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A St. Anthony Can Help You Find Anything Story!


Early in my life, my mother instilled a strong devotion to St. Anthony.  

She was always invoking St. Anthony and had a curious way of reacting when she felt St. Anthony wasn't been quick enough in responding to her request.  

She would turn his statue to the wall.

Amongst our family, we suspect that when Mom enters heaven she will spend the first couple of  millennia in a corner.

 Now ... on to the story.

As a child I received some 'hand-me-down' winter mittens (see pic below).

The Mittens

These mittens are, by far, the warmest that I have ever had and I've had these for 40+ years. I live in Canada so I know of what I speak ... in other words, it gets cold here.

One wintry Friday, while I was putting the babies into their car seats, I placed my mittens on the roof of our mini-van. You guessed it, I forgot them there and drove off.

A couple of days later, on Sunday, we returned to the scene of the loss.  I had every confidence in St. Anthony, said a prayer invoking him, and started to retrace the route we took that fateful Friday.  

We had gone about two kilometers when I exclaimed "There it is!".   Somehow I had recognized what appeared to be just another lump of dirty snow, as a mitten. 

My wife claims to this day that all she saw were lumps of snow.  I stopped, put the van in park, slapped on the four-ways, and stepped out on the slushy roadway. 

Seconds later I held up a dirty, slush covered, mitten.  The look on my wife's face was priceless!!!

Then she asked,"well what are you going to do with one mitten?"

I didn't know, but St. Anthony was half-way there!

A week later, I was talking with a fellow parishioner on the stairs of the Church when he mentioned that he had found a really nice mitten on the road by the Church. 

He had it with him ...

It was the missing mitten ...

My wife asked" Who picks up a single mitten on the road and keeps it?"

 All I know is that St. Anthony successfully interceded for me on that wintry day!

Thank you St. Anthony!




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