+ JMJ Raising Catholic adults instead of Worldly Children is a key goal of Catholic Parenthood. While we can leverage our upbringing, in many cases this doesn't seem to be enough. I think we need to move beyond the children's Catechism and explain the reasons why we believe what we believe, delve into the principles, and walk the talk. In other words, demonstrate that the Catholic Faith and knowledge / study is more important that the Sunday Football Game (Grey Cup or SuperBowl). My kids have mentioned that they remember seeing me reading the Spirago Catechism and Catechism of Trent at breakfast. They know that I study the Faith and that I am not afraid of having intense discussions to defend the Faith. Example paired with Teaching is the key to raising law abiding Catholic adults. P^3 Courtesy of FSSPX.news Why is it that we adults find the child’s pioneering spirit charming but the same in the teenager alarming? We think our shift jus...
Seeking A Way Forward: A Lay Catholic Traditionalist's Thoughts and Reflections on ways to help the Church emerge from this crisis of Faith