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Holy Water Frogs


For some reason the phrase 'Holy Water Frog' came up in a conversation and I thought the image very apt for people who think of themselves as judge, jury and executioner of justice.  They bath in Holy Water and yet for all that, they are still just frogs croaking in the evening air.

I liked it so much that I asked on of my children to draw it for me see below).

It would be topical to apply this image to Mr. Voris and Ms. Niles. Especially since their campaign is waning and they have reverted to casting slurs at those Catholics who did not jump on their bandwagon.

Before we feel too comfortable in our spots, we need to remember the transition to being a Holy Water Frog is lightning quick and Mr. Voris et al are not the only ones susceptible to the malady.

So be grateful that you have the Mass and grateful for the good and holy priests of the SSPX, and pray for the weak and tepid priests.

I am grateful that I have been able to receive the Sacraments of Penance and Holy Communion over the past month, even when we didn't attend Mass in order to make room for others.

So remain Holy, remain Humble and remain Grateful.

Do so and I am confident that you won't venture far from the straight and narrow path.



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