce soit a des camps d'enfants ou d'adolescents pendant le meme péiode.

Deepl Translation: Shall, as a measure of vigilance which is not of a penal nature, be placed, during the said period of ten years, in those posts of apostolate which will preserve him from any promiscuity "cum pueris et adulescentibus" (with children and young people/adolescents), and he is forbidden to participate in any way whatsoever in camps for children or adolescents during the same period.

Tradical Comment: I did some additional research since the word promiscuité, could be misinterpreted when directly translated to english.  I suspect that there is a nuance in the way the word was used.

  • Situation dans laquelle quelqu'un se trouve soumis à un voisinage désagréable ; le voisinage lui-même (Larousse
    • Deepl Translation: A situation in which someone is subjected to an unpleasant neighborhood; the neighborhood itself
  • Lack of Privacy or overcrowding (Word reference)
Tradical Comment:So, as noted, the use of the word "promiscuité" is probably a nuance that doesn't translate well, but seems to be a lack of privacy or overcrowding. Finally, at this point in time Fr. Abbet had undergone a psychiatric assessment. With this context, he is to be supervised in interaction with children, is not to be in a situation where there is a lack of privacy or over crowding and he IS forbidden from taking part in camps.


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