+ JMJ I came across an article "Managing the Complicated vs the Complex" and thought that it presented an interesting perspective on people. A complicated system is one in which there is usually a predictable outcome by knowing the starting conditions. A complex system in which the same conditions can produce different outcomes, depending on "interactions of the elements in the system." People are unpredictable because they are complex, not complicated, people are non-linear. For example, normally we would assume that a person will take actions that are best for them. However, I have been witness to a person who took actions that weren't best for them, but were the worst possible from someone else. This doesn't make sense, but people aren't always predictable, they're complex. Another example is Catholicam, I know I come back to this exchange from about a decade ago, but it is useful ( see link Cognitive Dissonance ). Rationally, Catholicam ...
Seeking A Way Forward: A Lay Catholic Traditionalist's Thoughts and Reflections on ways to help the Church emerge from this crisis of Faith