+JMJ +
There's a lot of fud being spread concerning the latest eruption in the crisis of the Church.
The problem is that when given incorrect information people will almost certainly make bad decisions.
This leads back to the absolute necessity of maintaining a strong spiritual life. With this it is possible to maintain perspective.
We may enjoy abundance of peace if we refrain from busying ourselves with the sayings and doings of others, and things which concern not ourselves. How can he abide long time in peace who occupieth himself with other men's matters, and with things without himself, and meanwhile payeth little or rare heed to the self within? Blessed are the single-hearted, for they shall have abundance of peace.
So, first we have to take care of our souls before engaging in the warfare of the soul.
I am concerned for Louie verrechio as there appears (to me) a lot of anger and nor enough peace of soul emanating from his writing.
Perhaps Louie is simply going through the stages of grieving and presently is in the anger stage. The sspx passed through this stage in the 70/80's.
We are past the time for righteous anger. Now is the time for acceptance that this pontificate is simply the end-point foreseen in the 70's by Archbishop Lefevre.
This is a very long war and not one that will be won by the impetuous.
I was just thinking the same thing about Louie. He still one of my favorite bloggers though.