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News Roundup August 4, 2024 and Another Milestone



 Well after nearly 14 years - I have reached a landmark of 1999 posts - even though a number are still pending release over the next few months. (Previous article on Why I Started This Blog - Link)



I started this blog in August of 2012 as a repository for my research after realizing that all my work and discussions on AngelQueen and Ignis Ardens (link) were quickly lost in the continually rolling nature of forums.  

Further, Angel Queen is defunct and Ignis Ardens died for a time before the forum software was bought by Tapatalk and reopened.  

N.B. Suscipe Domine is a Catholic Forum that has a working moderation system with set rules and can be found here: Suscipe Domine (link). I was active on the forum for a while but no longer have the time to be as active.

I also got banned from forums like CathInfo (it took a couple of days) and a Resistance Forum that sent me an invitation banned me while I was writing my first post. Twenty minutes to banning remains my personal best. 

Here's Matthews rationale for the ban:


At the time I found this part amusing:

He posted 100% of his posts in the "SSPX Resistance" subforum, even though he fundamentally disagrees with both the Resistance AND the SSPX itself. As a Novus Ordo Catholic (or Indult at best), he simply doesn't have a dog in this fight.
I guess that the 'SSPX Resistance' subforum was only for 'resistors' like himself. Perhaps it was meant as an echo chamber.  I find the conclusion that I disagree with the SSPX itself laughable - as well as the thought that I am a Novus Ordo / Indult Catholic.   

Given how the Pfeiffer and +Williamson thing turned out and that it is over twelve (12) years and the SSPX hasn't compromised - I think it is clear who was right and who was wrong.😇

Now the owner of CathInfo seeks financial support and gifts from the forum members.  I find this odd but to each their own.

There was confusion in the latter part of the discussions with Rome, but over a decade later the SSPX is still here and the 'Resistance' has simply become irrelevant. In my opinion they can't handle the truth so they have to re-imagine it. I have know idea what they will do if the Church actually does turn around in our lifetime - I suspect that pride will keep them where they are ... no where.

News RoundUp

Onwards with this month's RoundUp

I have reorganized my categories for the RoundUp - mostly for my own purposes.

The biggest news is not what happened but what didn't happen. Pope Francis didn't try to ban the Tridentine Mass. This is a good thing for the Church as it allows the Graces from the Tridentine Mass to multiply! [Updated: I forgot to finish my thought :-) ]
Popes Past Present and Future
RORATE CÆLI: From Pius XII to Paul VI to Cardinal Roche: The Difference One Word Can Make - Article by Paolo Pasqualucci
The Church and The Crisis
The Maronite Patriarchate of Antioch (1) | FSSPX News
RORATE CÆLI: The Wages of Vatican II in Italy: Without priests or faithful, the Diocese left behind by the enemy of the Latin Mass, Abp. Viola, is crumbling
RORATE CÆLI: Fortescue’s Classic Work on Eastern Orthodoxy Republished in a New Edition
RORATE CÆLI: Reflections on Pia Fraus in the Church: We must always be disciples of Truth and not of Lies!
New Document: Vatican Officials Took Homosexuality of Marcial Maciel Seriously –
Instrumentum Laboris 2024 | FSSPX News
The Joy of Schism - Crisis Magazine
Tradicat: I am amazed that disobedience is now considered a schismatic act.  That makes the Church are dictatorship. 
RORATE CÆLI: Refuting the Exaggerated and Belligerent Claims of the French Bishops’ Survey: Paix Liturgique
The Chaldean Church Refuses Fiducia Supplicans | FSSPX News
Tradicat: I wonder if they will be excommunicated and decleared schismatic as well?
Deleted: Francis’ Ex-Synod Crushed in Their Own Poll –
RORATE CÆLI: Benedictines of Norcia in today's New York Times
Retired Vatican archivist takes dim view of postconciliar era | News Headlines | Catholic Culture

Persecution Of and By The Catholic Church
Liturgy and Doctrine
RORATE CÆLI: Cardinal Sandoval Sends Letter to Pope in defense of Traditional Latin Mass
RORATE CÆLI: "To God Who Giveth Joy To My Youth": Thoughts on the Growing Revolutionary Threat to the Traditional Latin Mass
RORATE CÆLI: Sign the Petition "Stop the Ban on the Traditional Latin Mass"
RORATE CÆLI: Why is the Traditional Latin Mass So Hated? - Op-Ed
RORATE CÆLI: The Game: What Now For the Traditional Mass Under Francis? - Op-Ed
RORATE CÆLI: Accept or Reject the New Mass?
RORATE CÆLI: Frontline report: New rounds in the war against tradition
RORATE CÆLI: George Galloway comes out in favour of the Traditional Mass
RORATE CÆLI: A University Student Reflects on His Discovery of and Love for the TLM
RORATE CÆLI: Institute of Christ the King’s Superior received by Pope in Audience today (Updated with communiqué: no news is good news)
RORATE CÆLI: If the Traditional Latin Mass is Banned, Many Attendees Will Simply Leave the Church
Cordileone praises US Latin Mass 'open letter'
Guadalajara archbishop to Pope Francis on Latin Mass ban: ‘Do not allow this to happen’ | Catholic News Agency
‘Letter from the Americas’ urges Pope Francis to stop Latin Mass bans | Catholic News Agency
Like British peers, prominent US figures ask pope not to further restrict traditional Mass | National Catholic Reporter
An Urgent Message for Traditional Catholics | Mark Bauerlein | First Things
Can the Vatican Ban the Latin Mass? Catechism Says “No” - Crisis Magazine
Young Catholics defy Pope, choose Latin as rift grows in Australia's biggest church - ABC News
‘Traditionis Custodes’ 3 Years On: Pope Francis’ Latin Mass ‘Motu Proprio’ Has Generated Division, Not Unity| National Catholic Register
Vatican prohibits customary Traditional Latin Mass for ‘Our Lady of Christendom’ pilgrims in Spain  | Catholic News Agency
The Traditional Latin Mass: Third rail of the Eucharistic Congress?
Be Not Afraid: Fr. Blust on his vocation and being drawn to the Traditional Latin Mass - caedm
Petitions defending Latin Mass keep rolling in - Catholic Herald
Harrison Butker Is Right on the Traditional Latin Mass | National Review
Culture, Empty Culture, Counterculture: A Reply to Fr. de Souza on the Petition to Save the TLM - Crisis Magazine
San Francisco Archbishop praises new open letter from the Americas to Pope Francis about the Latin Mass - CatholicVote org
Agatha Christie Letter 2.0: The Traditional Latin Mass as a Cultural, as Well as Liturgical, Treasure| National Catholic Register
The movement for the Latin Mass is about far more than nostalgia - Catholic Herald
British lords, celebrities call on Vatican to preserve ‘treasure’ of Latin Mass | Catholic News Agency
Prepare Your Soul for the TLM Suppression - OnePeterFive
Vatican document further restricting the Latin Mass is on the pope’s desk - The Catholic Thing
The Remnant Newspaper - Vatican Document Further Restricting TLM said to Exist, Backed by Cardinal Parolin
‘Traditionis custodes’ has generated division, not unity on Latin Mass - The Catholic Thing
New Zealand bishop expels traditionalist order
The objective beauty and evangelizing power of the Traditional Latin Mass - The Catholic Thing
The Pope as the Custodian of Tradition - Crisis Magazine
RORATE CÆLI: Tradition and Traditionalism: Let us not be "men of little faith" - by Father Richard Cipolla
RORATE CÆLI: Update: The TLM Suppression Document Remains Unsigned
RORATE CÆLI: A pattern on TLM indults being denied and approved
RORATE CÆLI: Argentine Blog: The Prohibition Document Arrived in Francis Hands -- but he decided against signing it | The petitions and letters had an influence as well
Rumours and Facts about the Document against Holy Mass That Wasn't Published –
Caminante Wanderer
The Problem Is "The Internet" - FSSP Superior General –
RORATE CÆLI: FOR THE RECORD: Superior of FSSP discusses Synopsis of French Bishops' TLM Survey (June 7, 2021)
French Bishops on TLM: "Two worlds that do not meet" - Where Peter Is
‘Pope of Mercy’ Approves 0.025% of Diocesan Parishes Worldwide to Offer the Traditional Latin Mass
RORATE CÆLI: Marcel De Corte's 1970 Letter to Jean Madiran “On the New Mass” - First Translation into English - "Paul VI is a man full of contradictions"
Survey provides numbers on TLM Catholics to shed light on stereotypes - CatholicVote org

Around The World
Society of Saint Pius X Banned from Procession in Geneva | FSSPX News
RORATE CÆLI: The Paris Olympic Ceremony: Not Simply Bad Taste, but an Act of War against Christian Civilization

SSPX (some old links as well as new)
FSSPX Celebrates Mass in Colombia's Most Important Marian Basilica –
Instrumentum Laboris 2024 (2) | FSSPX News
Austria: Bishop Fellay gives an update on the relations of the SSPX with Rome | FSSPX News
SSPX: Back to the Bad Old Days? - Crisis Magazine
Pope Benedict and the SSPX: the Facts |
Dialogue between the Holy See and the Society of Saint Pius X - Wikipedia
Vatican Press Release: CDF-SSPX Meeting | District of the USA
SSPX leaders to receive document from the Holy See on 14 September | Fr. Z's Blog
RORATE CÆLI: Relevant / For the record: SSPX Superior General explains what happened and where Rome-SSPX relations stand
RORATE CÆLI: Decision 2012

Current Events and Interesting Items
Echoes Of The Pandemic
Bishops’ Indemnities Revisited – Padre Peregrino

Near Assassinations: Two Presidents, Two Popes - Crisis Magazine

How astronomers work out the size of our solar system | Space

Home - Sister Lucy Truth
Reason and Order Discouraged in US Seminary? – Padre Peregrino
Card. Müller’s non-renewal at DDF followed financial investigation



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