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Canonical Mission and State of Emergency - A Response to Mr. John Salza - Part B


 I was trying to think of a way to map out the time course I discussed in Part A of this article.  Early this morning it came to me that this is more about obedience and duty than canon law.

 As is my wont, I mapped out my thoughts (see image) to draw linkages between the core concepts.

My conclusion is that, at least subjectively, Archbishop Lefebvre had sufficient information to make good decisions concerning whether or not he was obliged to obey. 

I know that the Jesuits, some Sedevacantists and the priests that left over the years will not agree with my thoughts. So be it. 

The core pieces of information include:

  1. Attacks against the SSPX were launched because they kept the Tridentine Mass and the pre-conciliar understanding of the Truths of the Faith.
  2. The authorities in the Church were willing to go against the laws of the Church.
  3. The same authorities encouraged the various dangers to the Faith embedded in popular interpretations of ambiguous texts of the Council.

So having received an ordinary mission from the Catholic Church, Archbishop Lefebvre elected to not betray that mission.

It really seems to be that simple.



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