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News Roundup: July 8, 2024 - Updated Links



 Well, the Crisis of the Catholic Church continues down the same path with Pope Francis' foot on the accelerator.  

The biggest news item is the rumoured attempt to ban the Tridentine Mass ... again. 

I'll add some additional comments below as time allows.

My only word of advice is, if you have the Tridentine Mass be it SSPX, FSSP, Diocesan or other,  to continue to be grateful for it.  If it is taken away from you, well that will be a test for those outside the SSPX as the experiment of Tradition is still too scary for the hierarchy.


P.S. The following news articles have popped up as part of the internet churn on recent topics:

  1. RORATE CÆLI: Father John Berg Elected as Fraternity of Saint Peter Superior General
  2. Pope’s Restrictions Spark Resurgence of Interest in Traditional Mass Among Youth| National Catholic Register
  3. RORATE CÆLI: Sign the Petition "Stop the Ban on the Traditional Latin Mass"
  4. Vigano's excommunication: Which bishops have faced similar sanctions in the church? - Catholic news – La Croix International
    1. Of course parallels will be attempted to be made with ++Lefebvre. The key item that most seem to be missing is that mere disobedience is now being weaponized into an act of schism. The Dictatorship marches on.
  5. Archbishop’s Excommunication Fuels Revolt Against Rome - The Stream 
  6. Vatican excommunicates former ambassador to the US | AP News
  7. In this Kansas town, an insular Catholic sect leaves some residents feeling left out • Kansas Reflector
    1. Special note: This secular article recirculates some of old accusations. I find it interesting how they have used things stated in confession which no priest can testify on.  It seems to be an early stage attack on the seal of confession.


[Tradicat: Comment]

Popes Past Present and Future

Pope Francis says his conservative critics in the church have a ‘suicidal attitude’ | CNN
Pope Francis vs. Cardinal Hollerich| National Catholic Register
Pope Francis and ‘60 Minutes’: 4 Clear Noes and 1 Clear Yes| National Catholic Register
Pope Francis apologizes after using vulgar term about gay men | AP News
Is a Pope Beyond Criticism? - Crisis Magazine
Pope appoints Cardinal Tagle as his Special Envoy to US Eucharistic Congress - Vatican News
Why doesn’t Pope Francis Celebrate Mass? Part II | Catholic Culture
The Remnant Newspaper - A Major Statement Calling For Francis’s Removal Raises A Major Question
RORATE CÆLI: “The Bishop of Rome”: new Vatican document on papal primacy and “ecumenism”
RORATE CÆLI: Don Pietro Leone: Is Pope Francis Pope, and If Not, What Then?
RORATE CÆLI: "Unresolved Tensions in Papal-Episcopal Relations": New Anthology Maps Out the Terrain
LES FEMMES - THE TRUTH: The Pope is NOT an Absolute Monarch! Catholics Must Understand the Limits of Episcopal Authority!
Cardinal Burke’s Position: Respect Papal Office Even If a Pope Is Failing –
    [Tradicat: The respect of the Papal Office - even with a Pope like Francis is simply the Catholic thing to do - read the Catechism of the Council of Trent.]  
Francis Condemns Himself: "Conservativism [of the 60s] Is Completely Suicidal Attitude" –
Complaint Against the Pope at the UN | FSSPX News

The Church and The Crisis

Vatican moves to adapt to hoaxes and overhauls its process for evaluating visions of Mary | AP News
Vatican moves to adapt to hoaxes, Internet and overhauls its process for evaluating visions of Mary | National Post
Vatican moves to adapt to hoaxes, internet | CTV News
Vatican tightens rules on supernatural phenomena
Vatican moves to adapt to hoaxes and overhauls its process for evaluating visions of Mary | AP News
[Tradicat: It would be good if they took as strong and action against false apparaitions like Medjugorje as they do against the Tridentine Mass]  
The Lazy Lies and Libels of the Catholic Left - Crisis Magazine
On that Associated Press piece and the future of the Church in America – Catholic World Report
Transgender Hermit Announcement Poses Questions About Church’s Teaching on Religious Life| National Catholic Register
Vatican Conference on Catholic Church in China Reflects the Vatican’s Compromises| National Catholic Register
Pablo de Rojas Sánchez-Franco - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Sects, real estate interests and an excommunicated bishop: the intriguing case of the nuns who deny Francis
The ‘Spirit’ of Vatican II Conservatism? | Commonweal Magazine
[Tradicat: I am going to have to read this one in more detail ...]
Sedes SapientiÆ: Special English-Language issue 2024: St Vincent Ferrer, Fraternity Of, Schneider, Bishop Athanasius, de Blignieres, Louis-Marie: 9781990685972: Books
Chestertonian Realism as the Cure for Modern Insanity - Crisis Magazine
The Remnant Newspaper - A Dangerous Relator in Mischief
Introduction - Essential Latin Hymns - Angelus Press - YouTube
Lourdes, Fatima, Guadalupe, Knock — What Is the Common Link in These Marian Apparitions?| National Catholic Register
A New Miracle in Lourdes? –
Restore-DC-Catholicism: Archdiocese of Baltimore And Fiducia Supplicans Versus Protection Of Babies
Restore-DC-Catholicism: Archdiocese Of Chicago's Laughable Attempt At Damage Control
Restore-DC-Catholicism: The Vatican Is Becoming A Joke - Literally
LMS Chairman: Praying for the Conversion of the Jews
LMS Chairman: George Galloway on the Traditional Mass
LMS Chairman: Getting men to Mass: for Catholic Answers
RORATE CÆLI: Don Pietro Leone: Is Pope Francis Pope, and If Not, What Then?
RORATE CÆLI: A Conspicuous Omission in the New DDF Document on Private Revelation - Guest Article
RORATE CÆLI: The Largest Traditional Pilgrimage is on: Follow the Live Feed of the Chartres Pilgrimage #NDC2024
Altar Against Altar: Wrestling with rifts in the Catholic Church - Where Peter Is
Fair-Weather Traditionalism Is Over - Crisis Magazine
What Is Missing in the Interreligious Dialogue With Muslims? - Crisis Magazine
News Headlines | Catholic Culture

Vigano and Sedevacantism

[Tradicat: I have been wary of ++Vigano since the beginning.  Why?  Because in forty plus years of being Traditional Catholic, I have seen Trads desperate for a Traditionalist Redeemer clutch are the robes of many a celebrity trad.  Only to be led down the garden path.]
Interview with Archbishop Lefebvre in Le Figaro, August 4, 1976. - page 1 - Crisis in the Church - Catholic Info
Stephen Kokx on X: "“While we are certain that the faith the Church has taught for 20 centuries cannot contain error, we are much further from absolute certitude that the pope is truly pope.” - Archbishop Lefebvre, 1976" / X
The Hot Summer of 1976 and Archbishop Lefebvre | District of the USA
SSPX Supports Vatican Charge that Archbishop Viganò is “Schismatic”
Traditionalist SSPX group distances itself from Viganò and schism comparisons - Catholic Herald
FSSPX Distances Itself from Monsignor Viganó –
In Italy, prominent conservatives back Vatican move against Viganò | Crux
Archbishop Viganò’s Astonishing Transformation from Vatican Insider to Alleged Schismatic| National Catholic Register
Traditionalist SSPX group distances itself from Viganò, archbishop accused of schism | Crux
BREAKING: Abp. Viganò Accuses Pope Francis of 'Heresy and Schism' - Catholic Family News
Bishop Strickland: 'I am not and have never been a sedevacantist' - LifeSite
EXCLUSIVE: Archbishop Viganò confirms he has not and will not attend Vatican 'schism' trial - LifeSite
In Italy, prominent conservatives back Vatican move against Viganò | Crux
In Italy, prominent conservatives back Vatican move against Viganò | Crux
Archbishop Viganò’s Astonishing Transformation from Vatican Insider to Alleged Schismatic| National Catholic Register
Spanish Poor Clares announce break from Catholic Church
Bishop Strickland's mixed signals - Where Peter Is
Vatican declares former US envoy excommunicated on July 4 | Crux
Viganò excommunicated for schism 


[Tradicat: It was interesting to see the 'Resistance' has made the news. I am still awaiting the compromise of the SSPX]
Cebu, cradle of Christianity in Asia, becomes nursery of ‘Catholic resistance’
Central Visayas: Cebu, cradle of Christianity in Asia, becomes nursery of ‘Catholic resistance’ | Cebu City | Head Topics

Persecution Of and By The Catholic Church

[Tradicat: The persecution of the Traditional Catholics has been going on since the Second Vatican Council - until we get a Great Pope - and I mean far far greater than Pope St. John Paul II, this crisis won't be over]

Liturgy and Doctrine

RORATE CÆLI: An “Agatha Christie” Petition for Our Age: Great Names of Public Life and Culture sign Open Letter in Defense of the Latin Mass
La Croix: No Document in Preparation against the Roman Mass –
Is there a secret plan to suppress the TLM — again?
RORATE CÆLI: Archbishop Viola, the violator of Tradition -- the dangerous secretary of Divine Worship and the man behind the attempts to ban the Traditional Mass. His letter to the Melbourne Archbishop
FACT CHECK: Did Latin Mass Adherents Bring Back Prayers About ‘The Perfidious Jew?’ | Check Your Fact
Will Pope Francis kill the Latin Mass? - UnHerd
TLM Crackdown: A ‘Final Solution’ Seems Probable - Catholic Family News
A Traditionalist Ordinariate? Reply to Fr de Blignières - OnePeterFive
Lay Movement Launches International Campaign for ‘Total Freedom of the Traditional Liturgy’ - Edward Pentin
LES FEMMES - THE TRUTH: The Days of Persecution and the Underground Masses May be on the Horizon.
RORATE CÆLI: 2nd Worldwide Campaign for the Preservation of the Traditional Latin Mass
RORATE CÆLI: Pope’s Anti-TLM Theologian Shows His Pro-Contraception Cards
RORATE CÆLI: URGENT - URGENT - Growing Rumors of a “Final Solution” for the Traditional Latin Mass - TLM
RORATE CÆLI: “Before the Egghead Fell Off the High Wall and Shattered into a Thousand Pieces”: Charlier on Grillo
RORATE CÆLI: Accept or Reject the New Mass?
RORATE CÆLI: The Game: What Now For the Traditional Mass Under Francis? - Op-Ed
RORATE CÆLI: Sermon for the “Final” Mass in St Patrick’s Cathedral, Melbourne – 19th June, 2024 - The Prophetic Words of Cardinal Pell in 1992
RORATE CÆLI: EXCLUSIVE: Dom Alcuin Reid’s Response to Prof. Grillo’s Interview
RORATE CÆLI: Andrea Grillo: An astonishing interview of the main lay ideologue behind Traditionis Custodes and the desire to ban the Traditional Mass
"What Can I Do if the Traditional Latin Mass is Taken Away?" (Special Podcast Highlight) - Relevant Radio
The Patrick Madrid Show: June 26, 2024 - Hour 1 - Relevant Radio

Religious Orders etc

French Latin Mass community asks for prayers after Vatican stops its priestly ordinations - CatholicVote org
RORATE CÆLI: An Ordinariate for Traditional Catholics? An interview with Father de Blignières
RORATE CÆLI: Frontline report: New rounds in the war against tradition
RORATE CÆLI: Odd Cancellation: Peronism has reached the Tiber -- by Abp. Héctor Agüer
LMS Chairman: An Ordinariate for Traditionalists?

Around The World

In Israel, Anti-Christian Acts Are Increasing | FSSPX News
Madrid Catholic fined €3,600 for publicly praying the Rosary - Catholic Family News
Restore-DC-Catholicism: Harrison Butker's Commencement Address


We embrace an organized hierarchy | General House
Sermon of Bishop Bernard Fellay for the Funeral of Bishop Huonder | District of the USA
Santa Fe Pilgrimage - Kansas | District of the USA
Grasshopper Chapel Pilgrimage - Minnesota | District of the USA
A Tribute to St. Pius X on the Anniversary of His Canonization | District of the USA
Bishop Vitus Huonder and the SSPX | FSSPX News
Corpus Christi: The Feast of the Most Blessed Sacrament | FSSPX News
The Sacred Heart: A Collection of Devotions, Histories, and Meditations | District of the USA
The Church, Hong Kong, and the Ghost of Tiananmen Square | FSSPX News
“Brain Death” in the Spotlight Once Again | FSSPX News
United States: Ordinations at the St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary – 2024 | FSSPX News
Guiding dogma for our age: the Assumption | District of the USA
Agenda - 2024 Conference for Catholic Tradition
The Sino-Vatican Agreement Will Be Renewed | FSSPX News
Syro-Malabar Church: Is There a Solution to the Conflict in Sight? | FSSPX News
The Vatican Activates Extrajudicial Proceedings Against Archbishop Viganò | FSSPX News
Switzerland: Bishop Eleganti Criticizes the Latest Ecumenical Document | FSSPX News
Vatican: Archbishop Gänswein Appointed Nuncio to Baltic States | FSSPX News
A Pre-Conclave on WhatsApp? | FSSPX News
Will There Be African Resistance to the October 2024 Synod? (1) | FSSPX News
Will There Be an African Resistance to the October 2024 Synod? (2) | FSSPX News
The Synod on Synodality: The French Episcopate’s Synthesis | FSSPX News
Legislative Elections: The Embarrassment of the French Bishops | FSSPX News
South Africa: Church Worried After an Electoral Earthquake | FSSPX News
The Vatican Activates Extrajudicial Proceedings Against Archbishop Viganò | FSSPX News
Pope Francis: A Curious Statement About the Psalms | FSSPX News
The Angelus - May/June 2024: Sacred Music and Gregorian Chant | District of the USA
Are the SSPX Really Schismatic? (Fr. Gerald Murray) - YouTube
Archbishop Lefebvre and the Society of Saint Pius X with Kennedy Hall - YouTube
I was wrong about the SSPX -- 1988 Consecrations and attending SSPX Masses. Both good. - YouTube
RORATE CÆLI: First Public Acknowledgement of the Consecration of New Bishops for the SSPX - Letter by SSPX France Superior: Get Ready
RORATE CÆLI: First Public Acknowledgement of the Consecration of New Bishops for the SSPX - Letter by SSPX France Superior: Get Ready
RORATE CÆLI: The New SSPX Consecrations
Bishop of Regensburg "Forbids" FSSPX Ordinations –
PiusX: New Announcement –
News Headlines | Catholic Culture
Traditionalist SSPX group distances itself from Viganò and schism comparisons -
SSPX Talks to Begin | America Magazine


Current Events and Interesting Items

Echoes Of The Pandemic

[Tradicat: I expect we'll be hearing about this for some time ... and my position on Covid remains the same - it happened  and mistakes were made on both sides. For example, according to one crackpot - I should be dead by now or have died when I cauhgt a cold after being vaccinated.]
NIH director admits taxpayers funded gain-of-function research in Wuhan — four years after COVID pandemic began
NIH admits to funding gain-of-function research in Wuhan lab | Fox News Video
Fetal Tissue, Stem Cells & Bioethics Archives - Lozier Institute
Children of God for Life | Children of God for Life
Leadership | Children of God for Life
Mortality in Patients Hospitalized for COVID-19 vs Influenza in Fall-Winter 2023-2024 | Coronavirus (COVID-19) | JAMA | JAMA Network
Canada Post wrong to suspend unvaccinated remote workers: arbitrator | National Post
Canada Post’s Suspension of Unvaccinated Remote Workers During Pandemic Was ‘Unreasonable,’ Arbitrator Rules | The Epoch Times
NIH Quietly Altered Definition For Gain-Of-Function Research On Its Website, Former Fauci Aide Confirms | CDN
The Telegraph admits COVID shots may have helped cause over 3 million excess deaths - LifeSite
High excess death rates in the West for 3 years running since start of pandemic | BMJ
Excess mortality across countries in the Western World since the COVID-19 pandemic: ‘Our World in Data’ estimates of January 2020 to December 2022 | BMJ Public Health


Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, hardline ally of Supreme Leader, killed in helicopter crash | Reuters
US confirms first aid trucks arrive via Gaza pier
Bodies of three hostages recovered from Gaza, Israel's army says
Today in History: May 16, Nazis crush Warsaw Ghetto Uprising | AP News
What is Canada’s 2 Intelligence Company? | National Post
Why is There a Gaza Strip? Israel, the Land, and the Covenant — Part I - Catholic Family News
Ukraine: Catholic Priests Have to Go to War –
Ukraine: Zelensky thanks Holy See for its help in the release of two priests - Vatican News


[Tradicat: AI is a new tool and I wonder if it's lifecycle will be similar to nuclear energy.]
'ChatGPT, plan my top-secret mission' - Defense One
Intelligence chief warns Canadians that China can use TikTok to spy on them | CBC News



Hell’s Fury for Harrison Butker - Crisis Magazine
A Female 2024 Graduate Responds to Harrison Butker « Catholic Insight
We've Been Duped Into Trading Womanhood For The Workplace
The ‘Anti-Catholic Memo’ That Wasn’t | Commonweal Magazine
Harrison Butker: In Hot Water or Too Hot to Handle?| National Catholic Register
Polls predict shift right by French Catholics in EU election
Is Homeschooling the Ideal? – Padre Peregrino
Home - Catholic Canada
RORATE CÆLI: Corpus Christi: When the Train Stopped for Christ in the Blessed Sacrament - A Sermon by Fr. Richard Cipolla
Free Musical Scores For Catholic Weddings
Saint René Goupil • Gregorian Chant Propers
Dr. Taylor Marshall "NEW Shroud of Turin Evidence SHOCKS All Catholics!" - YouTube


Catholic News | Catholic Culture
Bishop Strickland: The Vatican is more interested in silencing Viganò than addressing his allegations - LifeSite
PopeWatch: Vigano – The American Catholic
LifeSiteNews launches petition praying for Archbishop Viganò after excommunication - LifeSite
Stephen Kokx on X: "Nothing could more 'unite the clans' than for every Trad who has been accusing Rome of heresy these past 11 years (and who have been telling others to 'resist' its errors) than to stand with @CarloMVigano." / X
Comments on Viganò's Excommunication: "Will He Be Given a Church in Rome to Celebrate Liturgy - like … –
Rorate Caeli on X: "Breaking: Dicastery for Divine Worship forbids the Traditional Mass in the Basilica of Covadonga, the closing Mass for the largest Traditional Catholic pilgrimage in Spain (the “Chartres Pilgrimage” of Spain). It’s just too much hate." / X
RORATE CÆLI: Thousands of Spanish Pilgrims to Be Denied Traditional Latin Mass at the Shrine of Covadonga
RORATE CÆLI: Spiritual Bouquet Participants Share Why They Love the TLM
Rehabilitation trial of Joan of Arc - Wikipedia


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