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Traditional Catholic Vaccines


These days it is critical that one's TC vaccinations be up to date, and if it has been more than seven years since you were vaccinated it is time for a doctrinal booster shot.

Vaccine #1 Ecclesia Locatus
  1. The Four Marks of the Church (One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic ) must exist somewhere at all times.
  2. One = unity of faith and government. The Pope is the unifying "principle" for both.
  3. Holy = united with her Holy head OLJC
  4. Catholic = universal
  5. Apostolic = governed by the successors of the apostles
If a Catholic understands these truths as the Church understands them, they are inoculated vs most variants of schism, sedevacantism and resistorism.
Vaccine #2 Obediens Veritas

True obedience has a simple decision framework:
1. Is the person issuing the command the superior to the person commanded?
2. Is the command issued within the scope of authority of the superior?
3. Is the action commanded sinless (  immediate or proximate )?

If the answer to all three questions is "yes" then a moral obligation to obey exists and it is sinful to disobey.

The temptation exists to look at the person issuing the command and base the decision of whether or not to obey on one's feelings about that person.  Whether or not one trusts their superior.

This is a liberal approach as it renders the decision subjective.

Blind obedience in the case of #3 being sinful is obviously sinful in itself. So those individuals who believe that simple disobedience to a command of the Pope implies schism, need to stop their hallucination by being inoculated immediately. 

This will cure cases of papalotry as well as other forms of stupidity.
Vaccine #3 Vita Spiritualis
Having a healthy spiritual life is key to keeping a good perspective on what is and about the happen to the Church.  The Pope is warning Bishops about a 'conspiracy' mindset and he is right - in one way. Nothing kills the life of the soul quite like suspician.

However, based on what happend last year, there is good reason to habour concerns of how this particular Synod is going to end.  

So your spiritual life needs supplements to ensure a thriving a robust faith that is the galvanized against the errors of our times. Holy Mass, Communion, Meditation, Spiritual Reading and prayer (ie my favorite is the Rosary) are all essential nutrients to keeping the Faith alive and strong.

Be Strong ... 



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