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Skojec: The Fragility of Heavy-Handed Faith



 When Steve Skojec left 1P5, he mentioned that he would continue posting essays on his substack account.  I immediately signed up and a couple of days ago an essay arrived that discusses the danger of what I would label Traditionalist Rigourism.

The upshot is that while liturgy as the highest act of worship of God is absolutely going to shape belief, it cannot, on its own, be THE game changer. The culture that surrounds that liturgy matters, too. Don’t take things seriously enough, and people will leave. Take them too seriously and act in an oppressive manner, and people will leave.  Source: The Fragility of Heavy-Handed Faith (link)
It is the harsh reality that just because a family goes to the Tridentine Mass, it does not mean that they are immune to original sin and its effects.

Steve describes the weaponization of practices such as the Rosary to control the behaviour of the children.  I agree with Skojec, it is this misplaced fervour or rigourism that, once the children become adults and the props created by the parents are gone, creates a risk that they will fall away from the Faith.

I have witnessed the consequences of both riogourism and its opposite laxity and the question is what to do?

Our answer has been to be grateful, fervent and balanced Traditional Catholics who are not afraid of the future and work in the present to fulfill our duty of state.

Here's a list of things that we try to do in order to raise adults who are strong in the Faith as well as critical thinkers.

  1. Talk with them about the reasons ( the why) for seeking the Sacraments from the SSPX.  
  2. Be grateful for what you have received as a Traditional Catholic. 
  3. Live normal Catholic lives.
  4. Don't imbibe in conspiracy theories.
  5. Avoid rigourism.

All this to create a strong Catholic culture that will resist the culture of the world, a culture built upon the Catholic Faith and Principles that have withstood the test of centuries. 

We are continually fostering culture within our children, mind you create a Catholic one!




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