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Showing posts from May, 2020

CMTV: Cone of Silence or ... Cone of Shame

+ JMJ I have to admit that I am enjoying CMTV's continued stretching to make something out of nothing. Just to be clear, I mean that they are trying to prove that the SSPX is "Sympathetic to Perverts" and that is not true. Of course, I fully expect CMTV to shift their focus and try to prove something else. The latest stretch is their accusations that the police department protected Mr. Palmeri and then send a letter to the Sheriff asking a bunch of loaded questions and 'expect' a reply.  Here's what they wrote: Chief Derek Cid, I appreciate your taking the time to respond. However, my call was in reference to the press release itself, and not on getting the press release. To that end, please respond to the following questions. 1) Your press release references an unnamed online media article. Are you referring to Saint Michael's Media/Church Militant and the article SSPX: 'Sympathetic to Perverts' ? 2) I understand size and location affects ...

Holy Water Frogs

+ JMJ For some reason the phrase 'Holy Water Frog' came up in a conversation and I thought the image very apt for people who think of themselves as judge, jury and executioner of justice.  They bath in Holy Water and yet for all that, they are still just frogs croaking in the evening air. I liked it so much that I asked on of my children to draw it for me see below). It would be topical to apply this image to Mr. Voris and Ms. Niles. Especially since their campaign is waning and they have reverted to casting slurs at those Catholics who did not jump on their bandwagon. Before we feel too comfortable in our spots, we need to remember the transition to being a Holy Water Frog is lightning quick and Mr. Voris et al are not the only ones susceptible to the malady. So be grateful that you have the Mass and grateful for the good and holy priests of the SSPX, and pray for the weak and tepid priests. I am grateful that I have been able to receive the Sacraments of Penance and Holy Comm...

Catholics are not to use the Orans Posture

+ JMJ I am weirded out when someone uses the Orans posture ... now I know why - it is a posture reserved from the priest.. The laity are not priests - so they should be using the posture! P^3 On September 3, 1958 the Sacred Congregation for Rites issued a document titled De musica sacra et sacra liturgia ( Instruction on Sacred Music and Sacred Liturgy ). This document stated, “Since the Pater Noster is a fitting, and ancient prayer of preparation for Communion, the entire congregation may recite this prayer in unison with the priest in low Masses; the Amen at the end is to be said by all” ( DM Prayers and Hymns § 32 ). It was at this time that the faithful were given permission to pray the Our Father with the priest. However, the faithful maintained the same posture as before - standing, with their hands folded in prayer. Prior to this Instruction , the priest prayed the Our Father on behalf of the faithful. The Orans Posture is representative of praying on behalf of others...

Critical Reading / Thinking for Catholics

+ JMJ A practical starting point therefore, is to consider anything you read not as fact , but as an argument of the writer. Taking this starting point you will be ready to engage in critical reading. University of Leicester. The hoopla being created by CMTV's campaign against the SSPX gave me the idea that Catholics need strong critical thinking skills in order to separate the Intergnat wheat from the chaff. Do you want to know the two toughest courses that I took in university? Obviously, I'm going to tell you. The first was business law.  The teacher was insanely busy, tough and fair.  I got one of the higher marks in the class (~77%). She forced us to really look at cases from a different perspective. The second was critical reading and writing. Just like business law, you had to look deeper, behind, and around the ideas contained in the assignments.  It isn't easy to stop and think about what you're reading, writing and ideas the you come across. In my experience p...

CMTV: Journalists, Story Tellers, Judges or Tale Bearers? How to decide! (aka Catholic Principles for Assessing Accusations of Wrongdoing)

+ JMJ Is CMTV a reliable source of Catholic news? Are they journalists, Story Tellers, Judges or Tale Bearers? This are good questions given their approach. With regards to their reliability as a Catholic News source, we know that their audience is more 'conservative' than Catholic ( see this article ).  The New York Times is just as reputable a source of news and just like CMTV there are practicing Catholics within their ranks. So CMTV, based on their audience can't make the claim that they are a 'Catholic' news source, even if its members are practicing Catholics and they have a private chapel in their studios. For years I have been ignoring Michael Voris because his story was always the same. After a while the "sky is falling" becomes a little redundant. Frankly, when Michael Voris made his vow of consecration in 'public' on his video channel - I was turned off and this was solidified when he started attacking the SSPX with various allegations s...

CMTV: Vomitous Mass and Projections

+ JMJ CMTV's campaign has so far provided material for at least a dozen articles on various fallacies and poor reporting.  Frankly, I enjoyed the Kasas City Star article because it was devoid of Mr. Voris' skewed hatred of the SSPX (see below): To the point of believing themselves being the saviors of the Church, the group routinely recruits future supporters — influencers in the media or money circles — playing up the current crisis in the actual Church as a reason to jump ship and join them.  ... You are not the "saviors of the Church" — and certainly not as you continue to protect child molesters.  In other articles he accuses the SSPX faithful of thinking that they are elite Catholics etc, looking down on modern Catholics etc. Looking through his accusations with the 'projection' lense, it would appear that there is a distinct possibility that Mr. Voris' crusade against the SSPX is grounded on the belief that HE is an elite Catholic, bet...

SSPX - Concerning CMTV Media Campaign

+ JMJ The SSPX has made a number of responses to CMTV, but at this point I think they should just ignore them and focus on the faithful. CMTV isn't interested in the truth, they're just people living in glass houses who throw stones. Courtesy of P^3 A Statement of the SSPX concerning a Church Militant Media Campaign For the past week, the Society of Saint Pius X has been the subject of a media campaign conducted by the Church Militant website. It has been accused of having “sympathy for perverts” (sic) and of covering up for some of its members or employees who may have been guilty of misconduct. This is not the first campaign, and it will certainly not be the last. Already, in July 2019, similar accusations had been made against the Society’s authorities by Church Militant. The Society is committed to transparency and it exercises transparency in an appropriate manner and, as far as possible, while avoiding prejudicing the rights ...

SSPX: U.S. District Responds to Church Militant

+ JMJ For the record I have attached the original SSPX response to the CMTV campaign. It was originally located at this weblink, but was removed. I have no problem with them replacing this release with a more considered on on April 28th. Especially because of the following statement: The SSPX is committed to full transparency in all of these cases. We will be releasing detailed responses to every allegation. The SSPX does not need to respond to allegations made in the court of public opinion. Why? For a number of principled reasons which I discussed here .  To these I would add one from my experience in arguing with people on forums and the mentally ill: Forums: If people are not looking for the truth, they won't recognize it when they see it.  Mentally Ill: When confronted with reality, they will make up a new reality. So there you have it. P^3 U.S. District Responds to Church Militant ...

What the Catholic Twitters and CMTV Twittees Are Saying

+ JMJ It's interesting to see how online personalities are unconstrained in their modes of expression. Christine Niles: Pay no attention, Patrick. This vocal minority is the nastiest group of people I've ever met. Our Spotlight hit a nerve, exposed filth that had been festering for decades & burst their idyllic bubble about the Society. Pay no attention to the distractions. God bless. 10:58 AM · Apr 28, 2020 · Twitter Web App Well, I have been seeking the sacraments from the SSPX since 1982 and I don't consider it and 'idyllic bubble' but a heck of a lot better than what I hear my Modern Catholic have to deal with an a daily basis. It is funny how Christine doesn't hate the SSPX, just what she believes about the SSPX.  Me thinks that there may be a beam in the way.   I am beginning to suspect that Christine may have personally been affected by this form of abuse, she doesn't seem to be able to keep her peace of soul and las...

SSPX: Church Militant Guilty of Peddling Sleaze – Catholic Truth

+ JMJ I cam across an article by Catholic Truth and found it interesting.  Here's an excerpt: Having read the sexual abuse trilogy produced by Church Militant against the SSPX, one question above all remains to be answered: Has this been a noble cause for justice or an exercise in vengeance? The first step to answering this question is to ask another… Given that this handful of accused homosexual abuser priests are no longer in the SSPX, and given the new, very strict guidelines that all religious communities are obliged to follow concerning child safety, is there anything constructive to be gained from this trilogy? The answer is clearly and emphatically no ;   there are no young men or children presently at risk in the SSPX and no predators presently at large within its priestly structure of 500 – 600 clerics. Hence, it seems more likely that this is a set of historical accounts written up with a view to doing more harm than good. I think anyone with a kno...

The Internet and Final Judgement

+ JMJ    I was listening to a "Time with Father" video (embedded below) and noted that Father mentioned he was a little nervous because once the video is only loaded it is on the internet for everyone to see forever (or something to that effect). Being of a strong literal and technological mind, I know that this is not really true. Remove electrical power world wide and all the servers, stop, cold. Father reminded me of an interesting point that the internet is, in a way, like the final judgement.  At the Final Judgement we will see and know everyone's sins as well as their inner motivations.  In other words we'll know what they did and WHY they did it. The internet is a pale imitation of the power of God, but it is useful.  Look at how people judge and attack sins against "political correctness", the warped " Boys will be Boys " campaign and even CMTV's hatred and judgement of the SSPX.  This is all but a precursor to the general judgement. Go...

CMTV - Fr. Urrutigoity ... another uni-dimensional story from Ms. De-Niles

+ JMJ The Nile(s) in Uganda It is no surprise that CMTV would dredge up Fr. Urrutigoity and ascribe malfeasance. The title says it all "SSPX Bishops Ordained Known Gay Predator".  They go on to say that he was protected and promoted by 'no fewer than three SSPX bishops' and that the whistle blower was expelled from the SSPX.  Plus they quote Dr. Bond (Jeffrey not Jame) that he evaded justice by enlisting episcopal support. Not quote true. I met Fr.Urrutigoity and knew one of the seminarian's that accompanied him when he departed the SSPX.  First, we have Fr. Morello, who sought to expel the then seminarian Urrutigoity.  However, as usual, the situation was not as simple as Ms. Niles implies.  Fr. Morello did not leave the SSPX on good terms and it was not because of his intervention that he was expelled from the SSPX.  That is a longer process and would have been started months in advance, unless he did something really bad to cause a more severe process. M...

COVID-19: The New Article of Faith

+ JMJ No, this is not about Pope Francis. This is about the way people (Catholics - Trad and Mod) take a situation and start making dogmatic declarations. First, is it within the sphere of the civil authority to limit freedoms, such as being able to assemble in a large group within a Church?  Does this some impinge upon the doctrine of Christ the King (Quas Primas)? When they act for the common-good, then it does not.  Sorry Louie, if there is a plague ravaging the world, the civil authorities would not be doing their duty. What are the benefits of recognizing that Christ is King? 19. When once men recognize, both in private and in public life, that Christ is King, society will at last receive the great blessings of real liberty, well-ordered discipline, peace and harmony. Our Lord's regal office invests the human authority of princes and rulers with a religious significance; it ennobles the citizen's duty of obedience. It is for this reason that St. Paul, ...

SSPX Transfers

+ JMJ Eponymous flow posted the following list of transfers etc. Source: The departures Bishop Bernard Fellay, the third Superior General until 2018, leaves the General House in Menzingen and moves to the Seminary of St. Thomas Aquinas in the USA. Bishop Bernard Tissier de Mallerais, suffering from ill health, is being referred to the Seminary of St. Pius X in Ecene as a retreat. Fr. Christian Thouvenot, until now Secretary General of the General House, becomes a professor at the seminary in Ecene. Fr. Franz Schmidberger, until now Rector at the Seminary of the Heart of Jesus in Zaitzkofen, moves to the district of Germany. Fr. Jürgen Wegner, until now district superior of the DISTRICT USA, moves to the district of Austria. Fr. Philippe Brunet, until now Superior of the Autonomous House of Spain-Portugal, becomes professor at the Seminary U.L.F. and co-saviour of La Reja in...

What does the acronym CMTV represent?

+ JMJ Quite a bit of traffic on the CMTV snow storm. So - Mr. Gabriel Sieben has done a traffic analysis and I would like to post one of the visuals. Whether or not CMTV is hurting from a drop in viewership depends on their funding sources. But the audience bubble chart is really interesting. Based on this analysis, CMTV appeals to those with conservative appetites, but not specifically Catholic news. For a supposedly Catholic apostolate, the aren't really reaching an audience with an appetite for Catholic news and issues. They're basically in the middle, neither hot or cold but lukewarm and unsurprisingly they lash out at those not like them. P^3

CMTV, does it mean: Catholic? Mad Trad Visionaries

+ JMJ "When a layman tries to depart the SSPX, a measure of shame is applied, often trying to convince the wife to divorce her husband and take the children." Watch the full Vortex here - https:// I like his new hair style ... shows that I haven't looked at a vid for a while. Wow, he's really grasping. I wonder how much of this is he-says / she-says. When relationships go south, there's a lot of anger and depending on who you talk to you'll get a lot of different perspetives. P^3

COVID-19 The Facts Please

+ JMJ There's a few conspiracy theories circulating about the origin of the pandemic and this is simply people looking for a simple explanation for a complex event. Sorry people, if you want to understand what is happening, you're going to have to trust the experts with appropriate qualification.  For example a practicing American osteopathic physician such as Dr. Rashid Buttar just doesn't cut it.  Qualifications to look for are PhD's in infectious diseases, genetics, immunology.  A now a few facts: The virus was circulating as early as October (note1). It is not a human derived virus (note 1, 2 and 3) A preliminary study out of Germany supports the infection fatality rate "the percentage of all the people infected who eventually die of the disease" to be ~0.4%.  (note 4) Data suggests that 80% of infections are mild or asymptomatic, 15% are severe requiring oxygen and 5% are critical requiring ventilation (note 5).  This ratio emerged months ...