The book "Liberalism is a Sin" is a classic amongst Traditional Catholics. Rightly so, as it highlights the principles that have led us to this crisis and the emerged from the shadows during the Second Vatican Council.
Liberalism has its roots in a rejection of authority. While we see it take form in the protestant revolt against Papal authority, it is in essence "non serviam" ... "I will not serve".
Fig A - Underpinnings of Liberalism |
Once the yoke of obedience to authority is cast off, the basis for civil society is turned into sand. As the governed devolve, they will take civil society with it. They will attack any and all constraints on their 'liberty'. Want to see the true face of liberalism, look how they treat any non-liberal who has more authoritarian principles.
In Fig B, we have the key principles of Liberalism. They should look very familiar.
Fig B - Principles of Liberalism |
These principles necessarily underpin those societies founded on Protestantism. In much of the work of the USA, once it started to have 'interests' abroad, it has sought to spread its version of democracy.
For the result look in the Middle-East, particularly Iraq, Egypt, Syria, and Libya.
Fig C - Consequences of Liberalism |
As can be seen in most "Liberal Democracies", there is an uncompromising opposition to the norms of "Christian Society" that are based on the yoke that has been cast off. It would be hard to find an aspect of Christian belief and assumptions that has not been attacked or razed by the "Liberals".
It has taken decades to happen, but as people depart more and more from the foundations of its society, the gangrene has spread throughout civilization.
Liberalism of the "Resistance"
Ultimately, the "Liberal" is a revolutionary dressed nicely. They reject authority on the grounds that "they know better", raw pride.
This brings me to the "Resistance", at their root they have rejected the authority of the Vicar of Church. They will not even consider the possibility that the Pope could issue an order that requires obedience. For them "guilt by association" has become a dogma and they seem to be afraid of being infected by the "Liberal Catholics".
By reading above it is obvious that their "Resistance" is based on Protestant principles, not Catholic ones. This is evident in the usurpation of authority by selecting the 'way' in which they will bow before authority ... only once it has bowed before them.
In this I see the final temptation of Our Lord Jesus Christ by the Devil. If the Pope will worship their opinions, then they will give him their obedience. I find this highly unlikely, they seem to like being mini-popes, having their personality cults.
Hence the reason for various splits and fractures amongst the 'resistance'.
If they will not be ready to recognize and obey the Vicar of Christ's legitimate orders (few and far between as they may be), then they are Liberals. In the days after the 1988 consecrations, some farsighted members of the SSPX realised that Bishop Williamson is a Liberal. Before his expulsion, he drew to himself like-minded followers (many already present within the SSPX). When he was expelled, it seems that the majority followed him.
In this it appears that God has drawn a good result from the bad decision to make Bishop Williamson a bishop.
In the western societies, liberalism permeates the atmosphere and barring an intervention by God, there seems little we can do to halt its progress.
But there is something that we can do.
- Do the anti-thesis to the liberal principles,
- cultivate virtue within yourself and those within your authority and care,
- recognize and obey the authority when morally able to do so,
- Pray!
Fig D - St. Thomas' Model for Obedience |
Do these four things and your example will go far!
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