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Showing posts from November, 2018

Advent Series Introduction

+ JMJ The season of Advent is a special time set aside by the Church for us to focus on preparing our souls for the coming of Our Lord; His coming at Christmas, but also for us to prepare for His coming at the end of our lives, as well as the end of time   Unfortunately, this time is also filled with holiday preparations and gift giving, and while its not a bad thing to be thinking of others, the focus on shopping and Christmas baking etc can make it difficult to detach from the things of this world. When I was in the convent, Advent was a very special time of year. We lived and breathed the spirit of the Church and we had nothing to distract us from it. As a result we felt rich; full to bursting at Christmastime. Each November, the newest members; the postulants would become a little sad. Perhaps it was their first time they would be away from home for Christmas. They seemed a little skeptical when  they were told that this would be their best Christmas ye...

What is it all about?

+ JMJ  Something priorities to think about: Salvation of your soul, Salvation of the souls of those for whom you are responsible (Wife, and Children), Ever expanding circles of decreasing responsibility such as:  Father, Mother Brothers, Sisters Cousins Friends, employees etc We have responsibilities for other people - depending on the degree of our relationships. The first soul you have to work to save is your own. Miss that one and you're not only missing the boat but the whole UNIVERSE. A couple final thoughts for this evening:  Virtue is more caught than taught. Your kids may not do what you teach them but they will imitate you. Be Catholic ... not as you would like to be but as God wants you to be. P^3

Is the SSPX Schismatic like CMTV would like you to believe???

+ JMJ Updated: The comment received today made it worthwhile to both bump this post as well as to respond to it. I think this is worth repeating for the benefit of Michael Voris et al. Last year I decided to write to Cardinal Mueller for an explicit answer. Here's my letter:

Communiqué on the Meeting between Cardinal Ladaria and Fr. Pagliarani

+ JMJ I suspect that the 'resistance' will be freaking out about this ... but as with the Archbishop, when Rome calls ... they go ... even if just to let them know (again) why they do what they do. Concerning the alleged 'sell-out' I have this to say: I should update the meme ... with 2017, 18 etc. The 'resistors' should stop and think a little: We are in the 18th year of the latest sell-out frenzy. So we're still waiting. Try and reconcile the 'resistance' positions with the Catholic Faith. If it doesn't objectively sync up - admit that you're wrong and take appropriate action. I have also attached some commentary from CFN. P^3 Courtesy of Courtesy of Catholic Family News Communiqué on the Meeting between Cardinal Ladaria and Fr. Pagliarani November 24, 2018 By Eucharistic Crusade The Palace of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith i...

Communion in the Hand by Laity ... without a priest (seriously)

+ JMJ It is humorous that they encourage the laity to 'participate' by distributing communion (which is bad in an of itself) without a priest. Well if a priest was doing what he's supposed to be doing - then there wouldn't be any 'Eucharistic Ministers'. P^3 Courtesy of The End of Communion Services without a Priest in California August 17, 2018 Laity are being instructed not to distribute the Holy Eucharist without a priest The bishop of Santa Rosa, CA, has ordered an immediate end to religious services in which the Holy Eucharist is distributed to the faithful without a priest present, declaring that this practice “is not consistent with the Instructions from the Holy See.” “It has become common in a number of Parishes and Institutions in the Diocese of Santa Rosa for Deacons and Laity to hold Communion Services in the Absence of a Priest on both Sundays and weekdays,” wrote Bishop Vasa in a sta...

The Remnant: Archbishop Lefebvre Speaks

+ JMJ Archbishop Lefebvre was not the only one who foresaw the crisis that the would erupt from the principles underpinning the high-jacked Second Vatican Council. He was the one who stayed out front and centre of the conflict ... and did something that would have lasting effect on the whole Catholic Church - SSPX. P^3 Courtesy of Remnant Newspaper Editor's Intro: Last year, The Remnant Newspaper celebrated its 50th anniversary in the Catholic press apostolate. This means that ever since 1967—just two years after the close of the Second Vatican Council and two years before the promulg­ation of Pope Paul’s New Mass—The Remnant has been going to press every two weeks, chronicling both the history of the Modernist revolution in the Catholic Church as well as the grassroots Catholic counterrevolution that followed, i.e., the traditional Catholic movement. It can be said without exaggeration, then, that The Remnant is the newspaper of record for the post-conci...

The Story of Archbishop Lefebvre’s Resignation

+ JMJ Something to keep in mind. Modernists don't like Catholics. P^3 When he was received into the Académie Française on December 15, 2005, the anthropologist and philosopher René Girard delivered a eulogy to his predecessor, the Dominican Ambroise-Marie Carré. In one short sentence, he described “all that the post-conciliar chaos was dilapidating – the sense of what sin is, unconditional commitment, love for Catholic dogma, scorn for idle controversies” (René Girard and Michel Serres, Le Tragique et la Piété). He also mentioned the “experimental activities” that much of the clergy enthusiastically put into practice, “at the time when all the ambitious were capitalizing the wo...

Catholic Wisdom on 'Birth Control'

+ JMJ Modern social norms exert an enormous pressure on today's Catholics.  It is sad to say that this pressure is not to abide by Catholic principles, but to act against them, in short: To Sin. One sustained pressure point is the procreation of children. Fortunately, the teaching of the Catholic Church has established clear principles in this regard. Contraception in all forms (onanism, condonism, vaginal irrigation, spermatocide, etc) is gravely sinful. With regards to the use of the Ryhthm or Natural Family Planning (NFP) method: Serious motives, (medical, eugenic, economic and social), are needed. To make use of the marital act continuously and without serious reason to attempt to avoid procreation would be a sin against the very meaning of conjugal life.  I have attached below some references and text for further study. P^3 References: https://www.catholiccul...

The Infallibility of the Ordinary and Extraordinary Magisterium - Siscoe - The Remnant

+ JMJ This is a timely article on infallibility as it appears that the faith of many Catholics is being tested by the cumulative effects of post-conciliar papacies. P^3 Courtesy of The Remnant The Infallibility of the Ordinary and Extraordinary Magisterium Written by  Robert J. Siscoe One of the more dangerous errors facing well-meaning Catholics today is extending infallibility beyond the limits taught by the Church.  While this error of excess may not have posed a problem for Catholics in the past, it certainly does today.  In fact, a brief perusal through the comments section of a Catholic blog shows that this error is one of the single greatest dangers for faithful Catholics today, due to the consequences that follow from it.  For in the current crisis of the Church and the Papacy, when confused and scandalized Catholics are searching for answers, an error of excess concerning the infallibility of the Pope (o...