+ JMJ Lex orandi / Lex Credendi As you pray, so you believe. When confronted with the Novus Ordo Missae said in the vernacular, is a child engaged by more than the words? Communication is more than just words, it includes tone, posture, gestures. In the liturgy, it has been said that the New Mass is a: R atzinger on the Liturgical Reformers Creating a ‘Fabrication, Banal Product’ The liturgical reform, in its concrete realization, has distanced itself even more from its origin. The result has not been a reanimation, but devastation. In place of the liturgy, fruit of a continual development, they have placed a fabricated liturgy. They have deserted a vital process of growth and becoming in order to substitute a fabrication. They did not want to continue the development, the organic maturing of something living through the centuries, and they replaced it, in the manner of technical production, by a fabrication, a banal product of the moment. (Ratzinger in Revue Theolog...