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Voris and Church Militant vs SSPX - the Non-Stop Echo Chamber (Updated)


Update: On Les Femmes - Susan Matthieson makes a case that CMTV et Niles have used selective editing to remove the context.  They noted that the KBI report notes that there are 205 reported cases throughout the Kansas dioceses and 120 cases were opened.

KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) — The Kansas Bureau of Investigation has received 205 reports of clergy sexual abuse and opened 120 cases since it began investigating the state’s Catholic dioceses nearly two years ago, the agency said Friday.

Kansas Attorney General Derek Schmidt asked the KBI in November 2018 to investigate Catholic clergy abuse in Kansas. A task force of six agents has been investigating reports of abuse from the public and is reviewing church documents.

The investigation involves the state’s four Catholic dioceses in Wichita, Salina, Dodge City and Kansas City, Kansas, along with the Society of St. Pius X, a breakaway Catholic group with a large branch in St. Marys. Source AP News (link)

Here is a screenshot from CMTV's video (below) - what is missing (surprise) is the context of the discussion. The screenshot is less than 20 seconds ... what else did she record. Why not publish the entire account?  Even I assumed that Fr. Wegner was discussing the SSPX, but there is not context to support this assumption.  Thank you Les Femmes!

  Voris, Niles and whomever sets their agenda has kept up their campaign for well over a year and it definitely an echo-chamber as 99.5% of their content is repeating old stories. Further, any discordant note cannot be tolerated and must be shouted down.  Hence their attacks against other media orgs that don't agree with neither their methods, nor their conclusions.

In this latest tirade, Niles plays a statement made by Fr. Wegner in conversation with Ruth Ann Parks.  

Fr. Wegner notes a range from 5 to 200 cases.  Niles jumps on the 200, ignoring the 5 and from that makes the leap that he is talking about cases in the USA.

That is a whole lot of assumptions to make in 20 seconds.

The recording itself raises a question, did Ms. Parks inform Fr. Wegner that she was recording the conversation?  I'm aware of the "one-party consent" rule prevalent in the USA, however what is not as clear is the obligation to make the other parties aware of the recording.

Here's my analysis of Mr. Voris' sound bite:

Nonstop Cover-Up

Eternal Rome.

August 20, 2021


With Pope Francis' recent limits — and even seeming attack — on the Traditional Latin Mass, one natural response for those weak in the Faith would be to think Rome no longer represents the Catholic faith so they have to take their family to a place that does. [Tradical: In my experience it has been those suffering from a strong Faith based on faulty reasoning]

That opens up the door for a number of places, but perhaps none more notable than the schismatic movement [Tradical: I think it is probably a good time to counter this old accusation with some facts - I'll work on another 'Is the SSPX in Schism post in the near future 😎] begun by Abp. Marcel Lefebvre in 1988, when he illicitly consecrated four bishops directly against the express order from Pope St. John Paul not to do so. [Tradical: Quick note the canonical warning did not cite the canons regarding schism.]

The pope told Lefebvre that if he followed through with the consecrations, he would incur automatic excommunication [Tradical: True, but not for schism]. Lefebvre ignored [Tradical: Poor grammar, more correctly +Lefebvre disobeyed ... ] the pope and was excommunicated. Over the following years, his movement [Tradical: It is a congregation, not a movement] , known as the Society of St. Pius X, has grown and cast itself as the "Eternal Rome," setting itself up as the "real" Church [Tradical: In spite of what Mr. Voris has been told by former SSPX'ers, in my decades with the SSPX, I have heard lay people say this as well as sedevacantists, but not the SSPX] . Pope Benedict XVI did everything humanly possible to reconcile them to the Church, but the SSPX walked away in the end.[Tradical: Well that's not what happened. To 'walk away' would be to say that when the compromise was required of the SSPX and they said 'sorry' and walked away from Pope Benedict that they broke off relations with Rome. When Pope Francis called, they went.  The result ... world-wide jurisdiction to hear confessions and permission to receive marriage vows with conditions.]

Now, one of the chief talking points of the SSPX is that they represent authentic Catholicism, untainted by the modernism and moral corruption that so plagues the "other" Church. However, that's not even close to true. In fact, when it comes to moral corruption, sex abuse and its cover-up, the SSPX operates at a whole new level. [Tradical: Well, well, well, somebody has been reading sedevacantist literature again.  I have never heard the phrase "authentic Catholicism" from an SSPX priest.  The imprecise phrases 'true Mass' may have been bandied about. Regarding moral corruption, well it is possible that people were ignorant of the expulsion of priests for immoral behaviour, but that is hardly news. The accusation of a 'cover-up' is hardly correct but then again, when an organization wants to be judge, jury and executioner ... the conspiracy theory alarm bell usually goes off.]

Yet, in the midst of all this, they continue to fleece the flock, and their media allies continue to lie about it all. [Tradical: Well interesting, I wonder who is fleecing which flock. Voris et al seem to have a mal-adjusted focus on money]

 So, there you have it, accusations of a cover-up etc. I look forward to the KBI releasing their report, then we'll see if Voris et al switch to covering Opus-Dei (link).




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