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Showing posts from 2013

Nostra Aetate: A Clear Decree? - Louie Verrecchio

One thing that is needed in today's Catholic Church is clarity. However, as long as the majority of the hierarchy is unable to challenge its cultural assumptions concerning the Second Vatican Council and the reforms that were implemented afterwards, a lack of clarity will remain. Mr. Verrecchio's article (below) shows one area where there is a definite lack of clarity since the council. Nostra Aetate: A Clear Decree? Courtesy of Mr. Louie Verrecchio In an  interview  with Catholic News Service on May 17, 2012, Cardinal Kurt Koch, President of the Pontifical Commission for Religious Relations with Jews, said, “The ‘ Nostra Aetate’  declaration of the Second Vatican Council is a clear decree and is important for every Catholic.” We’ll take a closer look at this notion of “clear” in just a moment.

O Schism Where Is Thy Sting? - Mr. Louie Verrecchio

Archbishop Muller has made a statement in a newspaper that in spite of the lifting of the excommunication that the sacramental one remains de facto for the schism: “The canonical excommunication due to the illicit [episcopal] ordination was lifted from the bishops, but the sacramental one remains,  de facto , for the schism; because they have removed themselves away from communion with the Church.” Personally, I find this very puzzling, where was the formal declaration of a schism (I know a number will point to Ecclesia Adflicta, however that is a problem for a number of reasons). Frankly, Pope Benedict XVI (emeritus) stated that the SSPX is an internal matter and there are numerous other statements to demonstrate that the SSPX is not in schism - but a state of canonical irregularity. Perhaps His Grace is simply not being exact in his wording. Mr Verrecchio provides a good assessment of the situation. P^3

SSPX Rosary Crusade - Mundabor Comments

Given Pope Francis' aversion to counting rosaries, I think Mundabor's comments are to the point: From Mundabor's blog: ... please note the following:  1. As Francis invites you not to pray by rote, and ridicules those who count rosaries, it is the more important we react to this devotional barbarism by increasing our efforts not only to pray the Rosary, but to reestablish Tradition.   2. From the site: ... The insertion of the consecration of Russia will certainly be welcome to many of us, and might persuade the one or the other to join this crusade who are not the best fans of the SSPX. 3. ... The aim is 5 million rosaries. Just think: all that rosary counting! This is more than enough to let the heart of a good Catholic rejoice. Keep calm, and count your rosaries. Mundabor

SSPX Rosary Crusade - 2014

Join the Rosary Crusade! Courtesy of A new Rosary Crusade launched by the SSPX The 5-million Rosary Crusade for 2014  announced recently by Bishop Bernard Fellay (SSPX Superior General)  begins on January 1, 2014 and runs until June 8, 2014. The three-fold object of this Rosary Crusade for the good of the entire Catholic Church is: To implore from the Immaculate Heart of Mary a special protection for the traditional apostolate; For the return to Tradition within the Church; For the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary by the consecration of Russia. Bishop Fellay has also suggested additional means in which we can add to the spiritual bouquet of rosaries to accomplish this object: Prayer and penance as asked for at Fatima; Sanctification through the duty of state; Spirit of sacrifice in union with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. In a new video interview , Bishop Fellay speaks of the importance of this Rosary Crusade for the entire ...

Archbishop Muller liturgy reform a success - Commentary by Louie Verrecchio

I think that the words of Archibishop Muller:  'It is precisely, ... an effective remedy against a godless culture', are amazing. From a purely organizational culture point of view, the Novus Ordo simply indicates a major alteration in the fundamental assumptions held by Catholics. Up to the promulgation of the Novus Ordo Missae, it would have been obvious as to what and Who was the focus of the Catholic Religion (God). Now, with all the changes and communion in the hand, it is no longer that obvious. Not to mentioned that a CARA study found that those congregations that were founded on more 'traditional' foundations (living in community, religious habit, following rule, strong identity etc) were growing, while those that lacked the above - were dying. In personal communication with a CARA researcher, I confirmed that the attrition rate of traditional seminaries is about the same with those of the Novus Ordo Liturgy.  However, the influx of generous souls tryi...

Latin Mass Society Chairman Blog: Is the Novus Ordo an authentic expression of the Tradition?

As a follow up to this article. Courtesy of Dr. Joseph Shaw, LMS Chairman

Is the theology of the Vetus Ordo wrong? - Dr. Joseph Shaw, LMS Chairman

This analysis by Dr. Shaw is quite apropos as it gets to the heart of some objections to the Tridentine Mass. Note: I realize that some refer to the 1962 liturgy as Vetus Ordo, ExtraOrdinary Form etc.  Given that the name seems to change (sample =2) with each pontificate, I'm going to stick with Tridentine Mass. Back in the heady days of the promulation of Summorum Pontificum, there was resistance by the hierarchy to its implementation.  I witnessed this resistance in my own diocese.  One priest stated that he couldn't understand why the bishops were so afraid of the Tridentine Mass. One bishop in Canada stated that the reason for his resistance was that the Tridentine Mass represented an outmoded theology. Another went further and stated that it represented the Jewish people in an outmoded theological manner. P^3
The real danger of the blogosphere is that anyone (present company included) can setup a soap box for their own opinion and pass it off a fact. Case in point is the article by Professor Robert George (Mr. Verrecchio's comments below). One element that I would like to highlight is the following: In particular, the SSPX rejects the teachings of “Dignitatis Humanae” (on religious liberty) and “Nostra Aetate” (on the Jewish people and non-Christian religions). First there is an error in the citation.  The SSPX, as I understand it, does not 'reject' Nostra Aetate so much as deems it an ambiguous document that can be interpreted in the light of tradition.  In other words, Nostra Aetate doesn't say what many people think it says. Actually, the word 'reject' is not exactly correct. The theological stance of the SSPX is that there are elements within some of the documents of the Second Vatican Council that logically contradict prior magisterium.  In total there ...

Know the Warning Signs of Traditional Catholicism - A little humour for the end of the year!

This link popped up in one of the blogs that I follow. Wishing my readers a Blessed and Holy Christmas and New Year!!! The Badger Catholic: The warning signs : Catholic Memes

The Thick Edge of the Wedge: LMS Chairman: Ratzinger on the EF-OF Divide: Silence

Dr. Joseph Shaw has presented an article on silence in the Mass.  For a world enraptured with hyper-activism it is good (nay excellent) to recall that silence and external inactivity is an essential component prior to activity. In the work if redemption Our Lord was largely silent and yet He was accomplishing the greatest work. LMS Chairman: Ratzinger on the EF-OF Divide: Silence :

Open Letter to Cardinal Gantin - July 6, 1988

There has been some discussion (read lots) about the term 'Conciliar Church'. I have posted this letter written by the Superior General and District Superiors of the SSPX after the 1988 Consecrations. Of particular interest is that the 'Conciliar Church' being referred to as a system. My paraphrase would be that the SSPX regards the 'conciliar Church' as an error within the Church. Source Open Letter to Cardinal Gantin Prefect of the Congregation for Bishops

Thick Edge of the Wedge - The Tridentine Mass

Dr. Shaw has posted an article briefly outlining some of the differences between the Tridentine and Novus Ordo Rites of the Mass. The way we worship affects the way we believe and has a special bearing in the presence of malevolent external forces. If the rite of the Mass does not support the Catholic cultural identity, including its set of beliefs, assumptions etc, then the external forces will effect a change in the Catholic culture. I think that it is safe to write that the external forces acting upon and within the Church (see FFI ) are not supportive of the faith as embodied in the Tridentine Mass. As noted by Cardinal Ottaviani: The accompanying critical study of the Novus Ordo Missae, the work of a group of theologians, liturgists and pastors of souls, shows quite clearly in spite of its brevity that if we consider the innovations implied or taken for granted which may of course be evaluated in different ways, the Novus Ordo represents, both as a whole and in its detai...

Various Churches - A Rebuttal 2

+ JMJ This talk about the "visible Church" on the part of Dom Gerard and Mr. Madiran is childish. It is incredible that anyone can talk of the "visible Church", meaning the Conciliar Church as opposed to the Catholic Church which we are trying to represent and continue. I am not saying that we are the Catholic Church. I have never said so. No one can reproach me with ever having wished to set myself up as pope. But, we truly represent the Catholic Church such as it was before, because we are continuing what it always did. It is we who have the notes of the visible Church: One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic. That is what makes the visible Church. - Archbishop Lefebvre This excerpt from a talk given by Archbishop Lefebvre was recently put forward as a justification for rejecting the explanations of Fr. Laisney et al that phrase 'Conciliar church' refers to a movement within the Church. While people can sit and debate what is the 'Conciliar church...

The Chastisement of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate (FFI)

The trials of the FFI continues and may provide some insight to what is in store for the other Traditional orders that are regularized. Rorate has more here , and I am struck by the similarity to the intervention that the FSSP experienced in the year 2000 - or there abouts. One item that I found particularly intriguing was the desire to have the Friars et al swear an oath:   "... he wants to impose upon the Friars a “modernistic vow” of faithfulness to the Novus Ordo Missae and to the II Vatican Council ..." The passage in question is found in the linked letter, here is an extract: ... In addition, candidates for Orders who are presently in formation must personally subscribe to a formal acceptance of: the Novus Ordo as an authentic expression of the liturgical tradition of the Church and therefore of Franciscan tradition (without prejudice to the what is permitted by the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum, once the current disciplinary decree of veto, ad hoc and ad...

A Catholic Education - A Treasure Worth Digging For! - Part 2

No sooner did I post the first note on Fisher More and Rorate posts an appeal video from my Alma Mater. I still look back with fond memories on my years in St. Mary's, Kansas.  Although it was early days for the school, it truly is a place to dig a deep foundation for one's life. I know that some seeds planted by the good priests and sisters did not bloom until later in life. Yet, I am eternally grateful that they did have the patience to plant them.

The Hammer that Strikes the Wedge Home Splitting the Wood - The Sacrament of Penance Part 1

As strange as it may seem this is part 1 of the Sacrament of Penance Articles. Between the protestant, non-christian religions and the Catholic Religion there stands another significant difference: the Sacrament of Penance. While the Anglican's believe that confession is merely: "for the unburdening of his conscience, and to receive spiritual consolation and ease of mind from him"  Wikipedia The remainder of the protestant and non-christian religions, if they include 'confession' hold some variation of this belief. What Catholics believe stands in stark contrast: The Sacrament of Penance is that Sacrament by which the sinner, who repents of his sins, acknowledges them sincerely and has the will to render atonement, has his sins, committed after his Baptism, remitted in the absolution pronounced by the priest. The word penance is also used to designate a particular part of the Sacrament of Penance, i.e., the satisfaction. Ott- Fundamentals of Dogma T...

Interview with Bishop Bernard Fellay, Menzingen, November 2013

Bishop Fellay has issued an interview that contains a clarification on his statements concerning Pope Francis. I know that when Bishop Fellay spoke the words 'modernist' and 'Pope Francis' in the same sentence a number of people immediately jumped to the wrong conclusion (on both sides of the divide). The paragraph containing the clarification is reproduced below: I used the word “modernist;”  I think that it was not understood by everybody.  Perhaps I should have said a modernist in his actions.  Once again, he is not a modernist in the absolute, theoretical sense:  a man who develops a whole coherent system;  that coherence does not exist.  There are lines, for example, the evolutionary line, which is precisely connected with action.  When the pope says that he wants a haziness in doctrine, when doubt is introduced, and not just haziness, but doubt, going so far as to say that even the great leaders of the faith, like Moses, allowed room for d...

Letter to Friends and Benefactors #81 and a new Rosary Crusade!

In his latest letter to Friends and Benefactors, Bishop Fellay (SSPX) has called for another crusade. Personally, I have never stopped including the Rosary Crusade intentions in my family prayers! Attached below are the letter and the intentions for the Crusade.  Note the letter provides some insight to the plight of the FFI. P^3 2014 Rosary Crusade January 1 st  until June 8 th  2014 Goal: 5 million Rosaries 1)    To implore from the Immaculate Heart of Mary a special protection for the traditional apostolate; 2)    For the return to Tradition within the Church; 3)    For the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary by the consecration of Russia. Means: 1)    Prayer and penance as asked for at Fatima; 2)    Sanctification through the duty of state; 3)    Spirit of sacrifice in union with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

Cultural Dissonance, and Immune Responses

+ JMJ When two strong cultures clash in an organization, a war will result. Analogically, this is an immune response, a fever if you will, in the parent organization. Which one will win in the end? Ultimately, we have God's word that the Church will not fail. It doesn't mean that She cannot be made ill by the virus of heresy. The situation of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate is, unfortunately, a perfect example of just such an immune response. The following links provide some insight however it suffices to say that the FFI crossed two cultural lines: Implementation of the Tridentine Mass as a norm for the conventual Masses. Beginning to question some of the cultural assumptions regarding the Second Vatican Council. For this, they are called 'crypto-Lefebvrists' and banned from saying the TLM. In my opinion God has protected the SSPX from a dangerous situation.   Link1 Link2 Link3 Link4 Pray that they may be strong ...

A Catholic Education - A Treasure Worth Digging For!

Having benefited from a Traditional Catholic education, I echo the call for support of Fisher More College. Attached below is a copy of Mr. Vernnari's interview with Dr. King, President of Fish More College. (I hope he doesn't mind ...) Dig deep and help them monetarily if you can, spiritually regardless of your financial resources. P^3

Thick Edge of the Wedge - The Tridentine Mass - Part 9 The New Mass and the Priesthood

Following the cultural theme, the changes in the Church not only altered the Catholic sense of identity in the Church at large but also, and more seriously, the hierarchy. Those affected by this loss or alteration of their self identity include the Bishops, Priests, Religious and perhaps even the Sovereign Pontiffs. At the root of this cultural change is the point at which their formation began and one of its primary objects the offering of the True Sacrifice and Worship to God. Many people are seeking to fill the void created by the loss of this role identity. This would include priestesses, and lay ministers of various sorts, for if there lacks a real difference between the priest and congregation.  Logically, it seems, that these groups are asking why can't others take on the neutered role now associated with the priesthood? Even the priests themselves seem to have a self identity more akin to a social worker / counselor than that of an Alter Christus. Nothing can be f...

A Closer Look at Cardinal Rodriguez Maradiagas Speech - By Louie Verrecchio

A little while ago a speech was given by Cardinal Rodriguez Maradiagas, one of the group of eight Cardinals that are advising the Pope on the reform of the Curia (I doubt they will stop there). Because the buzz words and intermingling of orthodox and modernist terms, the speech set off alarm bells throughout the Catholic world of the 'traditional' minds. Given the Cardinal's position close to the Vicar of Christ, at a minimum it is feared that he will influence the Pope to the detriment of the Church.  At the worst, this speed reflects the mind of Pope Francis since the Pope himself has stated that he wanted to have helpers of like mind. Mr. Verrecchio has shared his personal analysis of the speech, which I have combined with the blog posting. I will add one item to Mr. Verrecchio's analysis, something that occurred to me as I reformated the content for blogger. There is only one place in which you will find true worship of God, it is in the Catholic Church.  ...

The Hammer that Strikes the Wedge Home Splitting the Wood - The Sacrament of Penance Part 3 - Instruction and Preparation for Confession

Source Sacraments Confession Instruction and Preparation for Confession   Part 1 - Instruction on the Sacrament of Penance Part 2 - Considerations to excite Contrition Part 3 - Prayers before Confession Part 4 - The Examination of Conscience Part 5 - How to make one's Confession Part 6 - Prayers after Confession  

The Hammer that Strikes the Wedge Home Splitting the Wood - The Sacrament of Penance Part 2 Frequent Confession: A Neglected, Undervalued Treasure

Source Sacraments Confession Frequent Confession: A Neglected, Undervalued Treasure. Pope Pius XII said that the current disuse of the Sacrament of Penance is "contrary to the mind of Christ and very disastrous for the mystical body of the Saviour." All those who have seriously tried frequent confession know how it can help the interior life - sometimes even more than frequent Communion.  Indeed this latter practice can quite easily degenerate into mere routine and illusion. What alienates us from frequent confession is often that we have a "negative" outlook.  We see confession only as a "quick sweep" to clean our souls, a duty which one would willingly forego.  If a St. Francis de Sales and a St. Vincent de Paul confessed every day, it was because they had a more "positive" view. Let us try also to discover some of the wonderful benefits of this neglected Sacrament.  Pope Pius XII in his encyclical "Mystici Corporis" redu...

Cultural Wedges - SSPX Article on the differences between Catholic and Protestant

Further along the theme of cultural differences, here is an SSPX article that highlights some of the areas I've been discussing or hinting at. Courtesy of This popular 1982 article by Fr. Wrighton demonstrates how the "Spirit of Vatican II” is protestantizing Catholics. Foreword "Roman Protestants" has been one of the most popular articles on as it was when originally published in the August 1982 issue of  The Angelus , having "... evoked one of the most positive responses to any feature this year " (as reported in the December 1982 issue). Note that the subheadings were not in the article's original publication. Biography Fr. Basil Wrighton (1900-1988) was an English parish priest and noted contributing author on a variety of topics, particularly (but not limited to) on the subjects of philosphy and theology. A classicist by education (which he taught at Cotton College), he was also versed in about 20 languages...

Various Churches - A Rebuttal

I had earlier posted Fr. Laisney's rebuttal of Bishop Williamson's EC281 'Various Churches' and also discussed it as an example of ' FUD '. I have reproduced below an edited version of replies that I made as part of a discussion that I had on the now defunk Ignis Ardens forum.  While the thread was very long, I have, to date, only been able to locate two parts of my rebuttal / analysis of EC281.

Thick Edge of the Wedge: The Tridentine Mass Part 3

+ JMJ While there are a number of Thick Edge posts already on the blog, I have finally found the time to compose this explanation of the importance of this theme. My theory is that organizational behavior theory (background posts can be found here and here ) is applicable to understand how Catholics within the Church can be brought back to a Catholic worldview.   In essence how to effect a cultural change. As noted by the title of these articles, I have concluded that the Tridentine Mass is the 'Thick Edge of the Wedge' that separates the Catholics from the Protestants.  The reason being that it embodies in word, action and symbolism the core beliefs and assumptions of the Catholic religion.  I further assert that it is only within the pre-conciliar liturgical forms that a person will find the depth of breadth of this teaching in motion.

Thick Edge of the Wedge : The Tridentine Mass Part 8 - Declaration against the New Mass: Fr. Calmel

Courtesy of Declaration against the New Mass: Fr. Calmel November 27, 2013  District of the US Written in 1969, the words of Fr. Calmel for resisting the New Mass — and the consequences of taking such a stance — remain just as true today as then. Declaration of Fr. Calmel, O.P. November 27, 1969 I hold fast to the traditional Mass, the one which was not composed but codified by St. Pius V in the 16th century as a custom many centuries old. I therefore refuse the  Ordo Missæ  of Paul VI . Why?  Because in reality the  Ordo Missæ  does not exist . What does exist is a universal and permanent liturgical Revolution, adopted or intended by the present pope, and which has momentarily donned the mask of the  Ordo Missæ  of April 3, 1969. It is within the right of every priest to refuse to wear the mask of that liturgical Revolution; I consider it my duty as a priest to refuse to celebrate Mass in an equivo...

Thick Edge of the Wedge : The Tridentine Mass Part 7 - Pope Paul’s New Mass: some extracts

Courtesy of Pope Paul’s New Mass: some extracts November 27, 2013  District of the US Pope Paul's New Mass  is one of the most detailed and comprehensive books on the  Novus Ordo Missae , or New Mass, in any language. Masterfully written by traditional apologist, Michael Davies (+2004), this book is part of the 3-volume set that comprises his highly-recommended  Liturgical Revolution Series . We offer below some extracts from each chapter of this excellent study concerning the problems of the modernist Liturgical Reform that begot the New Mass. Extracts from Michael Davies'  Pope Paul's New Mass Preface

Thick Edge of the Wedge : The Tridentine Mass Part 6, The New Mass weakens notion of sacrifice

C ourtesy of The New Mass weakens notion of sacrifice November 28, 2013  District of the US Taken from  The Mass of All Time , a collection of the words of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre concerning the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, we offer some extracts about the defects of the Novus  Ordo Missae . We offer here the first of 3 crucial points of dogma that Archbishop Lefebvre uses to explain some fundamental flaws of the New Mass.

“Where is the New Theology Leading Us?” by Fr. Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.P.

The crisis in the Church has, I believe, its roots in theological error - heresy (first class or otherwise). Quoting  one of the Cardinals who should know  Cardinal Óscar Andrés Rodríguez Maradiaga we read: The Second Vatican Council was the main event in the Church in the 20 th  Century. In principle, it meant an end to the hostilities between the Church and modernism , which was condemned in the First Vatican Council. On the contrary: neither the world is the realm of evil and sin –these are conclusions clearly achieved in Vatican II—nor is the Church the sole refuge of good and virtue. Modernism was, most of the time, a reaction against injustices and abuses that disparaged the dignity and the rights of the person. (Thanks to Rocco Palmo at Whispers in the Loggia  for providing the full text of the speech.) The question that is unanswered is: What a truce declared or victory?  If so, which side 'won'? To help understand the root (modernism, neo-mode...
I have designated communion on the tongue the 'middle of the wedge' between Protestant and Catholic culture. Attached below is a good article on some of the practical aspects of this ancient and venerable practice of the Catholic Church. Courtesy of Communion on the tongue unsanitary? November 22, 2013  District of the US Opponents of Communion on the tongue often assert that this practice is unsanitary compared to in-the-hand - but what is the reality?

Thick Edge of the Wedge : The Tridentine Mass Part 5

Following the theme of the Tridentine Mass being the thick edge of the wedge between the protestant and Catholic culture, Divine Providence seems to have interceded and inspired Fr. Rodriguez. Attached is a short article reaffirming some key points. For more information about Fr. Rodriguez see this article .  As an aside, I understand the Fr. Rodriguez has been a guest at the Our Lady of Guadalupe Benedictine Monastery . Courtesy of the Remnant Newspaper

Thick Edge of the Wedge : The Tridentine Mass Part 2 - SSPX Article: Theology and Spirituality of the Mass

Organizational culture is reinforced by the artifacts of the culture.  From this perspective the Mass is an artifact of the culture in that it embodies the beliefs and assumptions of the Church. Changing the Mass will, following conventional Organizational Culture Theory, change the belief of those in the Culture. Attached is an article from the SSPX that explains some of the beliefs and assumptions embedded within the Tridentine Mass. (NB: When I have an opportunity I will try to reformat it to the 'blogger' interface, fonts etc) Courtesy of:

Thick Edge of the Wedge : The Tridentine Mass Part 4 - 62 Reasons Why In Conscience, We Cannot Attend the New Mass

While the root of the conflict between traditionalists (SSPX, FSSP et al) and ... well the rest of the world is doctrine - as noted earlier - one of the clearest signs of division (both Cultural as well as Spiritual) is the manner in which the traditionalists worship. The following list was compiled by the priest of the diocese of Campos, Brazil, prior to their regularization. I have highlighted in blue some of the more relevant points. P^3 Prayer Penance Patience

DICI - Can one speak of the ‘conciliar Church’?

While the label "conciliar Church" has it uses, it is important to avoid its misuses. One common misuse results in people thinking that Traditionalist are the Church and that all 'modern' Catholics are outside the Church. This logically leads them into a contradiction of the first principle noted in this post . The SSPX has had a number of good articles clarifying the use of the phrase both by Archbishop Lefebvre as well as by the SSPX in general. Reproduced below is a DICI article by Fr. Gleize, another article can be found here  (scroll down to the second article..

Altar Boys vs Others

Came across this posting on  liturgyguy   concerning the admission of girls to serving at the altar. Like communion in the hand, altar girls was born in dissent from Church practice. I sometimes wonder what issue of dissent will next be legitimatized. Anyway, the link contains a good perspective on what could happen. P^3 Prayer Penance Patience

Is Hell Empty?

There is a prevalent opinion that Hell is empty or at least nearly so. Just because we cannot say for certain that a specific person is damned. Talk about optimism. Attached is a link to a SiSiNoNo article on the topic. Of course that the seers of Fatima saw souls falling like snow into Hell is dismissed with the statements "it is private revelation". Rest assured, that Hell is not empty, nor is it full. There is always room for one more - ad infinitem. P^3 Prayer Penance Patience

Baptism - Excerpts from Various Sources

As noted earlier, I am preparing a talk on the EENS dogma and as part of my research found the compendium copied below. It is useful to understand Baptism because it is linked with the baptism of desire and although not exactly applied equally to both the baptized non-Catholics and unbaptized provides some basis for understanding the EENS dogma.

The structure of the encyclical "Humani Generis" by Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.P.

As a traditionalist, it is a basic assumption that Neo Modernism is one of the root causes for the crisis of the Church.  Attached below (courtesy of Dr. Alan Aversa) is a review / analysis of the encyclical Humani Generis that condemned the resurgent Modernism of its time. P^3 Prayer Penance Patience The structure of the encyclical "Humani Generis" by Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.P. Translated from the Italian "La sintesi tomistica, (Brescia, Queriniana, 1953). pp. 541-54" by A. Aversa Cf. Garrigou-Lagrange's "Where is the New Theology Leading Us?" Courtesy of Alan Aversa The primary generator of the errors indicated in the Encyclical. We do not try to do here a simple analysis of this pontifical document of 12 August 1950, to number the damaging tendencies of which he speaks, and also less to cite those which were admitted according to a diverse gradation. We do try to stress the principle error from which all the other...

Thick Edge of the Wedge: The Tridentine Mass - Part 1 - Remnant Article: What Has Happened to the Catholic Mass?

"But wait a moment. They are making a banner out of the Mass of Saint Pius V." Cardinal Seper These words were uttered by Cardinal Seper during Archbishop Lefebvre's audience with Bl. Pope John Paul II on the 21st of December 1978. The greatest visible difference between traditionalists and other Roman Catholics is their attachment to the 1962 liturgy. It is also the greatest visible difference between the traditionalists and the protestants. Looking at the crisis in the Church from an organizational behaviour / culture point of view, I have concluded that the post Second Vatican Council changes within the Church have resulted in an organizational cultural change. From this thesis, I would hold that the Mass, as the central act of worship, is the visible pinnacle of Catholic belief and culture (an artifact in organizational culture terminology) containing, expressing and reinforcing that belief and culture. Given the differences between the pre and post concil...

Lamentabili Sane #8 and Bishop Richard Williamson

"They are free from all blame who treat lightly the condemnations passed by the Sacred Congregation of the Index or by the Roman Congregations." -  LAMENTABILI SANE The above quotation is the 8th modernist thesis condemned in Lamentabili Sane by Pope St. Pius X. As a traditionalist, I obviously believe that the decrees of Lamentabili Sane are as valid today as they were almost a hundred years ago. Before anyone accuses me of contravening this article by my support of the SSPX, I would like to know what condemnation of what congregation is being 'treated lightly' by the SSPX. In this case, I mean what doctrinal position that the SSPX holds has been explicitly condemned by a congregation.


I am preparing to give a talk on the dogma of the necessity of the Church for salvation. One point that I was researching was the background for the following condemned thesis from the Syllabus of Errors : 17. Good hope at least is to be entertained of the eternal salvation of all those who are not at all in the true Church of Christ. -- Encyclical "Quanto conficiamur," Aug. 10, 1863, etc.

The Path

Rorate-Caeli has posted a very sobering quotation from Mediator Dei: "[One] would be straying from the straight path were he to wish the altar restored to its primitive table form; were he to want black excluded as a color for liturgical vestments; were he to forbid the use of sacred images and statues in Church; were he to order the crucifix so designed that the Divine Redeemer's Body shows no trace of his cruel sufferings." Pope Venerable Pius XII, Mediator Dei The picture of the Pope's new ferula says the rest ... source

Auto-Constructed Catacombs

I just saw this on Rorate Caeli. "  The challenge also won’t be met by Catholic traditionalists retreating into auto-constructed catacombs. " -  George Weigel source I have to admit that I have not read the entire article - but ... really do I need to? When I read the words - it struck a chord. What do 'Traditionalists' bring as a solution to the crisis in the Church? Nothing.

The Catholic Life of Virtue

"It only remains, then, for the pastor to exhort the faithful to lead holy lives and practice every virtue, that thus they may be enabled to look forward with confidence to the coming of that great day of the Lord -- nay, as becomes children, even to desire it most fervently." - Cathechism of the Council of Trent (CCT)  I started reading the CCT for study purposes, but have found it is equally a source of spiritual reading.

Archbishop Lefebvre and the Split of 1983

Speaking about principles to use in interpreting Archbishop Lefebvre, this is a conference that I read in 2011 and set me on a path of discovering the principles involved in obedience.

Church and State - Cardinal Ottaviani

I just listened to a conference given by Michael Davies - Vatican II and Christ the King (available from All this evening I've been coming across references to the Social Kingship of Christ - which is linked to the 'Church and State' debate. Here's one worth posting immediately: THE CHURCH AND STATE SOME PRESENT PROBLEMS IN THE LIGHT OF THE TEACHING OF POPE PIUS XII By  Alfredo Cardinal Ottaviani

Remnant Article: Romam vado iterum crucifigi Christopher Ferrara

Christopher Ferrara has published an article in the Remnant and they have thankfully posted it on their website . He gives a good balanced view (a Catholic view) of the words issuing from the Vatican these days. For my part I am working on an article focused on anchoring dogmas, doctrines and principles that will help to prevent people from committing the sin of schism. God bless and keep us all!!!! P^3 Prayer Penance Patience

Declaration on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the episcopal consecrations

There's been a fair amount of chatter about the declaration made by the three remaining SSPX bishops on the 25th anniversary of the consecrations. Some aspects are related to the 6 conditions, which some see as being contrary to the faith . Other aspects relate to the nature of the source of the crisis. The root of the crisis: Is it in only a bad interpretation of the documents or are there items within the documents that contradict prior magisterium.  The SSPX maintains the latter assertion concerning the four points noted here . They hold to these four points with sufficient strength of belief, that Bishop Fellay refused to accept the canonical agreement because it required, in addition to the acceptance of the Novus Ordo Missae, that complete acceptance of the teachings of the Second Vatican Council. I maintain my assertion that this provides proof that the SSPX remains aligned with its founding principles. Attached below is the entire declaration.

Psychology of Conspiracy Theories - An Explanation

Some visitors to this site may look with askance at the psychology blog that I have linked on my site. My reason for adding this blog is to provide a counterpoint to the problematic conspiracy theory reasoning found in some regions of the traditional Catholic sphere. While I believe that one member of the blog is associated with the skeptic association, when it comes to the assumptions underlying conspiracy theorism, such as that espoused by Bishop Williamson, they provide some useful insight.

Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt - FUD

I was first exposed to this concept during a job interview with Digital (rip) Corporation for a technical sales support role. While I did not get the job, I have never forgotten the acronym FUD that was used: FUD is the tactic of instilling fear, uncertainty, and doubt in the minds of potential customers about a competing product when your own product is not competitive. This is very close to the quotation provided in the linked wiki article  and more importantly FUD is basically an " appeal to fear " fallacy.

Pope Francis and the SSPX - Part 2

A little while ago I commented on the statements issued by the SSPX concerning some of the statements made by Pope Francis. Near the end of my post I stated: Regardless of this last possibility, from my arguments with various online personalities that are unsatisfied with the way the SSPX is handling its criticism of the Pope, I do know one thing: The calm and patient approach is what convinces rather than the inflammatory 'conspiracy theory' rhetoric.  Now the SSPX has released a number of english language statements (about a day after the French and German language district websites.

The Catholic Church and the Second Vatican Council - SSPX ASIA

The Catholic Church and the Second Vatican Council Conference given by Fr. Franz Schmidberger, SSPX, in Dublin, Ireland, in January, 1989 Source Dear Reverend Father, my dear friends, I think that the most important part of my conference is already over. The most important part of the conference was the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, which I celebrated with you and which summarises the whole teaching of the Church and demonstrates a hierarchy descending from heaven, giving us all graces because the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass continues the Cross of Our Lord among us.

Everything You Wanted To Know About Infallibility But Were Afraid To Ask: Part 8 May 2008 Print Si Si No No #81 Religious Liberty and the Ordinary Magisterium Fr. Jean-Michel Gleize In a book published in March 2007, Fr. Bernard Lucien 1 devoted six studies to the question of the authority of the Magisterium and its infallibility:

Pope Francis and the SSPX

In all the tumult that has erupted within Church since the election of Pope Francis, one voice has been relatively silent: That of the SSPX. I will admit that I was somewhat surprised by the lack of response (so far) to the Pope's 12,000 word 'interview'. ... or has it been?

One and Two Years after the SSPX Episcopal Consecrations

I was looking for a reference to help in a conversation that I was having. Once I found it (see quote) I decided that I should add the references here to keep them handy. What was I looking for? This: Once again, actions speak louder than words . When we open a seminary or when we create priories, or when we open schools, when the sisters swarm and the convents multiply, that is the only way of forcing Rome to negotiate . It's not a question of my being there, it's a question of the works we do. At Rome, they're well aware that what we're doing is not nothing. The bishops get a little annoyed when we implant ourselves here and there, and so they complain to Rome and Rome knows what's going on.  So I do not think it is opportune to try contacting Rome. I think we must still wait. Wait, unfortunately, for the situation to get still worse on their side. But up till now, they do not want to recognize the fact. This is the response that some may not want to ...