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Reactionary Reaction to a Book by Dr. Taylor Marshall


David Armstrong's 'reaction' to other 'reactions' is predictable, because he is not 'culturally' Catholic.

If he was he wouldn't write stuff like this ...

However, given what happens to some converts - - - it may be for the best.

So ... here we go.

First a reference:
Dave Armstrong: Reactionary Infiltration of Taylor Marshall’s Book, “Infiltration”

He has been married to his wife Judy since October 1984, and the couple has three sons and a daughter.[20] Armstrong holds a Bachelor of Arts, Sociology (cum laude) from Wayne State University, Detroit, 1982.Wikipedia
 A little background: He's a sociologist. No biggy - good to see he got through university with something. But ... this means that all of his Theology is self-taught. Like me ... except I have a foundation from an SSPX school.
It is mere recycled radical Catholic reactionary conspiratorialism: a sort of updated version of The Great Facade (2002; updated with a 2nd edition in 2015: in order to capitalize on the anti-Francis hysteria), by Christopher Ferrara and Thomas Woods. Marshall has been sinking more and more into the doom-and-gloom abyss of reactionary thinking for several years now.
Well this is an interesting op, but perhaps Marshall is actually beginning to realize that all is not as it seems.
In other words, to sum it up: “It ain’t just Pope Francis.” It’s radical Catholic reactionary conspiratorial / alarmist / fanatical thinking (to more or less degrees, depending on the document). That’s why — increasingly — those who attack Pope Francis also are frequently observed attacking Pope Benedict XVI, Pope St. John Paul II, Pope St. Paul VI, and Pope St. John XXIII (even sometimes Ven. Pope Pius XII, too), and/or Vatican II, and/or the ordinary form Mass.

Ah, well  this crisis didn't start with Pope Francis, it's been a long time in the making. But if David wants to hold his opinion that all is hunky dory, then he's entitled to be wrong. :-)
I’ve been studying and critiquing reactionary thinking since 1997 and have written two books about it (one / two) and have an extensive web page on the topic. 
Interesting, but ... he just has a website and this doesn't mean he's right. It means that:
  1. The publishers thought his work would sell books. ... oops looks like he self published
  2. He can use blogging software.
Hardly academic qualifications eh?

Anyway, I suspect that David didn't go into it too much because he doesn't actually seem to get into a blow-by-blow rebuttal.

I'm not going to read what I suspect is simply tripe so ... moving on.  Sorry for wasting your time on a bit of a rant.

Quick summary: David is simply an example of why we need to re-establish a true Catholic Culture the is fostered by the Tridentine Mass.   Otherwise protestants like David will simply half-convert and still be afraid of the truth.



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