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The Gullible Theme - Part 4a: Examining the Calgary SSPX School Policy - The Text


We have four key elements as a starting point in the analysis:
  1. The NDP was a lawfully elected government. As such they received authority from God.
  2. Catholic have an obligation to obey the legitimate commands of their superiors - both secular as well as religious. Otherwise society falls into anarchy with everyone wanting to be their own prime minister, or like the protestants all want to be pope.
  3. If an order involved immediate or proximate sin (see this series of articles) then a Catholic is obliged to disregard it.
  4. The NDP passed legislation (ie laws) that required actions on school management in 2015 and then again in 2017 that closed some loopholes.
The goal of the analysis is to determine if in fact the legislation required a sinful act (immediate or proximate).  If it did, then the SSPX should have disregarded the order and, in my opinion, relied on a charter challenge to the act.

Including the title page etc, the policy is 62 pages in length and is divided in 19 separate policies.  I should also note that the version I obtained was amended June 2017.

It is policy #17 the contains the wording that offended the sensibilities of the 'resistance' and Mr. Louie Verrecchio.

However, if we were to follow the example of the 'resistance' we would be passing over 55% of the document, ignoring what could be valuable context.

On page 4, the policy referenced the mission statement and the Alberta School Act as the 'basis for our educational delivery'.  So to round out the context I have included the versions that I found in the AERR document.

Vision: At St. John Bosco, we will actively encourage the growth and development of traditional Catholic values in our students. Participation in, and enjoyment of school life, will prepare our students for responsible involvement in their communities and our society as a whole. We will continue to celebrate feast days for Saints enhancing the learning experiences and opportunities for our students. Our focus is on creating a safe and caring learning environment for all students through refining our discipline policy.

Mission: While providing a sound educational program, St. John Bosco Private School seeks to develop strong character education, based upon the timeless Traditional teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. Our school seeks to develop this character by fostering a profound knowledge and love of the Catholic Faith in its traditional practice. We conform to the Liturgy of the Catholic Church as prescribed in the 1962 missal which is approved by decree of Pope Benedict XVI in 2007.
By these means, St. John Bosco Private School is committed to assisting parents associated with her work in the returning of their children to God and in forming dedicated citizens in the patriotic service of their country.

Profile:St. John Bosco Private School is an independent school affiliated with the Alberta Charitable Society of St. Pius X. The majority of the students come from St. Dennis Parish, however, Catholic and non-Catholic students from the community may apply for enrolment. Students are transported to school by their parents. Traditional Catholic teachings are emphasized and the Alberta Program of Studies is followed.
Just in case someone is upset to find that the school allowed non-Catholic students, this has long been a practice in Catholic schools - well before the trials of the Second Vatican Council and the crisis the emerged from the shadows shortly thereafter.

 Carrying on with our read of the preface we find the following:
It is understood that the Mission Statement and Alberta School Act form the basis for our educational delivery and take precedence over site based policies or current practice. No policy may contravene or contradict either of these documents. In the event that a situation or incident arises that is not within the boundary of the policy then the Rector’s determination shall be final.
For me the first line is very import as it sets the foundation for assessing the rest of the policy - the Mission Statement - which articulates the what the school 'does' and its aims.  This is followed by the Alberta School Act, which is the governing legislation.

The following paragraph notes the curriculum and standard evaluation.  Given that the school is certified, this is of no surprise and no concern given the mission statement.
In matters of curriculum and student evaluation, the Alberta Program of Studies or related Alberta Education documents will be the official guide. Locally developed courses, i.e. Religion, are an exception.
 Carrying on with the review of the policy, the next element of interest surfaced on page 15, under the "Safe and Caring Schools Plan / Policy".
The infinite value of each person in God’s eyes must be reflected in all that we do. This calls for respect in all relationships in a safe and caring environment that preserves and enhances the dignity of the individual and does not deprive others of access to a good education. At St. John Bosco School four avenues have been identified to contribute to the establishment of a safe and caring school environment: moral formation (character development), school discipline, anti-bullying measures, and emergency response and crisis counseling. In our schools, moral formation (character development) is the foundational pro-active means of creating safe and caring schools.
I wonder if the 'resistance' would take issue with the highlighted sentence?  It is a Catholic Truth ... but up to now that hasn't stopped them from casting aside things.
Character Development - The virtues and ethical principles taught and modeled by Christ and elaborated upon in our Catholic tradition, are the ones to be cultivated and promoted in our schools. Specifically that includes the three theological virtues (faith, hope and charity), the four cardinal virtues (justice, prudence, fortitude and temperance) and the Beatitudes. Moral formation and character development strategies should be based on sound research-based principles. These should be incorporated into the culture of the school and promoted through curriculum areas where appropriate.These would include: Religious Studies Program, School Faith Activities, Leadership, training, School-Wide Virtue Education Initiatives.
Reading the above, I would expect nothing less from a Catholic School.

The next element that caught my eye was on page 41 under the section: Student Code of Conduct.
The St. John Bosco Private School Board (the “Board”) recognizes that we are created in the image and likeness of God. As such, all human beings are inherently sacred and must be treated with dignity and respect. All efforts to support the inclusive, safe and caring learning environment within our district must be in accordance with the teachings of the Catholic Church.
Again, I would expect nothing less in a Catholic School
A nurturing, inclusive community is one in which each person is welcome accepted and supported as a Child of God; therefore, any discrimination is unacceptable. Whereas all students and staff have rights as provided for in the Alberta Human Rights Act and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, all students and staff will be provided with an inclusive, welcoming, caring, respectful, safe and Catholic environment that promotes the wellbeing of all and will not be discriminated against as provided for in the Alberta Human Rights Act or the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
Here we more of the legal framework that governs the province (I believe all provinces have similar legislation). Some aspects of this are required to be included in the school policy. Just prior to the mandated "Inclusive Communities" section we find the following:
Nothing in this Student Code of Conduct is to be interpreted so as to limit or be a waiver of the St. John Bosco Private School Board’s rights and powers pursuant the Constitution Act, 1867 and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms to maintain the denominational character of Catholic schools. If any of the provisions in this Student Code of Conduct conflict with St. John Bosco Private School Board’s rights and powers pursuant to the Constitution Act, 1867 and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms to maintain the denominational character of Catholic schools, the St. John Bosco Private School Board’s rights and powers pursuant the Constitution Act, 1867 and the  Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms to maintain the denominational character of Catholic schools will govern. Reference: Section 12, 14, 16, 20, 24, 25, 45, 60, 61, 113 School Act, Occupational Health and Safety Act, Prevention of Youth Tobacco Use Act Smoke-free Places Act SJBPS Policy Handbook: Policy 11 Discipline
This is probably more in reference to the previous section on discipline, but it is interesting how it and an identical statement appear as bookend around the mandated section.

 So, up to this point, the context is that St. John Bosco is a Catholic school and it will foster an "inclusive, safe and caring learning environment within our district must be in accordance with the teachings of the Catholic Church."

The legal note (this reads like it was written by a lawyer) sets the boundary for the provincial law.

The next post will delve into the details of mandated section.



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