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Showing posts from November, 2021

Advent Series Introduction

+ JMJ The season of Advent is a special time set aside by the Church for us to focus on preparing our souls for the coming of Our Lord; His coming at Christmas, but also for us to prepare for His coming at the end of our lives, as well as the end of time   Unfortunately, this time is also filled with holiday preparations and gift giving, and while its not a bad thing to be thinking of others, the focus on shopping and Christmas baking etc can make it difficult to detach from the things of this world. When I was in the convent, Advent was a very special time of year. We lived and breathed the spirit of the Church and we had nothing to distract us from it. As a result we felt rich; full to bursting at Christmastime. Each November, the newest members; the postulants would become a little sad. Perhaps it was their first time they would be away from home for Christmas. They seemed a little skeptical when  they were told that this would be their best Christmas ye...

A Catholic's Duty of State

+ JMJ Yesterday, I mentioned the necessity of performing our duty of state. So from the Catholic Encyclopedia we find that our duties fall into three main categories (Source: Catholic Encyclopedia): To God, the Supreme Master of the universe, our Creator, the All Holy, All Good, we owe honour, service, obedience, and love. Our duties towards ourselves may all be included under one principle: life, the goods of person, mental and physical, have been given to us in trust, with the obligation of using them to obtain our supreme good and end. All our duties towards others are implicitly contained in Christian precept: "Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself". God wills the welfare of all men; hence the obligation of making His will the rule of mine binds me to will their welfare, and to order my conduct towards them with a due respect to the rational nature which they possess, and to the obligations which that nature imposes on them. May we all do our duty before God. P^3 So...

An Open Letter To Confused Traditional Catholics

 + JMJ It seems that the Crisis of the Catholic Church has cast a veil of confusion over all Catholics, as the ones in authority, that they should have been able to trust, have one by one betrayed this trust. Naturally, over 50+ years, this confusion has spread over the world as various individuals and groups vie for the attention of the masses. Anyone who looks at various 'social media' apps will find people electronically screaming through your computer / cell phone / tablet to grab your attention, get a rise out of you, crank up your emotions and then keep them there.   In this age of instant information gratification, it is easy to get lost in the noise. Just like in the image below, you can't see the real signal and those high peaks are just larger bursts of noise that spike up from the 'crowd' once in a while.There's no hidden message in the noise, it's just noise.  There's no way to distinguish the signal from the noise, the important from the uni...

SSPX: Theology and Spirituality of the Mass

 + JMJ  In this time of Trad's in Custody, we need a reminder! P^3   Theology and Spirituality of the Mass Offertory of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass This comparative study shows the profound difference between the traditional Roman Mass and the Novus Ordo Missae . In Article 1 of the motu proprio, Summorum Pontificum , Pope Benedict XVI wrote: The Roman Missal promulgated by Paul VI is to be regarded as the ordinary expression of the law of prayer ( lex orandi ) of the Catholic Church of the Latin Rite. On the other hand, the Roman Missal promulgated by St. Pius V and published again by Blessed John XXIII should be held as the extraordinary expression of the same law of prayer ( lex orandi ), and on account of its venerable and ancient use let it enjoy due honor. These two expressions of the law of prayer ( lex oran...