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This is just too good a diagram to not link.


  1. You probably did not notice but this diagram in one of its points implies that Bible is not infallible.


    1. Hi Hans,

      That would be: "Argument From Scripture: An argument that if one part of a source is true, then the entire source must be true. Does not apply exclusively to holy texts or Biblical Scriptures."

      I had noticed it earlier, but didn't reflect on it for too long. Its seems to be a variant of the part to whole fallacy.

      To make the proper distinctions Scripture (The Bible) is Divinely Inspired, but not 'infallible' in the correct use of the term. There is only one infallible interpreter of the Bible: The Church.

      All the same, the atheistic tone is obvious - thanks for pointing it out!!!


    2. English is not my native language but what I wanted to say is that Bible contains no error.

      There are also some other problematic points in the diagram due to its general animus.


  2. Hi Hans,

    Thanks! Most psychological articles will be tainted. I linked the "Psy of Conspiracy Theories" because of their insights to conspiracy theory,but there are (alas) issues in some of the articles that are anti-religious.


    1. Also, if you find any other errors please post a comment!


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