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Skojec, Aliens, Critical Thinking and the Loss of Faith





I have written my thoughts about Steve Skojec previously in The Curious Case of Steve Skojec (link). In that article I compared him to others who have fallen in the fight and, to my mind, for the wrong reasons.

Before he sold 1P5, I noticed his frustrated ranks on twitter/X. It was like there were two people. Anyway one theme that emerged was the appearance of a theme of UAPs being Alien  ... that is ... of extra-terrestrial origin.

My first thought back then was, "I'd love to see incontrovertible evidence."

A Little Background

A little bit of history. Back in the heady days following 911. To be clear I'm not referring to the TV show but the September 11 attacks - Wikipedia

A number of friends and even a priest provided 'evidence' on a DVD that actually got me angry. As my spouse has brought to my attention, I have a strong desire to seek the truth. This results in my attention to details and ... when I was younger ... a maddening compulsion to correct others about elements that were either incorrect. This may be due to my being raised in a household where English was not the first language of either of my parents. 

To carry on, the DVD triggered me as I saw huge gaps, inconsistencies and outright falsehoods in the videos. Not to mention the calm, reassuring voice-over spouting the same fictional accounts to reinforce their interpretation of the video evidence.  Then I noticed how this type of entertainment (I refuse to use the better word to describe this type of garbage thought processes) was lapped up by the masses.

Let me make a statement, I don't like seeing people manipulated by anyone, left, right, center or just plain crazy.

During the Pandemic there was a lot of manipulation from mainstream and alternative media.  I can vouch that when the mainstream media covers something that you've been directly involved in and totally skew the report towards what appears to be their desired narrative - it get's your attention.  Then I saw the side-stream media outlets the same thing.  

From that point forward I basically muted all media and would only pay attention if the implications of what was being reported was backed up by evidence that I could personally research and fact-check. Of key note are the LifeSite News Fact-Checking that I did during the Pandemic (see Fact Check of the LifeSite Article Part 1).

Fact-Checking takes time and in the case of the Pandemic articles, it took over eight hours to review the primary and secondary sources that were cited. In each case, to my disgust, I found that the media outlet was publishing a claim that was not supported by the evidence.  

I was disgusted.

The Egg and Jake

 So when I noticed the claim of telepathic impact from the Egg UAP, that it was focused on the person being interviewed - it resonated with a number of my experiences with the mentally ill. Some of the description sounded like he went through a psychotic episode while flying whatever it was.

The reason why I actually searched out the video was not because of the 'eye-witness' account, it was because of the promise of 'evidence'.  I was not disappointed in any manner. There is evidence and it does not show what they think it shows.



The Evidence

 Not that I want to give NewsNation any additional clicks, but its online and easily findable. For some reason the automated embed code did not work for the interview - so I've provided the link.

The Interview

UFO whistleblower Jake Barber would '100% testify' under oath to Congress | Reality Check

Just The 'Evidence'


Sling Load Comparison Vids

What to look and listen for:
  1. Down wash
  2. Vibration in the sling line
  3. People and things
  4. What 150ft of line looks like
  5. What the line and the backup line look like



Now about the evidence.  Here's the list of critical thinking questions that occurred to me as I watched the evidence video (link below where the sling load starts)


  1. Where is the prop wash from the helicopter blades?  
    1. At 150feet I would still expect some movement in the 'grass' and maybe some debris.
  2. Where are the personnel who will receive the 'Egg'?
    1. This is a recovery of a 'UAP' that is supposed to be 20 feet long. The same length as a GMC Savana SLE. We can see over a hundred feet to the left, right and below in the screen.
    2. There is no one guiding the copter, no markings or flares for where to set it down.
    3. There is no one to receive and secure the 'Egg' when it touched down and began to roll.
    4. There's no leader line dangling beneath the load (i.e. Egg) for ground personnel to guide the load to the ground.
    5. There is a 'side light' but no anti-collision lights on the helicopter - maybe they were just using luminescent marking like on the V22.
  3. What type of sling and line are being used?
    1. When the line goes slack the sling doens't move or slip at all.
    2. The sling isn't very secure on such a small load.
    3. There is no secondary line
    4. There were multiple connection points on the sling but we don't get a good view of the hookup point to the single line of the helicopter line
  4. What are the proportions of the load to the sling, cable to the camera etc
    1. The rate of descent looks too fast to gently place the object on the ground.
    2. The size of the object and its roll seem inconsistent. Meaning the mass of the object is far lighter than its size would indicate.
  5. What type of NV was being used?
    1. There is none of the usual grainy appearance to the video.

Now some analysis:

It feels as if this should be April 1st, because nothing syncs with the clandestine narrative of an UAP recovery.  

In a real recovery there would be someone on the ground to disconnect the helicopter line and secure the load. The team would have known that the load did not have a flat bottom, so they would have been prepared with at least some sandbags to keep it from rolling. 

Then there was the 'aww shit' moment when the load rolled over and the video conveniently cut out. No one ran out to secure it or chase the load as it rolled completely over. 

The fact that the sling stuck to the load like duct tape, well, means it is - Duct Tape that is. Maybe the government has industrial tarp sized Duct Tape to secure smooth egg shaped loads. I mean wow such foresight if that is true.  

Now, if the Duct Tape had been run all the way around the object and then inverted for a second round, the sticky bit would have kept it from rolling. BTW how did they get it under the object in the first place and not sling it better with large netting commonly used.

Also, there's no video of the pickup and flight. 


I may have treated this video far too seriously than it merited, but there are some other there defending it. My conclusion when I first my first glimpse of the video was that it is a fake. 

My final conclusion is that it is fake. In order for it to not be fake we have to suspend our belief in reality on too many aspects.

As far as the testimony of Jake, I can't make an assessment. From my own dealings with Neuro Research there's a lot of physical, chemical and electronic ways to mess with a person's perception of reality. So - let's just say he is sincere - that doesn't mean that he didn't experience some sort of psychotic event.

Barring physical evidence - this is just more wishful thinking.




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