One of my kids popped her head into my office as asked if she could ask me a question. Of course I said yes.
She sat down and asked:
If a man or woman murdered their current spouse so they could marry another, would that invalidate the following marriage?
Suffice to say that I was speechless for a bit. Thinking she may have broken Daddy's brain she hastily added:
Someone said that it would. I wasn't sure so I wanted to ask you!
Someone said that it would?
The answer is actually clear - even for today.
Canon 1090:
§1. Anyone who with a view to entering marriage with a certain person has brought about the death of that person’s spouse or of one’s own spouse invalidly attempts this marriage.
§2. Those who have brought about the death of a spouse by mutual physical or moral cooperation also invalidly attempt a marriage together.
Nice when things are clear and concise. :-)
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