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Showing posts from January, 2018

Becoming Traditional Catholic - Part III Seeing Things for What They Are

+ JMJ An aspect of becoming a TCatholic is realizing that some things that you thought were 'Catholic', really aren't. For example, communion in the hand, not kneeling to receive or during consecration. Don't believe me? Here's an EWTN article on the topic: In the Latin Church, however, kneeling is the sign of adoration for Christ who has just become present on the altar. This came about through the dogmatic development of Eucharistic theology in the West. To go back to the earlier practice in the West would be a sign of devolution of doctrine, and in fact, that is the way the devout faithful perceive efforts to change Latin practice, as a counter-sign of faith. For Eastern Catholics this is not a problem, since they have never inculturated the Latin way of expressing adoration. EWTN - Kneeling at the Consecration Then we get to the topic of apparitions (not unique to nTCatholics).  In this regards we have Bayside, Medjugorje and Fr. Gobbi to name a few....

Ou Sont Nous???

+ JMJ What appears to be a resistance article has been posted citing an article written in 2003 by Father Pfluger. I would like to highlight a key point that the author appears to have missed (see quoted paragraph below my sig). A premature accord (canonical regularization) is one that doesn't address the issues / causes of the crisis.  What is the simplest expression of the causes of the crisis?  The mantra . Simply speaking, if the Pope were to issue an order for the SSPX to accept a canonical solution that truly 'accepted us as we are ", then is it not a purely practical agreement. This would be a doctrinal agreement that the SSPX can hold its positions on the Second Vatican Council and the New Mass ... and be canonically regular. That is the key point that the 'resistance' misses in its narrow perspective. If Rome agrees to the 'accept us as we are' proposition, they have made a doctrinal agreement (a huge compromise).  So where are ...

Canadian District Superior's Letter - Feb 2018

+ JMJ It's important to remember that we are part of the Church Militant and that the Legion of Mary and MI are examples! P^3 Courtesy of Febuary 2018 - District Superior's Letter Our Lady working through her children. Dear Friends and Benefactors, February brings back the beautiful feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, and therefore the great mystery of the Immaculate Conception: “I am the Immaculate Conception!” By saying "Immaculate Conception", one says an eternal "enmity", a struggle, a fight as much as between the Immaculate Woman and the cursed serpent as well as between their descendants just as there is enmity between grace and sin. The Apostle said it well: “What union can there be between Christ and Belial, between light and darkness?” (II Cor 6 :15) In reviewing the last two centuries from this angle of the Immaculate, it is clear that Our Lady continues to fight by herself directly and indirectly through her...

Rules for Gregorian Part 2 - MUSICAE SACRAE Pius XII

+ JMJ Further my research into congregational singing, we have Pope Pius XII's instruction of 1955. P^3 Source ENCYCLICAL OF POPE PIUS XII ON SACRED MUSIC TO OUR VENERABLE BRETHREN, THE PATRIARCHS, PRIMATES, ARCHBISHOPS, BISHIOPS, AND OTHER LOCAL ORDINARIES IN PEACE AND COMMUNION WITH THE APOSTOLIC SEE Health and Apostolic Benediction. The subject of sacred music has always been very close to Our heart. Hence it has seemed appropriate to us in this encyclical letter to give an orderly explanation of the topic and also to answer somewhat more completely several questions which have been raised and discussed during the past decades. We are doing so in order that this noble and distinguished art may contribute more every day to greater splendor in the celebration of divine worship and to the more effective nourishment of spiritual life among the faithful. 2. At the same time We have desired to grant what many of you, venerable brethren, have requested in our wis...