Just to be clear, neither Pope Francis, nor any of us will get out of 'this' life alive.
So the question that we need consider is will we leave the world better or worse for our having being born and walked the surface of the Earth. The same Earth that Our Lord Jesus Christ walked.
How are we going to stand in front of a Just Judge when the time for mercy and forgiveness is over.
That's, once we cross the line from life to after-life, our fate is sealed.
It will depend on whether or not we die in a state of grace and the life we have lived.
Gifts that we have been given by God are many, but the Sacraments, particularly those of the spritually dead are essential, especially confession.
Without confession we can't access the other Sacraments!
The Council of Trent solemnly defined that there are seven sacraments of the New Law, truly and properly so called, viz., Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Eucharist, Penance, Extreme Unction, Orders, and Matrimony. https://www.newadvent.org/cathen/13295a.htm
If we can't access valid sacraments, our only hope is a perfect act of contrition.
So, frequent access to the Sacraments is essential to both living a just life and achieving justification.
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