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Pope Francis - Pope has isolated bronchospasm, noninvasive ventilation started



In the Pontiff's continuing health crisis, this one caught my eye - especially the part about 'non-invasive ventilation.' Which means he needs assistance breathing even though he hasn't been intubated.

 Non-invasive ventilation (NIV) is the use of breathing support administered through a face mask, nasal mask, or a helmet. Air, usually with added oxygen, is given through the mask under positive pressure; generally the amount of pressure is alternated depending on whether someone is breathing in or out. It is termed "non-invasive" because it is delivered with a mask that is tightly fitted to the face or around the head, but without a need for tracheal intubation (a tube through the mouth into the windpipe). Non-invasive ventilation - Wikipedia

However, the bad news is that he had a "bronchospasm", which caused the Pope to vomit and he then aspirated (breathed in) the vomit.

This is what kills people.

Breaking it down ... because I can guess what a bronchospasm is but want to be certain:

 Bronchospasm or a bronchial spasm is a sudden constriction of the muscles in the walls of the bronchioles. It is caused by the release (degranulation) of substances from mast cells or basophils under the influence of anaphylatoxins. It causes difficulty in breathing which ranges from mild to severe. Bronchospasm - Wikipedia

... and aspiration is:

Aspiration means inhaling some kind of foreign object or substance into your airway. Usually, it’s food, saliva, or stomach contents that make their way into your lungs when you swallow, vomit, or experience heartburn. ... Aspiration increases your risk for aspiration pneumonia. This is a condition where pneumonia develops after inhaling non-air substances; such as food, liquid, saliva, or even foreign objects. ... Pneumonia can cause an influx of liquid in your lungs. This and injury from inhalation can result in pulmonary edema, which puts a strain on your lungs.   Aspiration: What Does It Mean? Plus Causes and Prevention

So this is possibly more than a little setback for the Holy Father - as the second part of the statement indicates.

Does this mean that Pope Francis is on death's door?  I'm not a doctor, but I don't think he's that close ... but I wouldn't be surprised if you just took a few more quick steps up the front walkway.

Pray for Pope Francis - he carries the burden of all his good (yes there have been some) and bad (no question here) decisions.


 Pope has isolated bronchospasm, noninvasive ventilation started - Vatican News


 Pope has isolated bronchospasm, noninvasive ventilation started

A Holy See Press Office statement on Friday evening says Pope Francis’ respiratory condition worsened following an isolated bronchospasm. The Pontiff was promptly started on non-invasive mechanical ventilation, to which he is responding.

Vatican News

The Holy Father, this afternoon, after a morning spent alternating between respiratory physiotherapy and prayer in the chapel, experienced an isolated episode of bronchospasm. This caused an episode of vomiting, which led to him inhaling some [aspiration] and a sudden worsening of his respiratory condition.

The Holy Father was promptly subjected to bronchial aspiration (to clear his airways) and was put on non-invasive mechanical ventilation, which improved his oxygen levels.

He has remained alert and aware at all times, cooperating with therapeutic treatments.

The prognosis, therefore, remains guarded.

In the morning, he received the Eucharist.

This statement, provided by the Holy See Press Office on Friday evening, came as the Pope continues to be treated for bilateral pneumonia in Rome’s Gemelli Hospital. He was admitted on Friday, 14 February, following an infection of the respiratory tract.

About 24 to 48 hours will be needed to be able to assess the Pope's clinical condition following the isolated bronchospasm episode.

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