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Unhinged Catholics ... are they on the right path? How would you know? (Updated 2x with Response to Comments)


(Originally Published Sept 7, 2019, Updated July 30, 2022, Updated August 13, 2022)

 Based on Pope Francis' latest selections for Cardinals, the Church appears to be in deep winter.

Just to be clear, I don't mean a Florida winter, I mean a Canadian winter.  In the last 35+ years as a Trad, I've seen my fair share of Catholics suffering from, and dying of, mental and spiritual hypothermia.

When a Catholic pours themselves into the 'fight', neglects their spiritual life, doesn't deepen their understanding of the Catholic Faith, then there is a good chance that they will become embittered, frustrated, and angry. With their narrowed perspectives they risk being blindsided and smacked in the head with a metaphorical 2x4.

Just look at the headlines on canon212 for some examples.

Here's some others:

"Diabolically Disoriented" Michael Matt Reveals His True Colors as a Pied Piper Leading "Traditionalists" (i.e., real Catholics) Back to the Conciliarist Counterfeit Church of Heretical Doctrine and Evil Practices. Archbishop Lefebvre Explicitly Rejected Pan-traditionalism and the Real Sister Lucy NEVER Wrote about "Diabolical Disorientation."(Dr. Chojnowski, RadTrad Thomist)

Dr. Chojnowski should know better, but here he espousing a deviation from the Catholic Faith.  Unfortunately, the Church under Pope Francis' horrible leadership is the Catholic Church.  To believe otherwise is to take a step towards ceasing to be Catholic because it denies a Doctrine of the Catholic Church: Indefectibility.

Even setting aside his belief that Sister Lucy was replaced by an imposter, this shows that even the well educate are not immune to creeping hypothermia.

Next up: 
This 9 year novena will lead us to the year 2028 which marks 150 years since God took the light of the Papacy away from us and is also the number of Hail Marys in a complete, 15 decade Rosary! Pope Pius IX died on February 7, 1878.  (Ourladysresistance)
Sadly, I've watched the above blogger transition from SSPX, to resistance, to sedevacantist, to ultra-sedevacantist - home aloner. They believe that the last pope was Pius IX. This is simply the sedevacantist theory of personally determining who is a valid pope take to the extreme.  In fact there really isn't any logical basis for stopping at Pius IX because he was originally somewhat liberal in his approach to the papacy - I'm certain there is a sedevacantist out there who has disqualified him on that point alone.

The common theme amongst the sedevacantists is the departure from Catholic Doctrine and Dogma because they can't align Pope's like P6, JP2, B16 and F1 with their personal (subjective) beliefs of the Catholic Church.

This disconnect can be fatal because of the cognitive dissonance effect (see doctrinal dissonance).  One sedevacantist simply couldn't accept the doctrine that the acceptance of a Pope by the Catholic Church establishes a dogmatic fact that he was properly elected - no matter how unworthy.   Others, such as the example above, believe that there hasn't been a validly elected pope for decades, which defies the dogma of the First Vatican Council: 
Therefore, if anyone says that it is not by the institution of Christ the lord himself (that is to say, by divine law) that blessed Peter should have perpetual successors in the primacy over the whole church; or that the Roman pontiff is not the successor of blessed Peter in this primacy: let him be anathema. (Source: Texts of the First Vatican Council -
Of course, a sedevacantist could try to get around this by saying that there's a pope out there somewhere ... but that wouldn't jive with the visibility of the Catholic Church and the Four Marks.  See the following articles:

Tradicat: The Four Marks of the Church of Christ
Tradicat: Marks of the Church - What Are They Good For? Recognizing the Church of Christ!

The next example seems to be a discouraged Trad:
We trads need to stop spinning our wheels thinking there is a human solution to this Crisis.   Michael Matt at the Remnant wants to “unite the clans.”   The clans have not united for decades.  A conference will sell dinners to a few hundred good-willed trads, but there is little reason to think trads are going to unite.   The answer isn’t the Traditional Movement.   ...  It’s also time to stop spinning our wheels to fit in with the group, whether it’s at your parish, work, neighborhood, or a Friday night dinner, based on anything other than good will, shared wisdom and virtue, civility, and charity.  ... The Trad Private Clubs of the Quasi-Religious Elite need to be ignored.  ... To be an authentic and humble traditional Catholic in today’s society and Church comes down to living in the desert.  Coming to terms that you cannot count on the Hierarchy today, including trad clergy, for doing their duty.  You cannot count on trads to be lasting, humble, equitable friends.   You cannot count on your employer or group of secular friends or family for anything really fair, humane, or abiding. ... What we do need to be doing is carrying out or duties of state praying and working, giving on our end that loyalty that would be due to family, friends, or work.  But not to fit in, to be honored by one another for our success.   We should all live quiet little lives like the Holy Family.  Far removed and in silence. (Oki Traditionalist)
This excerpt is is packed with discouragement on so many levels. While it is true we should not seek our happiness in other people, we are not meant to be home-aloners - even if not sedevacantist.  The channels of grace come through the Catholic Church.  Cutting oneself off of that is tantamount to spiritual starvation.

So what's the answer to all of these cold dark thoughts?
  1. Be grateful for what you have (see Tradicat: Gratitude the most necessary virtue).
  2. Seek and foster a deep spiritual life in yourself and all those for whom you are responsible.
  3. Study the Catholic Faith! I heartily recommend Spirago and Clark as well as the Cathechism of Trent.
  4. Pray
  5. Do Penance
  6. Practice Patience
Remember ...

... you aren't being Catholic if you set aside Church Dogmas!



*** Response to Comments July 30, 2022 ***

*** Response to Comments August 13, 2022 ***

 I received and approved a series of anonymous comments (see below).  This is just the type of 'unhinged' behaviour that messes up people.  I don't know if Francis is the "most evil and heretical antipope". Neither I nor 'anonymous' are God and can see all things.  That is the crux is the issue is that the "Anonymous Catholic" (humourous play on a doctrinal error) is not in a position to make those decisions in an authoritative manner.  So while we may not like Pope Francis, as the children of an abusive father would do, we still have an obligation to pray for him and the salvation of his soul. 

  • AnonymousJuly 24, 2022 at 11:13 AM Francis is the most evil and heretical antipope to ever roam the world. He is a complete disgrace and sets a very bad example for Catholics and other people to follow. He does not work for your soul. He makes shady deals with Pfizer and Big Pharma to force as many people as he can, to take the experimental vaccines. The true Catholic and Christian position, is to refuse the vaccines under any circumstances. His monies will perish with him, in the Lake of Fire.
  • Tradicat: Anonymous is mixing religion and conspiracy.  I have been vaccinated and . . . according to various 'experts' (sarcasm), should have died the first time I contracted a different virus (which I have) or 18 months after receiving the vaccine.  The fact is that there is not a major 'culling' of the vaccinated.  Opinion of the comment: Unhinged.
    1. You can check this out if you were honest.

      Tradicat: Thanks for the 'attack'. If you have proof then present it. Also don't send me YouTube links to "experts" etc. Do the heavy work - find specific evidence of your claim and present it here - with exact sources. I have learned my lesson from chasing down other people's rabbit holes.  If you have proof to substantiate you claims - then present it in a logical manner and then we can have a rationale argument. If not ... then ... you just have a belief.

    2. No, Tradicat, you do not know better! If you did, you would see the truth for yourself.

      Tradicat: Sorry dude or dudette, whose truth would I see?  Your's, someone elses or that of the Catholic Church. If you have an argument present the facts not the fluff.

    3. What would Jesus and Mary do, with all the lies and propaganda from the government, Big Pharma and corporations? What did Jesus do to the money changers in His Own day?

      Tradicat: If they did, with malice, then they will be judged.  Will you cast the first stone?

    4. You are blind to Francis'heresies and the damage he has done to the "church" and souls of millions who follow him. 

      Tradicat: Nope, not blind.  Just keeping the doctrine of the Church that he was accepted by the Bishops and moral majority of the Catholic Church this establishes a dogmatic fact that he is, sadly, the Vicar of Christ.  The problem of Pope Francis is something that will be resolved with time.

    5. " By their fruits, you will know them" Stear clear of non and bad Catholics, whoever they are.

      Tradicat: I advise you read the Catechism of the Council of Trent- "The Honor Due To Bishops and Priests"

      The Apostle also teaches that they are entitled to obedience: Obey your prelates, and be subject to them; for they watch as being to render an account of your souls. Nay, more. Christ the Lord commands obedience even to wicked pastors: Upon the chair of Moses have sitten the scribes and Pharisees: all things, therefore, whatsoever they shall say to you, observe and do; but according to their works do ye not, for they say and do not. 

      Of course I expect you to launch into some sort of sede or blind obedience argument, but I'll wait and see.

  • AnonymousJuly 24, 2022 at 11:54 AM God will restore the Catholic Church and the world, in His Own Way and in His own Time. Remember, the ways of men are not the ways of God.
  • Tradicat:Yes, however He requires us to do our part to: A. work for our salvation and that of other. B. Assist according to our capabilities.
  • This is true Tradicat, you are dead wrong. Stop giving people misinformation. Your site is not Catholic!

     Tradicat: Really, so if a bishop comes to me and asks my opinion on what to do about his diocese, I should recommend he wait for a sign from God?  

    I recommend that you look up sins of omission.

    Now I expect you to be scrupulous.

    Tradicat, you take things out of context, to justify your own position and try to make the opposition look bad. It is you, who looks bad and unintelligent. If you set a side Catholic Dogmas and teaching, you are not Catholic!

    Tradicat: As my American friends say: Duh!  I don't set them aside, however in my experience I have found that some Catholics prefer to follow what they believe to be Catholic teaching as opposed to what objectively and demonstratively is Catholic Teaching.

  • AnonymousJuly 24, 2022 at 12:16 PM A true Catholic, would refuse the vaccines under any circumstances. The vaccines are fake and experimental. They do not want to tell you that they were developed with aborted human fetuses and extracts of tortured and experimented animals and other toxic chemicals. There is a 10 year plan of more infectious diseases 2020-2030. This was all planned ahead of time. This all a control scam over the lives of people worldwide. Do not be like the false Vatican ll sect and other dummies. Their monies and control, will perish with them in the Lake of Fire, like the father of lies.
  • Tradicat:  "A true Catholic would refuse the vaccines under any circumstances."  This is totally unhinged.  I have covered the rest of the 'argument' (sarcasm alert) elsewhere.  The Anonymous Catholic is entitled to his or her opinion - even it is wrong.
    1. Tradicat, you can check this statement, if you were honest. The information was from the Big Pharma CEO and others. Vaccines are not "created" from thin air. Gates, Fauci, Trump and others were invested in vaccines before the Covid Hoax started.They laugh all the way to the bank, because they are demon possessed and know what this really is,and what they are doing. This is only the start of more to come. You should know this if your were truly Catholic and had any common sense and could think for yourself and do research.

      Tradicat: Wow don't quite know where to start with this rant.  ... ... ... Two retorts: First the people invested (both good, bad and ugly) does not change the nature of the vaccine.  Second: Read some of these:


    2. I am still waiting for a reply from the CDC and others for documented proof that Covid exists and if it was isolated in a lab. Also, how the vaccines were made and what is actually in it. I have not received a reply from anyone. It is apparently a big money making fraud and a govt psyop. I refuse to take this toxic garbage unto death. The mask wearing is a satanic fraud and blocks oxygen, that many organs need. I have been trying to expose this hoax since all this garbage started. The brainwashing is too strong. It was never about health and safety nor is it effective. It is all about control and increased slavery worldwide. I call it Medical Techno-Terror. They will drag this out, until the next planned scam. 

      Tradicat:  I doubt you would understand the data if they provided it to you.  There's sooooo much messed up in this rant that I just don't think it would help to clarify it for you.  However, if another reader wants me to respond I will do so.

    3. Tradicat, your negative reply to this comment proves that you are of Neo-SSPX influence and are blind and willfully ignorant to the truth of this matter. You are brainwashed. Period ! Do some real research.

      Tradicat: Right back at you Anony. I could just as easily make the same statements about you.  My one response is that I do my own research and it is NOT listening to YouTubers who want clicks, money or to promote their own agenda and 'solution' (read snake oil salesman).  When I come across a credible claim, I look up the scientific paper / study that they cite and then fact check it.  It takes at least 8 precious hours to get the sources, read the papers and tie it all together. So I do heavy lifting when necessary because, I have discovered that many (such as yourself perhaps) are unable to do so.  Fortunately, there are very few credible claims the matter, but for those that blindly listen to various YouTubers etc - I. Have. No. Time. To. Do. FactChecking.  Why?  Because even when I do, they simple jump into another rabbit hole.

  • AnonymousJuly 24, 2022 at 4:45 PM This has nothing to do with personal beliefs. You should know better. Phoney Popes like Francis, are evil, very heretical and are outside the true Catholic Church. No one makes shady deals with the likes of Pfizer, Big Pharma and other Antichrists and evil groups. What a bad example to set. It is not Catholic. Please, do honest research and do not be afraid where it leads. The only group not welcome at the Vatican are Catholics who profess the true Faith.
  • Tradicat:  Yes, I do know better.  I strive to base my reactions to a situation based on the reality of the situation and not simply (sarcasm again) based on what other people would have me believe.
    1. Tradicat, you cannot see the forest thru the trees.You need to do more unbiased research.

      Tradicat: Ha! Read the rest of my blog on these topics and then come back with a real argument. Then we can have a conversation.

    2. No, you do not know better. Please check Catholic teaching, especially before Vatican ll. Also, see how the early Christians lived. There never was such a scandal in the Church, as there is in modern imes. Our Lady at La Salette, said that "Rome will become the seat of the Antichrist..the Church will be in eclipse". The Church in eclipse means that there will be(in now) silent cowards, apostates and heretics and those who reject and refuse to know the truth. See the 1879 version with the Imprimatur and the Holy Office of 1915.

      Tradicat: Dude (or Dudette), do you realise that you have given your own interpretation of what the message of La Salette.  I will give you a hint it starts with "The Church in eclipse means ...".  

    3. Tradicat, you add words to other comments or change them slightly, to justify your own position. You are mistaken and will answer to God!

      Tradicat: A finally, Anony can't present a rationale argument and resorts to name calling, insults and threats.  Fine, I can issue threats as well.  Unless you apologise, I will delete any further comments to this effect.  

      Be rationale, be good or be gone.

Anonymous Catholic is simply being manipulated into mindlessly following another flock of sheep going over the same precipice.


Tradicat, from where did you originally get these comments from? You said you received and approved a series of comments? How? I think you just want to pick on those who disagree with you, to further your opinion. 
Tradicat: I don't really understand this question.  Maybe it is ignorance.  Anyway,  I have moderation turned on because there are all sorts of bots that post weird things.  So I review and approve any and all comments. After this latest batch of anonymous posts, I'm seriously thinking about disable anonymous messaging because of the content of the posts and the inability to discern if they are the same person or not.
Please see Event 201, Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, Bill Gates, the cruel experiments of Dr. Fauci, Klaus Schwab and his World Economic Forum among others.
Tradicat: Sigh.  I said give me the info - not have me run around like a lapdog. If you have a point to make - then make it.  Quote what was said, provide the link,what you think it means and provide a rationale for why you think that way.
Awaiting moderation
3 hours ago
Tradicat, your sources for this, are biased and do not reflect the true nature of the vaccines or the virus. What is your opinion on this, as all listed are pro vaccine and pro virus. Where are those who speak contrary? You need a balanced argument and to present all the facts on both sides. You can not pick and choose only the pro side or propaganda from the mainstream. The burden of proof is on you to present all sides and not to dismiss them, since this is your website, and I am sure you want people to be informed and not just one sided.
Tradicat: Ah - my sources are all cited and are pre-conciliar moral theology texts.  I don't need to introduce the contrary as I am presenting summaries of what was taught pre-council and applied it to the situation.  If you want to present a contrary perspective - then do your homework, bring your A game and then we'll 'talk'.
Awaiting moderation
3 hours ago
You will not get any truth from whoever is behind the site except a brush off or an excuse. He always has something to say, to further his site and agenda.
Tradicat: Cute. Most moderators would simply delete this drivel.
There have been over 40 antipopes in the history of Church, yet Catholics still remained Catholics. There has never been such a scandal or distruction like VATICAN ll and it's leaders.
Tradicat: As one colleague would  say: SO WHAT?  Tell me what you think it means and what you are doing about it.  State your position, and then try to defend it.  
You and false groups like the Neo SSPX, call anyone who disagrees with you, sedevacantist or make fun and ridicule them. You are wrong and work for the wrong people and agendas. You do not want to know that you are wrong and do not want to do any real research! There was a time when the SSPX meant something. Not anymore. They are all sellouts and betrayed the Catholic Faith and Archbishop Lefebvre!

They even want to map your gut and stools. They are already trying to put cameras in your toilet. Also, they want people to eat bugs and insects as protein. The world has been going to hell, or down the toilet for a long time. People let the insane and mentally deranged super rich rule the world.
But he welcomes every other false, non Catholic and non Christian religions, groups and corporations.
Francis does not care about you or your health. He only cares about what he can get out of it. He fools people by his false simplicity and humility. He pretends to be poor, but he is not and makes shady and heretical dealing with various and certain groups and corporations.
Tradicat: So what?
They are for a false spiritual life for their real master Satan and his messed up kingdom of darkness and insanity.
Do not go to Tradicat site for truth. It is only a ship of fools!
Tradicat: ... and I suppose that the OP thinks that they have the truth - or at least their version of it.  Following academic practice, if I use a source, I will cite it in some manner. Otherwise the rest is my opinion.  NB. In cases of Church Teaching I use reliable sources and cite them accordingly.
Do not go to Tradicat website for any truth. You won't get any. Only a mess of confusion and distraction.
Tradicat: Pay not attention the ... sedevacantists / resistor / pseudo traditional Catholic behind the curtain :-)
I think that you are manipulated and going astray. 
Tradicat: Really, please enlighten me.  So far all you have succeeded in doing is proving my point.  There is not one shred of real evidence in your posts - just your opinion and that isn't worth much.
We only have the obligation as Catholics, to pray for Francis' conversion to the true Catholic Faith. But Francis refuses to cooperate with the Grace of God. He changes Catholic teachings and promotes his own heretical teachings and agendas. He insures the loss of souls. The primary mission of the Church is the Salvation of Souls, no ifs, ands or buts ! What about the Deposit of Faith that every Pope should hold?
Do your research and be honest and unbiased.
Tradicat:  Well duh - I guess you haven't read the hundreds of original posts where I do just there . Sheesh. 
Most of the world governments signed a planned treaty as far back as 1992. The world governments are corporations and are in bed with each other. They sign treaties, make laws and rules to control the people. World leaders who oppose it, are killed or replaced. Do your research!
Tradicat: So --- what are you going to do about it?  How are you resolving the situation as it is apparently soooo important to you.  
You turn a blind eye to the butchering of the Catholic Church and the Catholic Faith.
Tradicat: BS.




  1. Francis is the most evil and heretical antipope to ever roam the world. He is a complete disgrace and sets a very bad example for Catholics and other people to follow. He does not work for your soul. He makes shady deals with Pfizer and Big Pharma to force as many people as he can, to take the experimental vaccines. The true Catholic and Christian position, is to refuse the vaccines under any circumstances. His monies will perish with him, in the Lake of Fire.

  2. God will restore the Catholic Church and the world, in His Own Way and in His own Time. Remember, the ways of men are not the ways of God.

  3. A true Catholic, would refuse the vaccines under any circumstances. The vaccines are fake and experimental. They do not want to tell you that they were developed with aborted human fetuses and extracts of tortured and experimented animals and other toxic chemicals. There is a 10 year plan of more infectious diseases 2020-2030. This was all planned ahead of time. This all a control scam over the lives of people worldwide. Do not be like the false Vatican ll sect and other dummies. Their monies and control, will perish with them in the Lake of Fire, like the father of lies.

  4. This has nothing to do with personal beliefs. You should know better. Phoney Popes like Francis, are evil, very heretical and are outside the true Catholic Church. No one makes shady deals with the likes of Pfizer, Big Pharma and other Antichrists and evil groups. What a bad example to set. It is not Catholic. Please, do honest research and do not be afraid where it leads. The only group not welcome at the Vatican are Catholics who profess the true Faith.

  5. Hi Tradicat! I would like to know your perspective on how you think being a balanced traditional Catholic plays into family life, particularly being a good father and a good husband. I find that the best Catholic families are typically ones where there is balance, but finding that is hard. Some fathers are too strict and the children are either unbalanced or easily scandalized when they encounter the world and don't have the proper tools to deal with it. On the other hand, some are too liberal and the children and spouse sometimes end up worldly or give into the world entirely, sometimes leaving the faith.

    You mention the fostering of the spiritual life in yourself and those who you are responsible for. This prioritization of the spiritual life in the role of the father is one of the most beautiful things I have found within Catholicism since converting. Do you have any practical tips that you have found in your experience on cultivating this life and developing a spiritually strong family?


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