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Showing posts from 2025

A Different American President's Opinion on Afghanistan

 + JMJ I have to admit that President Trump's actions over the past few days have been more than annoying.  Trump as a Soviet Negotiator As I've mentioned, Trump appears to Negotiate like the Russian or Soviets like Herb Cohen described in his book "You can negotiate anything".   All "Soviets" whether for Moscow or from Memphis [Tradicat: ... or New York], use the same six steps in their negotiation dance: Extreme initial positions: They always start with tough demands or ridiculous offers that affect the other side's expectation level. Limited authority. The negotiators themselves have little or no authority to make any concessions. Emotional tactics: They get red faced, raise their voices and act exasperated - horrified that they are being take advantage of. Occasionally they will stalk out of a meeting in a huff. Adversary concessions viewed as weakness. Should you give in and concede them something, they are unlikely to reciprocate. Stingy in their c...

Five Big Numbers

 + JMJ There are five numbers to consider amongst the Canada / US  and World / US trade war. US Revenue: $4.9 Trillion US Deficit: $840 Billion US Debt: $36.22 Trillion US Debt Payment: $392 Billion (16% of US Gov spending) US Debt vs US GDP: 123% So ... what does this mean? Here's a quote from a 2023 paper posted by the Penn Wharton University of Pennsylvania: Summary: PWBM estimates that---even under myopic expectations---financial markets cannot sustain more than the next 20 years of accumulated deficits projected under current U.S. fiscal policy. Forward-looking financial markets are, therefore, effectively betting that future fiscal policy will provide substantial corrective measures ahead of time. If financial markets started to believe otherwise, debt dynamics would “unravel” and become unsustainable much sooner. Key Points The U.S. “public debt outstanding” of $33.2 trillion often cited by media is largely misleading, as it includes $6.8 trillion that the federal gover...

Pope Francis - Pope has isolated bronchospasm, noninvasive ventilation started

 + JMJ In the Pontiff's continuing health crisis, this one caught my eye - especially the part about 'non-invasive ventilation.' Which means he needs assistance breathing even though he hasn't been intubated.  Non-invasive ventilation (NIV) is the use of breathing support administered through a face mask, nasal mask, or a helmet. Air, usually with added oxygen, is given through the mask under positive pressure; generally the amount of pressure is alternated depending on whether someone is breathing in or out. It is termed "non-invasive" because it is delivered with a mask that is tightly fitted to the face or around the head, but without a need for tracheal intubation (a tube through the mouth into the windpipe). Non-invasive ventilation - Wikipedia However, the bad news is that he had a "bronchospasm", which caused the Pope to vomit and he then aspirated (breathed in) the vomit. This is what kills people. Breaking it down ... because I can guess wh...

Remnanat Video: Did You Know

 + JMJ  Something to keep in mind. P^3  

Gone are the days ...

 + JMJ      ... are the days that the Pope was healthy until he was dead. Pope Francis is 88 years old and very very sick. The more reports about pneumonia in both lungs, low platelet counts, crisis, the more it sounds like his body is shutting down.   Pray for him as I would guess he will be gone within three months if not three weeks. Pray for the Church as she needs another Pius X and not another John Paul. Pray for the Faithful Catholics (Trad and non-Trad alike) as this crisis is far from over. P^3 Pope Francis's condition continues to be "critical" after suffering a "prolonged asthma-like respiratory crisis" earlier on Saturday, the Vatican has said. The pontiff is "more unwell than yesterday" and had received blood transfusions, the statement said. The Vatican said the 88-year-old was alert and in his armchair, but required a "high flow" of oxygen and his prognosis "remains guarded". The Pope is being treated for pneumonia in...

Posthaste: Five reasons why Canada would not be better off as the 51st state

 + JMJ I personally take umbrage at Trumps claiming that all of Canada should be one state.  Either it is a negotiation strategy to insult Canadians by lumping the second largest country as one mere 'state' of the United States South of the 49th parallel. A Bank of Nova Scotia VP has fact-checked five of Trump's claims. P^3 Financial Post: Canada would not be better off as the 51st State United States President Donald Trump, while signing another executive order, this time imposing tariffs on steel and aluminum, repeated the idea that Canada would be better off as the 51st state.His statements have many Canadians up in arms, but it’s also given them a new gear to express their national pride.Besides negating tariffs, higher average incomes in the U.S. have been touted as another selling point for erasing the border between the two countries.  But there’s lots more to consider when comparing the neighbour nations, according to Derek Holt, vice-president and head of capital...

What Does Trump Want?

 + JMJ As a Canadian, I wonder about what is behind Trump's actions, what are his goals and objectives? First, there is what appears to be the lashing out at Canadian's and Mexicans with the threats of Tariffs. As a student of negotiation this set off alarm bells. Especially, as this goes against the successor to NAFTA that he signed, it reminds me of Herb Cohen's comment about "Russian" negotiators.  As an aside, Mr. Cohen's book was the first negotiation book that I bought at a book sale for a couple dollars.  That book alone has saved me thousands of dollars. If you are interested, I recommend reading Never Split that Difference by Chris Voss.  It is an excellent modern perspective on negotiation and human relations.   I don't really agree with Bernie Sanders because ... well ... his accusations against Trump could just as easily be levied against the Democrats ( YouTube Link: Bernie Sanders Accuses Trump, Billionaire 'Oligarchs' Of Leading US T...

Trump and Canada

 + JMJ    Something that Americans (i.e. US Citizens) don't realize is that a part of Canadian identity is that we are not Americans. I know that it is strange that something like that should be a key defining point of our identity ... and perhaps that is not all. President Donald Trump has been provoking the Canadian people a lot lately. First Tariffs, then the 51st state claim. Not mention his claims to Panama, Green Land etc. My spidey sense, you know the muscles trying to make the hair stand up on the back of your neck, tells me that this is just a tactic, an extreme position to make a negotiated position seem like a 'win' for the opponents. I do wonder if this is also just smoke and mirrors to hide the really bad financial state of the USA.  You can't spend your way to the top and expect to stay there. My biggest (not only) concern about ever becoming part of the USA is inheriting a portion of their deficit and debt. I have stacked up a couple articles on this t...

News Roundup: February 2025

 + JMJ  As expected the pace of life has picked up after the slight and I mean very slight, lull after Christmas. Against the continual and persevering crisis of the Catholic Church we have the Death of Bishop Williamson. Suffice to say that, like many others, I knew Bishop Williamson. I have met with him privately to discuss some rumours that I'd heard from former seminarians, attended both retreats and Doctrinal Sessions at Winona, and on one occasion even had the privilege of driving him to the airport. I saw the breach coming in 2009 and started praying for him to not do, frankly, something stupid.  Yes, I was thinking about the time that he was banned from Canada for comments on the Holocaust. Then three years later we had his expulsion.  I've written criticizing Bishop Williamson's positions on numerous topics (see  Collection - Resistance and Resistors     ) and while the 'resistance' is now set in its erroneous ways, now is the time to pr...

The Three Principles Supporting the Safety of a State

+ JMJ  A long time ago I worked for a Defence Contractor and during that time I took to reading the magazines and journals available at my workplace. It still keep tabs on military developments by reading public domain sources like Defense News, Defense One and other reports. The following statement made by the Polish DPM and Defence Minister caught my eye: “States are safe when three principles are met: the strength of their societies, the strength of their militaries, and the strength of their alliances,” Polish Deputy Prime Minister and National Defence Minister Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz said, as quoted in a statement released by his ministry. Defense News: German Patriot batteries begin guarding Ukraine aid hub in Poland While I'm not certain if the principles are all encompassing, but they do provide a point to ponder.  Rome's fall, according to popular assessment, coincided with its economic, moral and military decay. Looking at these words, I wonder if there is a hierar...

Skojec, Aliens, Critical Thinking and the Loss of Faith

 + JMJ   Introduction I have written my thoughts about Steve Skojec previously in The Curious Case of Steve Skojec (link) . In that article I compared him to others who have fallen in the fight and, to my mind, for the wrong reasons. Before he sold 1P5, I noticed his frustrated ranks on twitter/X. It was like there were two people. Anyway one theme that emerged was the appearance of a theme of UAPs being Alien  ... that is ... of extra-terrestrial origin. My first thought back then was, "I'd love to see incontrovertible evidence." A Little Background A little bit of history. Back in the heady days following 911. To be clear I'm not referring to the TV show but the September 11 attacks - Wikipedia .  A number of friends and even a priest provided 'evidence' on a DVD that actually got me angry. As my spouse has brought to my attention, I have a strong desire to seek the truth. This results in my attention to details and ... when I was younger ... a maddening com...

Prayer for the Conversion of a Loved One

 + JMJ   Prayer for the Conversion of a Loved One O divine and adorable Savior, Thou who art the way, the truth, and the life, I beseech Thee to have mercy upon N., and bring him [or her] to the knowledge and love of Thy truth. Thou, O Lord, knowest all his (her) darkness, his (her) weakness, and his (her) doubts: have pity upon him (her) , O merciful Savior; let the bright beams of Thy eternal truth shine upon his (her) mind; clear away the cloud of error and prejudice from before his (her) eyes, and may he (she) humbly submit to and embrace with his (her) whole heart the teaching of Thy Church.  Oh, let not the soul for whom I pray be shut out from Thy blessed fold! Unite him (her) to Thyself in the sacraments of Thy love, and grant that, partaking of the blessings of Thy grace in this life, he (she) may come at last to the possession of those eternal rewards which Thou hast promised to all those who believe in Thee and who do Thy will. Hear this my petitio...