+ JMJ In 2012, something curious happened that surprised a number of people. The SSPX followed its principles. This did not agree with those who now swell the ranks of the 'resistance' (sarcasm). Sadly, but not too surprisingly, this includes the monks of Avrillé P^3 h/t Tradinews Google Translation to be supplemented by Tradical as time allows. SOURCE - Bertrand Y. - Gloria TV - December 7, 2015 The Dominicans of Avrillé felt they had to publish a text against the participation of Catholics (Traditional, obviously) to the Jubilee Year decided by Pope Francis. This text resumes Good Father in his beloved forms the structure St Thomas Aquinas, with citations and scholarly research. Coming from anyone, one could think of a pastiche, one would find this funny but certainly eventually moved. After verification, this article (which is found online) has many Dominicans of Avrillé, and it is feared that it is "serious", alas.