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Pope F1 (Not exactly as shown) |
I haven't written about Bishop Williamson in a while and the latest "Eleison Comments" seems to be as good as reason as any to revisit the topic.
Short vesion: Bishop Williamson is defending a chimera. The resistance is united only in one thing, that it isn't the SSPX ... at least most of them think that while others (Fr. Pfeiffer and Bishop Williamson) believe themselves to still be members of the SSPX. At least they did shortly after their expulsions. The "resistance" isn't united on doctrine as it includes in its spectrum of beliefs sedevacantism, ecclesia vacantism and heresy (I'm not making this up). Normally I would have assumed that Doctrine would have been an important unifying force ... but alas ... that is not the case.
Now for Bishop Williamson's latest epistle titled: "Resistance Unity"
First his Excellency starts by quoting a "resistor":
For instance a long-standing observer of the “Resistance” scene makes the following pertinent remarks: The main argument of the Superiors of the Newsociety against the “Resistance” is to point out the divisions between Resistant priests. But while various Resistant priests have a variety of vocational gifts, giving rise to a variety of Resistant works (e.g. a Friary, a Seminary, a Monastery, a Priory, a Mission, etc.), there reigns amongst them all a remarkable unity as to the end being pursued – the survival of the Catholic Faith. On the contrary, the Newsociety is a giant with feet of clay, held together only by disciplinary measures, the fear of sanctions and personal interests, but as to the end being pursued it is highly divided: an Agreement with Rome, or not; marriages under official authority, or not; flirting with Conciliar bishops, or not – the Newsociety is cracking in all directions.The 'observer' has put his finger on one key element: The SSPX has discipline! ... Some how he believes this is holding it together? Well yes, I suppose it is in a way as those who prefer their own authority vs the authority of the superior will not be able to abide by discipline. In the 'resistance' there is no authority, just a collection of independents who work in their own little fiefdoms. The goal of pursuing the "survival of the Catholic Faith" is laudable and laughable given the beams in their own eyes.
What I have noticed most about the 'resistance' is their departure from the ultimate truth. In order to justify their actions to their supporters and (I assume) their consciences they make various claims. In these claims not a few have deviated from the ultimate Catholic Truth of Doctrine - including in some cases Dogmas. In other words, they are flirting with heresy, just like Martin Luther et al.
For myself the alignment with Catholic Doctrine has always been the litmus test of the SSPX and the various people that have split off over the decades ... normally when they discover that the SSPX actually believes and adheres to the teachings of the Catholic Church.
But Truth is the purpose of Authority, and not the other way round. “Peter, when you have turned again, strengthen your brethren” (Lk. XXII, 32). In other words, firstly recover your own shaken faith in the Truth, then secondly exercise your Authority over the other Apostles. This is because in a fallen world, the inward Truth needs outward Authority to defend it, but if the outward Authority is no longer defending that inward Truth then it has lost its true reason for being, and it becomes an end in itself, ultimately a tyranny to serve personal positions, as with Paul VI and the Archbishop’s successors.Bishop Williamson's first statement felt wrong, especially this part:
In other words, firstly recover your own shaken faith in the Truth, then secondly exercise your Authority over the other Apostles.A similar theme has emerged in Bishop Williamson's writings a few years ago. From his perspective this quote from the bible means that a person whose faith is shaken cannot exercise authority. Taken to its logical conclusion would be consistent with Bishop Williamson's 2015 statement that the SSPX should not be talking to the 'Conciliar Officials'. Let's make certain we understand who these officials are: Cardinals of the Catholic Church operating under the orders of Pope JP2, B16 and F1 (Pope not race car). I seriously doubt that Bishop Williamson believes that the 'Conciliar Church' under the leadership (bad as it is) of Pope F1 is the Catholic Church. This is another spot where the "Resistance" has abandoned the Truth (art 1, art 2).
Thus however plentiful be the personal miseries of individual Resistants, so long as they are faithful to the Truth, the “Resistance” will outlive the Newsociety, just as the Archbishop’s Society, as long as it was faithful to the Truth, dominated, and will ultimately outlive, the Conciliar Romans. The ultimate problem is not one of persons or Authority, but of doctrines and Truth. Thus when in the early 2000’s the successor of the Archbishop at that time appealed to Authority to solve divisions inside the Society, he was already well down the Conciliar path of preferring Authority to Truth, of preferring will to reason. As a result, the Archbishop’s Society has been turned into a tyranny, and although the tyrant was apparently dismissed from the seat of power by the election of a year ago, really he is back there. Such is our modern world. Reality gives the lie to appearances."... so long as they are faithful tot he Truth, the "Resistance" will outlive the Newsociety [ie SSPX].
Well we know that the "Resistance" has abandoned the Truth of the Doctrine of the Catholic Church and therefore, so long as the SSPX is united to that Doctrine is will be united to the Catholic Church under the Vicar of Christ (presently Pope Francis the First). Therefore it will outlive any and all splinters of the "Resistance" the separates itself from the Doctrine and the Vicar.
When they separated from the doctrine that is when they blinded themselves, that is why the "Resistance" is simply the blind leading the blind.
By Питер Брейгель Старший - Точная репродукция картины 16 века, Public Domain, Link
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