Locus of Control refers to an individual's perception about the underlying main causes of events in his/her life.
In general, it seems to be psychologically healthy to perceive that one has control over those things which one is capable of influencing.
With control comes responsibility.
So this leads to the concept of Divine Providence. God arranges events etc for us to the best advantage. However, He does not take away our free-will to make decisions counter to the His Will.
As mentioned previously, ultimately our decisions are our own, influenced by Grace, but still free.
So the next time you want to blame Pope Francis or someone else, think about what decisions you made, because I doubt Pope Francis made you do it.
We don't have to answer for Pope Francis' mistakes (many though they be), we have to answer for our own. This is what makes the Catholic Religion so perfect, we answer for ourselves and our own sins, not those of others.
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