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Steve Skojec: New Legislation Claims UFO Threat Increasing - And Only Some Have Known Human Origin (Updated)



 When Steve Skojec sold 1P5, I subscribed to his post 1P5 newsletter. I had suspected that, from some of his writing, Skojec was experiencing a crisis of Faith. In other words, that he was losing the faith. I was not incorrect and [since then] I've noticed him go off in various directions. 

Recently, I came across his responses to people who challenged his opinion on the existence of "Aliens", meaning other species.  Frankly, some of the arguments that were advanced by his opponents were simply expositions of ignorance, which Skojec treated as such.  [I found a note of derision in his responses but that may have been unintended.]

Moving on ...

Here's a screen shot from the latest bit that arrived in my inbox.

There is a lot of language around the world that makes you want to 'sit up and take notice'.  However, I think we need to dig a little deeper into some sub-surface issues.

The first is trust.  Ultimately, if you want to believe something you are trusting another human, your own senses [or an] ability to test a hypothesis.  For example, I have never seen an electron, but I trust a scientist that they exist.  I have never seen a miracle, but I trust the people who examined the facts that they occurred. When you read a Catholic Bible you are trusting the translators, authors and ultimately God.

This is one of the reasons why I am careful (ie. allergic) to conspiracy theories, they erode trust with offering nothing substantial in exchange.  In the long chain of events this leads to anarchy.

Moving on ...

The second facet I want to explore is the concept of 'Aliens'.  I'm not talking about the Hollywood versions that burst from the chests of hapless explorers.  I'm am talking about beings that are not human and have intelligence. First, lets set aside the science fiction versions of aliens!  


Because they are too limiting, are based on either humans or spiritual beings and the result of fiction.  Second, lets focus on what 'types' of alien intelligence that we are interested. Those that are superior to humans, either technologically or inherently. 

Technologically, we are on the grounds of significant conspiracy theory. Suffice to say that any intelligent beings in this category have to abide by the laws of reality. Gravity, space, time etc. 

Moving on ...

In the Catholic Teaching we know of three other groups that are intelligent and fit this description: God, Angels and Demons.  While God is obviously in a class by Himself, Angels and Demons originated as a single group - Angels.  There was a test that a portion of the Angels failed and because of their nature became the intransigent enemies of God and as a result the human race. So lets be clear, as Catholics we believe that we are not alone in the Universe.  There are beings that wish us well and wish us harm.

How do we "know" this?  

Well first of all we have the accounts of miracles, super-natural events, that have taken place over the ages.  There are some that are more recent and have been examined using more modern technology. Suffice to say there have been reliable witnesses of events that run counter to the natural order.  Think St. Joseph of Cupertino (defying gravity), St. Francis Xavier (cures etc).  These events were witnessed and examined with the tools available at the time and defied nature.

Then we can examine apparitions and the miracles that accompanied them - such as Lourdes and Fatima. Again, the simple drying of soaked ground in Fatima without vaporizing the people is a proof that something outside of nature occurred.

Then think about demonic possessions.

Once again, set aside the Hollywood depictions.  The reality is far terrifying and yet it provides evidence of intelligent beings who are definitely superior to humans and have powers that are far beyond us. If necessary just read some approved accounts from Catholic exorcists.

Now let's turn back to the article that started this think about what it said and not what is implied.  The government of the USA is distinguishing between UFOs / UAPs that are of human origin and those that are not. 

What does that leave us with?

  1. God, 
  2. Angels, 
  3. Fallen-Angels, 
  4. Natural Phenomena 
  5. and Other.

Although the arguments put forward by Skojec's interlocutors weren't well formed, to ignore the first 3 because of a lack of trust is just as fallacious as ignoring the final two.  

As I understand it, the proof of intelligent species that inhabited other parts of the Universe does not challenge my Catholic Faith.  After all, they would be another order of creation, different from the Angels et al, but similar in that they are intelligent  However, if verifiable proof were provided, it would challenge my faith in the physicists and mathematicians who delve into the fundamental aspects of creation and have concluded that [an intelligent species travelling to earth] is impossible.

 [Update for clarification: The distances between Earth and other habitable planets is vast 4.2 light years to Proxima B in the Alpha Centauri solar system. The time required to reach Proxima B with current tech is measured in thousands of years. Some physicists have proposed a way of warping space - however there is a hitch: "Alcubierre’s method of compressing spacetime had one problem: it requires negative energy or negative mass."(earthsky) or according to one theory vast amounts of energey - equivalent to hundreds of times the mass of Jupiter - in a 100m radius spacecraft (PhysicsWorld). So let's set aside science fiction and untenable science theories.  IF there were intelligent beings on Proxima B and IF they decided to visit Earth over other closer planets for some strange reason - they would have needed to start their journey thousands of years ago.  The question then becomes why would they?  At the time they would have left Proxima B, there would be no evidence of technology to make Earth standout for such an investment. Numberically the chance of this happening is really, really, really small.  However, as Catholics we believe that Faster-Than-Light is possible.  It is called the Speed of Thought and that is how fast beings with an angelic nature move.  It is also, according to Catholic Doctrine, how fast the resurrected just will be able to move (NewAdvent).]

Last thought for today, it seems prideful that humans can write off Natural Phenomena with such ease.  The universe is more complex and each new discovery simply removes another veil showing even more complexity beneath the already complex nature of creation.

So ... that's my thoughts on Skojec's article.



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