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Showing posts from April, 2015

Solve all the problems in the world with this weapon ...

+ JMJ ... the Rosary!!! There is a history of the Our Lady's Psalter being used as the most effective weapon against the enemies of the Church of Christ and its members!  Two event jump to mind: Lepanto and Austria . This story just rings true P^3 Source: CNA By Alan Holdren

The "Resistance" and its problems ...

+ JMJ Maybe the 'resistance' isn't founded on heresy.  Unfortunately, no 'resistor' that I have encountered online has provided explicit affirmation of the principles that I've discussed. One "resistor" who did admit that the   principles  are Catholic so he had to accept them later balked at Obedience with an excuse that he didn't 'trust' the Pope et al.  Now he is a home-aloner ala resistance. It is strange how a conspiracy clouded mind can narrow the perspective to the point where people echo the modernists saying "St.Thomas never could have imagined this time, so we need to disregard X".  I surrounded that with quotes because that was actually posted in answer to my discussion on obedience as per St. Thomas. There are a number of elements that I find telling in my contacts with 'resistors': They are selective in their application of  principles  .  It seems that the ends does justify the means for these ...

A look back at 1988 and 2009 - The Excommunications and their lifting. - Part Deux

+ JMJ As a follow up to this article , and just in case someone believes that the SSPX didn't realize that Archbishop Lefebvre and Bishop de Castro Mayer were included in the lifting of the excommunication until much later - we have the following ( Courtesy of the Remnant ): At the Angelus conference, Bishop Fellay also drew our attention to a related indication found in the wording of the Vatican decree nullifying the decree of SSPX excommunication. The final paragraphs of this decree reads: On the basis of the powers expressly granted to me by the Holy Father Benedict XVI, by virtue of the present Decree I remit the penalty of excommunication  latae sententiae  incurred by Bishops Bernard Fellay, Bernard Tissier de Mallerais, Richard Williamson and Alfonso de Galarreta, and declared by this Congregation on July 1988.  At the same time I declare that, as of today's date, the Decree issued at that time no longer has juridical effect.   (Emp. added) Bishop Fel...

A look back at 1988 and 2009 - The Excommunications and their lifting.

+ JMJ I am aware that a number of people hold the 'belief' that the excommunication of Archbishop Lefebvre and Bishop de Castro Mayer are not 'lifted'. My conclusion is that they are and I support that by referencing the last sentence of the following official and unofficial translations of the Decree of 2009. The logic is simple: The Decree of 1988 no longer has juridical effect. Ergo: The excommunication declared by the 1988 decree is lifted for all named, without distinction. I've attached a number of versions of translations etc below. P^3

Theology of the Body - What's It All About?

+ JMJ "The Church needs this teaching today" Those are the words that were spoken to me by a "Modern Catholic" concerning the 'Theology of the Body' (a misnomer ...). I was surprised by this statement as it was suddenly introduced to the conversation. Frankly, I hadn't read anything about TOB and made it clear that this was the case. Intuitively, I suspected that TOB was inconsistent with prior Church Teaching. When I asked another Catholic about it, one involved at the Dioscesan level, I got a very innocuous answer.  From their perspective, it was completely consistent. But their understanding of TOB didn't seem to correspond with what snippets I had heard. In the end my intuition appears to have been right.  Attached below is an article by the SSPX on T.O.B. and I will have another one or two posted in the Fall. I think it is important to remember that TOB is not actually a 'Teaching of the Church' in the proper sense. ...

The Episcopal Consecrations of 1988, 1991 and 2015 - Some Perspectives

+ JMJ In defense of the recent consecration of Fr. Faure by Bishop Williamson, some have argued that the 1991 consecration of Bishop Rangel (RIP) by the Bishops of the SSPX present an equivalent standard of action and principles.  From this they conclude that the SSPX's condemnation of Bishop Williamson's action is flawed as the principles of the 1991 consecration and that of 2015 are equivalent.

Athanasius Smiled: Taking Back One of Our Places - The Remnant

+ JMJ This has been development for a long time and worthy of celebration! P^3 Redication Booklet Courtesy of the Remnant

Remnant's thoughts on the latest non developments in the Rome / SSPX relations

+ JMJ Attached below is the Remnant's thoughts on the latest developments (or lack thereof) in the Rome / SSPX relations. Of course, I'm certain the Fr. Greiger over at Mary Victrix would have a different opinion, but that is his perspective - even if it is wrong. :-) P^3 Courtesy of the Remnant

Answers for 'resistors'

+ JMJ Note: Modified from a Suscipe Domine Thread found here . P^3 I have noticed that in the defense of +W et al, 'resistors' provide non-answers. The following are the answers to questions that a Traditional Catholic should be able to provide with a little thought and research: Q. What is the Conciliar Church? A. A movement within the Church. Quote This expression is commonly understood, not as a distinct object or substance, but rather as a new spirit, introduced into the Church at the time of the Council Vatican II, and which constitutes an obstacle the end of the Church (  )

A Perspective on the 'Resistance'

+ JMJ I received the following perspective on arguing with the 'resistance' who are strongly influended by their confirmation bias  (see also cognitive biases ). For resistance minded people the reasoning is very simple! Heresy: Whatever comes from Vatican 2 + Pope Francis et al, with no exception or distinction. Liberalism: Whatever comes from the mouth of Bp Fellay et al, with no exception or distinction. Good Traditional Catholicism: Whatever comes from the mouth of Fr. Pfeiffer et al, with no exception or distinction. When they reach that point, it is useless to carry on an argument.   As the Apologetics manual states - if a person defends an absurdity, there is no reason to continue the discussion. In simpler terms, if a person is not thinking rationally during the argument, the presentation of objective evidence that contradicts their position will simply cause them to hold on that much stronger to their delusion. I have personally encountered ...

The 'resistance' and its heresy - A Synopsis

+ JMJ My conclusion about the "resistance" in general is that their "issues" are based on a malformed understanding of the Church, in particular the Teachings on the Four Marks and Visibility. While I hold Bishop Williamson (as 'moral' leader) and Fr. Pfeiffer (as ? Leader) as prime examples, a number of the 'resistance' clerics have provided evidence of the same error ( SSPX vs Resistance Ecclesiology ). A number of 'resistors' that I have encountered have taken issue with my conclusions in general  ( Series: Resistance Heresy  )and what follows below in particular: Thus where Archbishop Lefebvre saw clearly that the Conciliar Church, by losing all four marks of the Catholic Church (one, holy, catholic, apostolic), was not the Catholic Church,  Bishop Fellay (Superior General since 1994) and Fr Nicholas Pfluger (First Assistant since 2006) insist today that there can only be one Church,   and so the Conciliar Church is the Catho...

Marks of the Church - What Are They Good For? Recognizing the Church of Christ!

+ JMJ The Four Marks of the Church are present, and visible/knowable in order for all the world to be able to discern which of the claimants is truly the Church of Christ, His Mystical Body. Spoiler Alert: Even after 50 years of crisis, the Church of Christ is still Visible, it still has the Four Marks.  It is still the Catholic Church under the Successor of Peter. For further reading: The Four Marks of the Church As quoted in the above article: The four marks of the Church are integral to external elements that constitute the visibility of the Church: A unity that can be traced back to the Apostles in Government, Faith, & Worship. A universality from the beginning to end of time embracing all peoples in the profession of the same faith. The marks and the visibility of the Church are woven into a tapestry of the Church. Remove or mar one and the entire tapestry is ruined. A Church that lacks this visibility, cannot be the Church, just as a ...

Marks of the Church: Apostolic

+ JMJ The Fourth Mark of the Church! Apostolic Catechism of the Council of Trent (aka The Roman Catechism) The true Church is also to be recognised from her origin, which can be traced back under the law of grace to the Apostles; for her doctrine is the truth not recently given, nor now first heard of, but delivered of old by the Apostles, and disseminated throughout the entire world. Hence no one can doubt that the impious opinions which heresy invents, opposed as they are to the doctrines taught by the Church from the days of the Apostles to the present time, are very different from the faith of the true Church.

Marks of the Church: Catholic

+ JMJ Mark #3 - Catholicity. As before, I don't have time to clean up all the text 'interpretations from Adobe.  Please refer to the original text for further clarity. P^3 "Catholic" Catechism of the Council of Trent (aka The Roman Catechism) The third mark of the Church is that she is Catholic; that is, universal. And justly is she called Catholic, because, as St. Augustine says, she is diffused by the splendour of one faith from the rising to the setting sun." Unlike states of human institution, or the sects of heretics, she is not confined to any one country or class of men, but embraces within the amplitude of her love all mankind, whether barbarians or Scythians, slaves or freemen, male or female. Therefore it is written: Thou . . . hast redeemed us to God, in thy blood, out of every tribe, and tongue, and people, and nation, and hast made us to our God a kingdom. Speaking of the Church, David says: Ask of me and I will give thee the Genti...

Marks of the Church: Holy

+ JMJ The second Mark of the Church is that She is "Holy".  At this point I personally know that there are Traditionalists who will point (metaphorically) at the Clown Masses etc and say "That isn't Holy". Yep they're right, but that isn't a reflection on the part of the Dogma of the Church. P^3 "Holy" Catechism of the Council of Trent (aka The Roman Catechism) The second mark of the Church is holiness, as we learn from these words of the Prince of the Apostles: You are a chosen generation, a holy nation. The Church is called holy because she is consecrated and dedicated to God; for so other things when set apart and dedicated to the worship of God were wont to be called holy, even though they were material. Examples of this in the Old Law were vessels, vestments and altars. In the same sense the first-born who were dedicated to the Most High God were also called holy.

Marks of the Church: One (Unity)

+ JMJ For Traditionalists, who have been relatively secure during this crisis, there is a danger of drifting from the Teaching of the Church. My contribution to preventing this from happening is the presentation of some key doctrinal points that serve as an anchor against the temptation of the 'resistance' and sede-vacantists. P^3