I had a lot of fun finding a bunch of words that rhyme with 'Trad' and thought that maybe some of the Trad prefixes bore a little explanation (some serious, so humorous).
- Fad: A practice or interest followed for a time with exaggerated zeal. In other words, these are recent trad 'converts'who don't stay for very long.
- Tad: a small or insignificant amount or degree. Someone who is a tad serious about 'Tradition' than a 'Fad-Trad'.
- Gad:go around from one place to another, in the pursuit of pleasure or entertainment. Bascially a fusion of the Fad and Tad-Trads. :-)
- Nad: Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, a coenzyme important in many biological oxidation reactions. - I am still looking for a good description for this neat prefix.
- Mad: When a Catholic realises that they have been betrayed by the modernists, they have a tendency to angry. This includes protestants who convert to the Catholic Church. The danger is if they stay made they will end up making the same mistakes as the completely fractured 'resistance' of Bishop Williamson et al.
- Rad (Radical):These are trads that drift over well beyond the mad trads, becoming radicalised to take actions in defiance of Catholic Dogma, Doctrine, and principles. Typically they become either the 'resistance' or Sede-vacantists.
- Bad: Closely related to the 'Rad-Trad' is the 'Bad-Trad'. They regard themselves as the bad-boys(girls) of 'Tradum', as they smoke cigarettes (+ other stuff), drink alchohol to the point where is damages their health and mental ability. Effectively, these are trad children who don't really want to be 'Trad'. How they end up this way is another question all together because they are seriously not being (or trying) good Catholics.
- Cad: an ill-bred Trad, especially one who behaves in a dishonorable or irresponsible way toward women (Source)
- Swad: a
loutish person. A close relation of the Cad-Trad
- Sad: Sad trads are dragged down by the state of the Church and world.
- Glad: Happy trad who are just happy to have found a refuge in the madness of the post-Conciliar Catholic world.
- Lad: Trad with 5-10 years in 'Tradum'
- Dad (Senior): Trad with 25+ years in 'Tradum'
- Grat: The Grateful Trad! Being grateful for what God has given us Trads (which we don't deserve) is a key to surviving this crisis ... and I'm not talking about the COVID-19.
So, what do you think of this list? Anything resonate? Anything that I should add?
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