+ JMJ I have to admit that I am enjoying CMTV's continued stretching to make something out of nothing. Just to be clear, I mean that they are trying to prove that the SSPX is "Sympathetic to Perverts" and that is not true. Of course, I fully expect CMTV to shift their focus and try to prove something else. The latest stretch is their accusations that the police department protected Mr. Palmeri and then send a letter to the Sheriff asking a bunch of loaded questions and 'expect' a reply. Here's what they wrote: Chief Derek Cid, I appreciate your taking the time to respond. However, my call was in reference to the press release itself, and not on getting the press release. To that end, please respond to the following questions. 1) Your press release references an unnamed online media article. Are you referring to Saint Michael's Media/Church Militant and the article SSPX: 'Sympathetic to Perverts' ? 2) I understand size and location affects ...
Seeking A Way Forward: A Lay Catholic Traditionalist's Thoughts and Reflections on ways to help the Church emerge from this crisis of Faith