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Showing posts from November, 2022

FSSPX.News: Australia: Law Against Secrecy of Confession Takes Effect

 + JMJ  So - this is an important point in this crisis of the Church - the Seal of Confession is now grounds for prosecution and therefore persecution. All that has to happen is someone to 'fake' a confession and see if it is reported to the authorities. P^3   Courtesy of FSSPX.News Australia: Law Against Secrecy of Confession Takes Effect November 27, 2022 Source:     Western Australian Parliament The law applies to Western Australia, the largest of the Australian states. Entering into force on November 1, 2022, it obliges ministers of religion to report all cases of child abuse, including those for which the information obtained would have been within the framework of the Sacrament of Penance. These changes are part of new laws introduced by the government of Mark McGowan, currently Premier of Western Australia. However, this law was passed ...

Navigating Catholic Life - Part 8: Confusion: Fertile Field for Disagreements and Conflicts

+ JMJ     There is a lot of confusion these days. Things within the Church are lacking order (disordered), difficult to understand (obfuscation reigns), and lack clear distinctions. This is a fertile field for disagreements and conflict. So what is a person to do?     First pray, a strong spiritual life (not a scrupulous one) will of great aid in keeping a broad perspective on the events, actions and words of others.   Second, go to the source documents on what the Church Teaches and try to understand what they contain.    Third, hold judgement in check until you've been able to critically review the event, action and words.  It is highly unlikely that these things that happen in the Church require immediate action. Most require a carefully considered and measured action. Fourth, learn how to argue in a manner that is useful and not inflammatory. Trying to outshout someone else isn't very useful.  I recently watched a debate with Jordan ...

Navigating Catholic Life - Part 7: Start Now, Tomorrow is a Wish, Not a Promise

+ JMJ  A decade ago, in the height of the 'will the SSPX be regularized' discussion, I was called many things by denizens of various forums (Cathinfo, Ignis Ardens and Angel Queen) this included Mezingite and Tragical.  Periodically, I was thanked for being a voice of reason amongst all the screaming of the 'resistors' warning of dire consequences if the SSPX accepted a no-compromise regularization. When that compromise failed to materialize at their magic words, they concocted examples of a compromise within the SSPX ranks.  One resistor even wrote a 'book' of the 101 compromises - including a reference from this blog. That all seemed so important back then.  I'm a decade older and, while not regretting the combat and spiritual fatigue that it engendered, it was a great learning opportunity.  This set the stage for in person argumentation - I got a lot of practice there and had led me to today's thought. Start now, tomorrow is a wish, not a promise. The...

What are the extents and limits of the Commandment to Honour Thy Father and Thy Mother?

+ JMJ Introduction What are the extents and limits of the Commandment to Honour Thy Father and Thy Mother? As children get older and they become adults, there is bound to be a transition in the relationship between themselves and their parents.   While some may experience this earlier in the teenage years, from a moral point of view, the real onset where it matters is when they reach adulthood. Understanding the context and obligations in the two states (emancipated vs unemancipated) is probably going to be an important factor in how smoothly the transition occurs. I’m going to undertake this study using three resources: Catechism of the Council of Trent (aka The Roman Catechism) – ~1562 Translation 1923 based on translations from 1902, 1907 and 1914 Handbook of Moral Theology (Fr. Dominc Prummer OP) – 1955 Moral Theology (Frs. McHugh and Callan) – 1958 Discussion The first question to resolve is what does it mean to Honour someone? To...

What is a Man?

 + JMJ  This seems to be a natural follow-up to "What is a Woman?". However, much of the article could apply equally to Woman such as: Man is not a body plus a soul-which would make of him two individuals; but a body that is what it is (namely, a human body) by reason of its union with the soul. Frankly, I find that the discussion on Woman was more useful for today. I will schedule this for posting, but will update when I find a reference that is more useful in defining 'What is a Man?" from a Catholic perspective. P^3 Source: Catholic Encyclopedia   (Anglo-Saxon man =a person, human being; supposed root man =to think; Ger., Mann , Mensch ). I. THE NATURE OF MAN According to the common definition of the School, Man is a rational animal. This signifies no more than that, in the system of classification and definition shown in the Arbor Porphyriana , man is a substance, corporeal, living, sentient, and rational. It is a logical definition, having reference to a ...

What is a Woman???

 + JMJ  I was recently shown a video titled: "What is a Woman" that went to various people to ask this question. Finally, a woman gave a straight and simple answer: "A woman is an adult female". Some people would be tempted to ask, "What is a female"?  Scientifically, the answer is a female is someone who has two 'X' chromasomes This got me thinking about how some things that seem to simple can be made complex in later times and I wondered if the 1913 Catholic Encyclopedia would have articles on 'Woman' and 'Man'. I think that the article is interesting in its definition of life-task: As an individual woman has the high destiny obligatory upon every human being of acquiring moral perfection. As a member of the human race woman is called in union with man to represent humanity and to develop it on all sides. Beyond this, the article provides some insights to what were the main issues surrounding Women at that time and perhaps some ke...